Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bible Study - Amazing Love - God Loves to Welcome Us Home - Hosea 14 - February 27, 2011

Bible Study – Amazing Love – God Loves to Welcome Us Home – February 27, 2011

This is the final lesson in our series “God’s Outrageous Love.”
Our scripture is Hosea 14:1-9.

This has been an interesting journey through some of the Book of Hosea. GOD used the Prophet Hosea and his marriage to Gomer to demonstrate HIS unfailing love for Israel. Hosea represents GOD and Gomer, his wife, represents Israel/the Israelites.

Gomer was as unfaithful as a wife could be to her covenant marriage and covenant love for Hosea. Yet, Hosea continued to let her return to him and love her. She prospered for a time. Then she lost all her wealth and ended up a slave to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. GOD instructed Hosea to bid for her and redeem her from the terrible life that faced her as a slave. Hosea allowed her to return as his wife but with specific instructions on how she was to act. GOD’S desire was for the Israelites to see in Hosea and Gomer’s relationship how they had treated HIM and how HE had rescued them, loved them and would take them back. GOD wanted them to recognize and acknowledge their sin, repent and return to HIM before HE had to punish them. But they didn’t. Their country was destroyed and they were led captive to foreign lands.

GOD wanted the rebellious, idol worshipping Israelites to know how much HE loved them. We know that GOD chose to love them and to deliver them out of slavery and bondage in Egypt. HE led them by a pillar of fire at night and covered them with a cloud by day. HE parted the Sea and they crossed on dry land to escape the pursuing Egyptians. HE fed them and provided water for them as they traveled.

Their lack of faith prevented them from entering the Promised Land which resulted in them wandering in the wilderness for forty (40) years. GOD provided food and water for them during this time. After forty (40) years GOD led them into the Promised Land. They prospered in the Promised Land but they strayed and mixed idol worship with the worship of GOD. The pagan god Baal was a false god of fertility. The Israelites thought they had to worship Baal for them to be successful because supposedly Baal provided bountiful harvest, caused herds to multiply, caused women to be fertile and conceive children. GOD was exasperated with them because HE had taken care of them, protected them and provided for them. Yet, they ignored HIM. They failed to see HIM as the true GOD and the power of the universe WHO loved them beyond understanding.

GOD had a choice. Did HE annihilate them or punish them in hopes of getting their attention. HE chose the latter hoping they would choose to return to HIM and love HIM with the same love that HE had for them. Plus, GOD had made a covenant with Abraham regarding his off-spring.

GOD gave a promise to King Solomon regarding what the Israelites needed to do when they returned to HIM. This was when Solomon dedicated the temple to HIM. It is recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (KJV)

GOD gave specific instructions what HIS people needed to do to return to HIM – Humble themselves – pray – seek HIS face – turn (repent) from their evil ways. When they do these things GOD promised to – Hear them – Forgive them – Heal them Spiritually and physically.

America it is time that we take Spiritual inventory. How do we measure up? Do we love GOD, honor HIM, worship HIM, exalt HIM and praise HIM? Are we proud to call ourselves Christian and uphold Christian values? Are we a Christian nation?

GOD’S desire was to welcome the Israelites back home and HIS desire is to welcome us back as well. But for that to happen, the Israelites had to repent of their sins. What were their sins? Worshipping idols as recorded in Hosea 13:2:

- 2 Now they continue to sin and make themselves a cast image, idols skillfully made from their silver, all of them the work of craftsmen. People say about them, “Let the men who sacrifice[1] kiss the calves.”

Recorded in Hosea 4:1-2:

1 Hear the word of the LORD, people of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land! 2 Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.

Some may say, “This was for that time.” GOD’S values and expectations for HIS people do not change. Do we worship idols today – position, money, sex, drugs, houses, cars, jewelry, clothes, shoes, famous people, entertainers, sports stars, pets and the list goes on. Anything that comes between us and GOD is an idol. Praying to people who man has made saints. Shrines are set up to pray to a certain saint and even to Mary the Mother of JESUS. GOD is the provider not the dead person who may be in heaven. I know many of my Catholic friends will not like what I have written but it is truth. Pray to GOD directly. That is one of reasons CHRIST died upon the cross was to open the way for all who believe in HIM can have direct access to GOD. Christians no longer have to go through a priest. Check this out in the Book of Hebrews.

GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We, of all people, are truly blessed more than all people. We have GOD’S word, the Bible. We have the Promised Messiah, CHRIST, WHO fulfilled HIS passion that those who believe in HIM are set free from the bondage and slavery of sin. We know CHRIST by evidence of the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT and the love that HE has for the world by giving HIS life for all who would believe in HIM as their SAVIOR. We are more accountable and thus we are walking a dangerous path by ignoring our walk with the CHRIST as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. We live under grace but that does not excuse us from taking a stand for Christian values and responding to a call for repentance as a nation, as the HOLY SPIRIT leads us.

Let’s read Hosea 14:1-3: A Plea to Repent

1 Israel, return to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled in your sin. 2 Take words [of repentance]* with you and return to the LORD. Say to Him: “Forgive all [our]* sin and accept what is good, so that we may repay You with praise[1] from our[2] lips.[3]3 Assyria will not save us, we will not ride on horses, and we will no longer proclaim: Our gods! to the work of our hands. For the fatherless receives compassion in You.”

GOD’S plea was for Israel to repent “for all of their sins” and return to HIM. They had “stumbled” in their sin. We all sin but when we do, we recognize it, confess it and ask GOD to forgive us. They had fallen into sin and did not recognize sin as sin and thought they were walking like GOD wanted them to walk. They had been blinded by their sin. GOD wanted them to recognize what had led them away from HIM, rebuke that lifestyle and return to HIM. The sins they had committed were stated in the introductory part of this lesson. They were to repent.

Repentance is more than mouthing words, “GOD I am sorry.” Repentance must come from a heart that has been broken because of the sin. Mouthing insincere words will not fool GOD because HE knows our hearts.

In verse 2, it says, “To take words of repentance with you.” When you are truly sorry for what you have done, as you go before GOD in confession, you pour out your heart to HIM. It is like going to a person after a bitter altercation and after you cool off you realize that you were wrong and in your anger you hurt him/her. You need to go back to that person and ask for forgiveness. You would rehearse what you would say and try to express your deepest sorrow for the wrong you had done to him/her. It is the same with GOD. GOD loved the Israelites and HE loves you. It is not HIS nature to treat you wrong. HE looks out for you as a tender loving FATHER. But also, as a tender loving FATHER, HE has to allow punishment to come into our lives in an effort to get us back into fellowship with HIM. Why? It is because HE knows that HE has our best interest in mind and HE can protect us in the circle of grace when we are back in favor with HIM.

When the Israelites or Christians remove themselves from HIS circle of grace, due to sin, they also come out of HIS circle of protection. They open themselves up to the ravages of sin and all the heartache it brings. But always remember, GOD loves HIS people and welcomes them home the moment they repent.

When the Israelites repented and returned to GOD, they would realize that it was not by military might or their alliances with powerful nations that resulted in their protection, safety and care. It was the power and protection of GOD that kept them safe and from harm’s way. It was GOD that helped them produce bounty and helped them to prosper physically and Spiritually.

The Israelites would recognize that it was GOD WHO is all powerful and not their handmade idols. Idols depended upon the people to give them power. When GOD’S people repented they would see that they depend upon HIM. The sin of self sufficiency blinds people to the provisions and power of GOD. The Israelites needed to see that they had taken matters into their own hands and out of GOD’S hands when they:
- Tried to trust Assyria for their protection.
- Trusted in their military might.
- Trusted in the gods they had made with their own hands.

The Israelites were Fatherless because they had turned their backs on GOD. But GOD has compassion for the Fatherless. The Israelites had to recognize that they were Fatherless because of their choice and repent. When they did, HE would show them compassion, which is mercy.

Israel needed to return to GOD for the veil of Spiritual blindness to be lifted and for HIM to help them. The vital point is that GOD was ready, willing and able to restore them regardless of how deep they had gone into sin and stumbled from HIM. The same is true for Christians today. This is true for the vilest person who has never asked CHRIST to forgive him/her for his/her sins. CHRIST died for all. If this is your situation, why not confess your sins and ask CHRIST to forgive you and restore you or save you. Please, do it now because time is wasting and you are missing the joy of HIS relationship.

Let’s read Hosea 14:4-7: A Promise of Restoration

4 I will heal their apostasy; I will freely love them, for My anger will have turned from him. 5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like the lily and take root like [the cedars of]* Lebanon. 6 His new branches will spread, and his splendor will be like the olive tree, his fragrance, like [the forest of]* Lebanon. 7 The people will return and live beneath his shade. They will grow grain and blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.

GOD promised the Israelites when they repented the things that HE would do: (As we study these points see how they relate to Christians.)

- HE would heal their apostasy. Apostasy is waywardness, backsliding, disloyalty. It comes from the same root word as turned. The Israelites had turned from the worship of GOD to the worship idols. They needed to see what they had done in order for healing to happen and turn back.

- When they saw what they had done and acknowledged it, HE would restore their relationship which they had with HIM.

- HE could freely love them and they could respond to HIS love and Spiritual healing would be the result. Sin is a barrier to fellowship with GOD. Healing can be physical, as well as, Spiritual.

- When they repent their relationship would be restored. Their new found relationship would refresh them and help them to grow Spiritually like the dew refreshes the ground. The dew provided nourishment for the earth to produce blossoms, which in turn produced sweet fragrances. The dew also provided much needed water for the roots of trees to grow deep and the tree to be well rooted and withstand the elements. The dew mentioned here means grace. Christians live under GOD’S grace because of the passion of CHRIST.

- GOD would provide the necessary Spiritual nourishment for them to grow and mature in HIM. As a result, their new found relationship would be reflected by their Spiritual growth (New branches) and the sweet fragrance released like the cedars of Lebanon.

- Others would see and be positively influenced by their renewed relationship with GOD they too would repent, return and live under the blessings (shade) GOD provides.

- Israel would be witnesses to other nations as to the love, care and power of GOD, the true GOD of the Israelites.

GOD’S grace is overwhelming and Christians experience it every day. HIS grace is a free gift for HIS children. Christians are not perfect and never will be as long as they are walking in these flesh earth suits. But HIS grace is sufficient to get Christians through each day through the righteousness of CHRIST. Walk in the light of HIS presence and experience the joy of HIS salvation.

Let’s read Hosea 14:8-9:

8 Ephraim, why should I[4] have anything more to do with idols? It is I who answer and watch over him. I am like a flourishing pine tree; your fruit comes from Me. 9 Let whoever is wise understand these things, and whoever is insightful recognize them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

Verses 8-9 are a summary of the message GOD for the Israelites through Hosea.

Ephraim was the largest of the ten (10) tribes that made up the Northern Kingdom. The worship of idols was one of the main issues GOD had against Israel. In HIS summary, HE addressed the day that Israel would come to their senses; they would see their sin of idol worship and turn from them. There is controversy over who “I” refers to in verse 1. Is it GOD or Israel? I think it is Israel. When “I” is used in the rest of these verses, “I” refers to GOD.

Verse 8 – “It is I, GOD and not Baal, who answer and watch over him (Israel). I, GOD and not Baal, am like a flourishing pine tree; your fruit comes from ME and not Baal.” Idols are nothing and the only power they have is the power the people give them. The people depend upon the power and protection of GOD but for that to happen they must have the right relationship with HIM. GOD answers the prayers of HIS people who are in right relationship with HIM. GOD always hears a sinner’s prayer when he or she asks HIM to save them – this is the Christian and non-Christian.

HE refers to the flourishing pine tree. The pine tree was a symbol of divinity, kingship and fertility to the Israelites. GOD and not Baal was the ONE WHO gave increase and produced the fruit. I must be quick to add that material prosperity is not the main point. It is Spiritual prosperity that is everlasting and sustains. Material wealth may come and is a gift from GOD but material wealth is not the main objective of GOD. HE gives to whom HE chooses the gift or gifts to be used as HE directs.

Verse 9 is a beautiful summary. GOD has issued the invitation and asked all who hear HIS message to repent. Their response would reveal whether or not they were wise and insightful – discerning – prudent or not. The wise would understand, comprehend, realize and recognize the truth in HIS message that was given through Hosea. The wise would acknowledge HIM as the true GOD and would return to HIM. The repentant wise will choose to walk in the ways of the LORD. However, the rebellious will stumble when they try to walk in the ways of the LORD.

Walking with the LORD is all about relationship. It is impossible to walk in HIS ways without the relationship. Rebellious Christians cannot walk in HIS ways because of sin. Sin blocks the relationship and fellowship with GOD. First John 1:9 is scripture all Christians should memorize:

9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say, “We have not sinned,” we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

The message to all people is that, “GOD loves you, chose you and allowed HIS ONLY SON to come to earth to die for your sins. All who acknowledge this by asking CHRIST to forgive them for their sins and to come into their lives will experience the miracle of rebirth in their spirit. This is salvation from the consequences of sin, which is death. Those born-again receive eternal life, become a child of GOD and are indwelled by the HOLY SPIRIT. Their citizenship is in heaven but remain upon earth to obediently serve GOD as directed by the HOLY SPIRIT.

GOD loves to welcome us home regardless of what we have done. The shed blood of CHRIST washes all of sin away and makes all who believe in HIM whiter than snow. The choice is yours to make. Do it today by confessing your sins and asking HIM to take your life just as it is and making you into the person HE knows you can be, when you obediently follow HIM.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bible Study - Amazing Love - God Loves Like a "Grand" Father - Hosea 11 - February 20, 2011

Bible Study – Amazing Love – God Loves Like a “Grand” Father – February 20, 2011

This is lesson three (3) in our series “God’s Outrageous Love.”
Our scripture is Hosea 11:1-11.

Did you know that GOD chose you? Ephesians 1:4 - 4 for He chose[3] us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight.[4] In love[5] - Why did GOD choose us? It is because HE loved us. HE called us to belong to HIM.

Want to guess who else HE chose? HE chose Israel. The Israelites did not choose HIM. GOD chose the Israelites when they were in slavery in Egypt. But being chosen does not mean GOD will override our will to choose. HE makes it clear who HE is and leaves it up to the individual to respond to HIM without coercion but out of love, respect, awe, thankfulness and appreciation.

As we study our scripture, notice how GOD considered Himself the parent or FATHER of Israel.

Let’s read Hosea 11:1-2
The LORD’s Love for Israel
1 When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son.[1]2 [The more]* they[2] called them,[3][the more]* they[4] departed from Me.[5]They kept sacrificing to the • Baals (Baalim is plural for Baals) and burning offerings to idols.

GOD considered Israel HIS child. GOD begins to speak of HIS Father-love for Israel. HE chose Israel, they did not choose HIM. HE chose them because HE loved them. GOD chose them and made them HIS children by adoption. HE loved them and in turn HIS desire was for them to love HIM in return. GOD wanted the Israelites to know of the intimate relationship HE desired for them to have with HIM.

GOD made the relationship between HIM and HIS children more personal and intimate when HE allowed HIS only SON JESUS to willingly come to earth, leave HIS glory in heaven and live as a human from birth to adulthood. He was tempted in all ways as humans are tempted, yet without sin. HE gave HIS life upon the cross for the sins of mankind. HE was buried and GOD resurrected HIM from the dead and revealed Himself to over 500 people after HIS resurrection. HE then ascended into heaven and sit at HIS right hand of GOD HIS FATHER and asked the FATHER to send the HOLY SPIRIT to indwell all who would accept CHRIST as his/her SAVIOR. The HOLY SPIRIT indwells the new believer to assurance, empower, teacher, guide and comfort him/her. CHRIST is a Christian’s advocate. HE intercedes for all who accept HIM as his/her SAVIOR because Satan stands before GOD and accuses GOD’S children of everything they do wrong. CHRIST is there with GOD telling Satan that so and so is covered by the Blood of the Lamb so bug off. CHRIST changed the dynamic from adoption to being “Born” into GOD’S family. Those in the Old Testament were looking forward to the coming of the Messiah and HIS passion upon the cross, whereas we are looking back to the Cross. CHRIST’S passion made it possible for all who believe in HIM to be made righteous and experience the miracle of rebirth.

GOD considers every human HIS child until they totally reject HIM. HE has chosen for Himself the responsibility to present the need for salvation to the eyes of every person’s heart. Every person has the right to accept or reject HIM. As a loving FATHER, HE takes it upon Himself to deal with each person to get him/her to come to HIM and love HIM as HE loves him/her. Our part is to obediently present the Good News of Salvation, as HE leads and directs us. But it is HIS job to bring about Salvation. HE works where only HE can work and that is in the hearts of individuals.

So do not become discouraged if you have presented the plan of Salvation or witnessed to someone and he/she did not respond. You planted the seed which GOD will use to open the “eyes of his/her heart” for him/her to see the need for salvation. But the choice is his or hers to make. GOD will send some to water, dig around, fertilize, prune or nurture. It is GOD’S desire for no person who has ever lived or will ever live to be lost. GOD is calling someone to give his or her life to CHRIST at this moment. Do not delay and ask HIM to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life now. Experience the love that GOD has for you and live for HIM. Remember you were not made for time but you were made for eternity.

In this scripture we see that GOD called the Israelites when they were in Egypt. But the more HE called them, the more they rejected HIM. They could not accept GOD who loved and led them. Instead, they worshipped pagan gods – Baals and offered sacrifices to idols. Somehow the Israelites got it into their minds that by combining the worship of GOD and pagan gods they would have access to more power, strength and protection. WRONG!!!

GOD must have been shaking HIS head in disbelief that supposedly intelligent people would place their faith in mute stone or wooden images and offer sacrifices to these pagan symbols. Did false gods ever speak to them or lead them? No! Yet, they foolishly placed their trust in the false gods and to some extent GOD. They were straddling the fence. Do we do the same today? Many Christians do when they read their horoscopes, go to fortune tellers and are held hostage by all sorts of superstitions. GOD is a Christian’s power, strength and protection. Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world. Do not be mislead or straddle the fence.

Let’s read Hosea 11:3-4:
3 It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them[6] in My arms, but they never knew that I healed them.[7]4 I led them with human cords, with ropes of kindness. To them I was like one who eases the yoke from their jaws;[8]I bent down to give them food.

GOD continued to ponder the rejection of the Israelites after HE had taught them to walk, led them out of Egypt performed many miracles as they traveled, led them into the Promised Land and coddled them in HIS mighty arms. They did not recognize that it was HE WHO healed them and led them by using human cords and ropes of kindness. When man conquers and captures his enemy, he leads those captured away in physical cords and ropes. They did not acknowledge that HE eased their burden of slavery and sustained them with food. HE was involved in their lives as the GOD of love and not as the GOD of wrath.

This scripture portrays GOD as a nurturer. Just as any loving parent loves, coddles, encourages, trains and nurtures his/her child. GOD’S love and care does no exclude tough love and accountability. GOD’S desire is keep HIS children out of harm’s way.

The sad thing was that the Israelites never knew that it was GOD who cared for them and healed them. HE led them with human cords and ropes of kindness. Their capturers led them with cords and ropes into captivity and exile. HE led them out of captivity and exile into HIS presence because of HIS love for them. HE eased their burden so they could be fed by HIM just as a loving and caring farmer tenderly cares for his animals. GOD is GOD. My prayer is that all who read this lesson will walk away with a clear understanding of GOD’S love for you.

Let’s read Hosea 11:5-11:
5 Israel will not return to the land of Egypt and Assyria will be his king, because they refused to repent. 6 A sword will whirl through his cities; it will destroy and devour the bars of his gates,[9]because of their schemes. 7 My people are bent on turning from Me. Though they call to Him on high, He will not exalt them at all. 8 How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I surrender you, Israel? How can I make you like Admah (AD muh)? How can I treat you like Zeboiim (zih BOY im)?[10]I have had a change of heart; My compassion is stirred! 9 I will not vent the full fury of My anger; I will not turn back to destroy Ephraim. For I am God and not man, the Holy One among you; I will not come in rage.[11]10 They will follow the LORD; He will roar like a lion. When He roars, His children will come trembling from the west. 11 They will be roused like birds from Egypt and like doves from the land of Assyria. Then I will settle them in their homes. [This is]* the LORD’s declaration.

Egypt and Assyria were two (2) great rival world powers. The Israelites were divided over which power they would support. Some of the Israelites supported Egypt as an ally. GOD confirmed that the Israelites would not return to Egypt. Others wanted to throw their allegiance to the Assyrians. In fact, King Menahem of Israel had given an Assyrian king 75,000 pounds of silver in hopes of making Israel more secure. Not long after Hosea’s ministry, 722 BC Israel fell to Assyria just as GOD said because they refused to repent.

As a result, Israel experienced the wrath of GOD – Swords in their cities – Israel will be destroyed – Israel’s gates will be destroyed which renders them helpless because of their schemes – Israel was determined to turn from HIM – Yet the people of Israel called upon HIM to lift them up. Did GOD cause this or allow it? HE allowed it and controlled the results. Only eternity will reveal what GOD has protected us from by NOT allowing punishment to come our way because we repented and asked HIM to forgive us. Do not turn your back on the prompting of the LORD to confess your sins and repent, which means to stop sinning and turn to HIM. HE forgives, forgets and restores when our confession and repenting is from the heart.

It is interesting that GOD stated that the Israelites would not return to Egypt. GOD had to deliver them from Egyptian bondage and slavery. HE took it upon Himself to deliver them from Egypt the first time. HE knew they would be captured by Assyria and taken into exile but they would have to make the decision to return to Israel. HE would not do it for them.

Life is often this way. GOD has delivered many us from various bondages. When we are disobedient and return to a sinful lifestyle, HE says, “I AM here waiting but you must make the decision to return to ME.”

We get to see the anguish GOD goes through in determining the fate of Israel. Justice had to prevail. GOD referenced Ephraim, which generally referred to the Northern Kingdom but here it referred to the entire nation of Israel. HE did not want to destroy Israel but HE had brought judgment upon the cities of Admah (AD muh) and Zeboiim (zih BOY im), therefore, HE could not let the Israelites off scot-free. These two (2) cities were destroyed when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Israel fell in 722 BC (Southern Kingdom) and Judah fell in 587 BC and its survivors went into exile for 70 years. After exile the Israelites chose to return to Israel, rebuild Jerusalem and rekindle their faith in GOD. After the Jews returned to Israel, some of the more devout Jews began looking for the Promised Messiah.

GOD considered destroying Israel but HE had a change of heart and chose not to release HIS full fury upon Israel. HE chose to spare Israel. HE changed HIS mind because of HIS compassion for Israel. GOD was revealing HIS heart as HE pondered how best to deal with HIS children. Yet, justice had to prevail. This called for tough love.

Verse 9b is so revealing – “For I am God and not man, the Holy One among you; I will not come in rage.” GOD is GOD and HE acts like GOD. HE does not act like man. GOD was very upset with the way the Israelites had treated HIM. They acted like an unrepentant, in HIS face, rebellious, do and worship as I please child. Would GOD treat them as they had treated HIM? GOD would show them and the rest of the world down through the ages HIS nature in dealing with the Israelites and disobedient Christians. GOD is GOD and HE does not react as man. As Christians, HIS desire is for us, through the renewing of our minds, to act like HE would and not as the flesh reacts. GOD had the choice of annihilating Israel or allowing them to reap the consequences of their sins and then deliver them. HE chose the latter. Why? Because HE loved them and had compassion on them.

Why did GOD choose Israel? HE chose them because HE loved them. Let’s read Deuteronomy 7:7-11:

7 “The LORD was devoted to you and chose you, not because you were more numerous than all peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. 8 But because the LORD loved you and kept the oath He swore to your fathers, He brought you out with a strong hand and redeemed you from the place of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh King of Egypt. (Remember what GOD has done for you and delivered you.) 9 Know that • Yahweh your God is God, the faithful God who keeps His gracious covenant loyalty for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commands. 10 But He directly pays back[3] and destroys those who hate Him.[4] He will not hesitate to directly pay back[5] the one who hates Him. 11 So keep the command—the statutes and ordinances—that I am giving you to follow today.

GOD loves all true Christians but HE expects them to be obedient to HIM. GOD had the power to destroy the Israelites but HE chose not to destroy them. HE chose them because HE loved them and had promised Abraham that HE would make HIS descendants into a great nation. Consider this, of all the nations in Bible times, which nation has survived and is a nation today? It is Israel. It is still small but powerful country.

It all began because Abram (Abraham) was faithful and obediently followed GOD. He was not perfect. GOD still has a plan for Israel then and now. Today, Christians are HIS chosen people because they acknowledge JESUS as the Promised Messiah and their SAVIOR. Most Jews have rejected CHRIST as the Promised Messiah. But there will be a time when they will acknowledge HIM as their Promised Messiah and ask HIM to forgive them for their sins and come into their lives. Then they will become GOD’S chosen again. I quickly add that there are many Messianic Jews today who acknowledge CHRIST as their Messiah. There is a day coming when most Jews will acknowledge CHRIST as their SAVIOR and LORD.

Notice the hope that GOD has for Israel in verses 10 and 11. HIS foreknowledge allows HIM to know the end result. HE knows that they will come back to HIM after a time of being in exile for the consequences of their sins. GOD never gives up on an individual. If you have been disobedient to GOD and think HE has abandoned you, forget it. HE waits right where you left HIM. Repent and return to HIM right now. Why? It is because HE chose you, loves you and sent HIS ONLY SON, JESUS, to die for you.

Today is the day of salvation for the non-Christian to accept CHRIST as his/her SAVIOR or the wayward Christian to return to CHRIST.

I want us to consider verses 6, 7 and 8 in light of our lives. Christians and non-Christians alike are surrounded by an enemy, Satan. He makes sure we are tempted with the things that will appeal to us. When we compromise and step into an area of sin the enemy knows we are vulnerable, he breaks down the gates that guard our minds. When that happens, the enemy comes into our lives and carries us off into captivity and exile – various addictions and grievous sins.

This can happen to Christians who compromise their relationship with CHRIST. For the non-Christian he/she never had a relationship CHRIST. In either case CHRIST is the deliverer. They both need to repent of their wrong doings. Repenting is turning from evil and turning to CHRIST. Repenting is not a flippant gesture but a recognition of the wrong and turning to CHRIST for salvation and forgiveness for the non-Christian or forgiveness and restoration for the Christian. Repentance is heartfelt sorrow for abandoning or turning one’s back on GOD.

Nations are made up of individuals and collectively they make up a country or nation. Thus, so goes the individuals so goes the nation or country. Folk’s it is time for Christians to stop being chameleons and conforming to the world but it is time for Christians to take a stand. It is for the survival of America. America was founded upon Christian principles and honoring the true GOD. Yes, our forefathers wanted the citizens of this new nation to be able to worship in freedom and not at the direction of the government. This allowed for the various Christian denominations. If we were to go to a country or nation that worships a certain deity, then we would expect them to worship that deity. In America we worship CHRIST. HE is our choice as a nation. Therefore, Christians must not shrink from taking a stand and having the right to pray in the name of JESUS at any event appropriate for prayer.

Because of our religious freedom, other religions can worship in America without fear of harassment. But the minority must not dictate to the majority.

America is on a very slippery slope. Now is the time for Christians to take a stand. GOD did not spare Israel and HE will not spare America.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bible Study - Amazing Love - God Loves for His People to be Loyal to Him - Hosea 6 and 7 - February 13, 2011

Bible Study – Amazing Love – God Loves for His People to be Loyal to Him – February 13, 2011

This is lesson two (2) in our series, “God’s Outrageous Love.”
Our scripture is Hosea 6:1-7:2.
I think it is difficult for many of us to really comprehend the love that GOD has for us. GOD used a graphic example in an effort to relate to HIS people then and to us today HIS loyalty and covenant love. The Prophet Hosea represented GOD and his wife, Gomer, represented the Jewish people (Wayward Christians). This story represents many Christians today. GOD wants all people to know the depth and the extent of HIS love toward HIS people. But only those who have a relationship with HIM through CHRIST can even begin to comprehend HIS covenant love (Everlasting). A person can be unfaithful to GOD, yet if he or she repents, GOD is waiting with open arms to welcome him/her back into HIS arms and fellowship with HIM. Our lesson today is about repentance and GOD’S steadfast love for HIS children.

The Israelites had known GOD and then rejected HIM by worshipping false gods and becoming involved in evil practices. They had known the truth at one time.

In essence, GOD was saying to the Israelites through the Prophet Hosea then and to Christians today, “Do you want to know what covenant love looks like? Then consider the unfailing, steadfast love that Hosea had for Gomer.

Loyalty is a powerful word. As used in our scripture it comes from the Hebrew word “hesed.” The basic meaning is “covenant loyalty” or “covenant love.” The Hebrew word “hesed” is used in reference to GOD or humans. Covenant love or covenant loyalty is not exclusive only for GOD but they apply to all who are in relationship with HIM. They apply equally to HIS children and to HIM. HIS desire is for our covenant love to be as strong as HIS covenant love. GOD always honors HIS covenant relationship with us but Christians do not hold the same mind set when it comes for them to be consistently loyal to HIM. The word “hesed” has two main components – love and faithfulness. Both are essential to have loyalty. This is true of marriage and having the right relationship with GOD. Marriage is a covenant relationship where loyalty is essential. So is our covenant relationship with CHRIST. GOD expects loyalty.

Repentance is more than confessing our sins and splashing ourselves with Holy Water (No offense meant to my Christian Catholic friends). Repentance is all about the heart. Are we genuinely sorry for what we have done? Let’s explore!!!

Let’s read Hosea 6:1-3:
A Call to Repentance
1 Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn [us]* , and He will heal us; He has wounded [us]* , and He will bind up our wounds. 2 He will revive us after two days, and on the third day He will raise us up so we can live in His presence.[1]3 Let us strive to know the LORD. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land.

In chapter 4 and 5 of Hosea, GOD had charged the people with committing such sins as cursing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery. GOD allowed them to be torn, like a lion tears his prey to devour it and to be wounded, as judgment. HE allowed for this to happen to them, so they would repent. Repenting is turning from evil and turning to GOD to be obedient to HIM. If they repented and turned back to HIM, HE would restore their relationship and fellowship with them.

Hosea 4:1-2:
God’s Case against Israel
1 Hear the word of the LORD, people of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land! 2 Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.

GOD, in essence, had a lawsuit against the Israelites. They would soon learn that HE is the judge, the jury and the ONE to allow the necessary punishment.

Back to our scripture, to me verses 2 and 3 are so beautiful when you relate them to the promised Messiah. But let me be quick to add that this scripture was not prophesied regarding the promised Messiah. It relates to the shortness of time. If the people repented and turned to GOD, then in short order, GOD would restore fellowship with them. It is like if you don’t straighten out you are going into timeout; except their timeout would be in exile and their kingdom would be destroyed.

When you read verses 2 and 3 in the light of our knowledge of CHRIST now, do you see the attributes of the promised Messiah? JESUS gave up HIS earthly life on the cross, was buried and the third day, GOD raised HIM from the dead. Our hope and deliverance from sin and death is the result of CHRIST’S passion and our acceptance of HIM as SAVIOR. These folks to whom Hosea was speaking did not have the gospel story as we do today. This was prophesying of hope to come provided the Jewish people would repent, turn from their wicked ways and look to GOD. The same is true today. CHRIST is the only hope for all who suffer in sin and are exiled from GOD – Christian or non-Christian alike.

Hosea was speaking to the Jews who at one time knew GOD and worshipped HIM but they had gone their own way and drifted away from HIM. They were worshipping false gods and participating in sexual practices as a form of worship. Often, Christians have wallowed in sin so long they think GOD would never have them back as HIS children. WRONG!!! Do you remember the story JESUS told about the prodigal son? Satan wants you to believe that there is no hope for you. It is Satan’s lie. Don’t believe it. If you do, then you are the loser. As a Christian you will never lose your salvation but you will not be the obedient servant that GOD wants you to be and you will not earn the heavenly rewards HE has planned for you. Eternity is a long time. Why not be all you can be in obedient service to GOD.

GOD challenged the Israelites then and Christians today to strive to know HIM. This is not to have an intellectual knowledge about HIM. It is HIS desire for HIS children to have experiential/heart knowledge which comes from obediently serving HIM. It is yielding your will to HIM and allowing HIM to help you build an intimate, loving relationship with HIM. It is building such a relationship with HIM that you can trust HIM and have confidence in HIM, regardless of the surrounding circumstances.

Through Hosea, GOD promised the disobedient Israelites if they repented, HE would restore. In the same way, HE will come into your heart and life if you repent of your sins and ask HIM to forgive you and to come into your life. Just as sure as the dawn comes each day and the rain brings forth flowers, those who seek HIM will find HIM and their lives will blossom to HIS Glory.

This, to me, expresses the love of GOD for HIS people – Christian or Jew. When we come to HIM, HE will raise us up so we can live in HIS presence. Christians have the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT WHO confirms GOD’S love for those who believe in CHRIST as their SAVIOR. Our part is to strive to know HIM by yielding our will to HIM and ask HIM, through the HOLY SPIRIT, to lead and guide our life. Then to study the Bible, pray and obediently serve HIM as HE leads you.

Let’s read Hosea 6:4-6:
The LORD’s First Lament
4 What am I going to do with you, Ephraim? What am I going to do with you, Judah? Your loyalty is like the morning mist and like the early dew that vanishes. 5 This is why I have used the prophets to cut them down;[2]I have killed them with the words of My mouth. My judgment strikes like lightning.[3]6 For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than • burnt offerings.[4]

Ephraim was Joseph’s younger son. He was adopted by his grandfather Jacob. He was given a large portion of the Promised Land. Thus by Hosea’s day, Ephraim was a major tribe in the northern kingdom. The reference to Ephraim was meant to include both Israel and Judah.

GOD was speaking to all of HIS people, the Israelites. It was much like a parent speaking to a disobedient child, which they were. “What am I going to do with you?” GOD does not like to punish. HE urges HIS people to do the right thing, repent and come back to HIM before HE has to take action.

We in America do not think we will face the judgment of GOD. We need to take a long hard look at how Christians have compromised their values in the past years and today. GOD requires loyalty. GOD doesn’t like Christians who are fickle like the morning mist or dew. No devotion. Their loyalty vanishes quickly like the morning mist or dew. The sun rises and burns off the morning mist or dew. When things get tough, their relationship with GOD dries up. Then they wonder why they are in the desert. They turned their backs on GOD. GOD never turns HIS back on them.

We see in verse 5 that GOD can arrange punishment in order to get the attention of HIS people. When HE strikes it is like lightening. It is sure, effective, and visible and often makes a loud noise.

Verse 6 is very clear. GOD desires loyalty rather than sacrifice. HE desires for HIS people to seek the knowledge of GOD rather than going through the ritual of offering burnt offerings. GOD does not want people going through the motions of worship. HIS desire is for them to obediently follow HIM because they love HIM and have a genuine desire to know HIM through experience. HE does not want show or a superficial display of worship. HE wants our hearts to be pure before HIM and be open for HIM to teach us.

Do you go through the motions of worship? Then you have a Spiritual problem. If you do not know what the problem is, then ask GOD to reveal it to you.

Let’s read Hosea 6:7-7:2:
7 But they, like Adam,[5] have violated the covenant; there they have betrayed Me. 8 Gilead is a city of evildoers, tracked with bloody footprints. 9 Like robbers who wait in ambush for someone, a band of priests murders on the road to Shechem. They commit atrocities. 10 I have seen something horrible in the house of Israel: Ephraim’s promiscuity is there; Israel is defiled. 11 A harvest is also appointed for you, Judah.

GOD highlighted the following cities and the atrocities committed in them and HE remembered their sins:

Adam – violated the covenant. This could be the city of Adam or the Adam who we know as the man GOD made in Genesis. Certainly Adam, the man, violated the covenant with GOD. The Israelites also violate d the covenant with GOD.

Gilead – city of evildoers – bloody footprints. In Hosea’s day Gilead was a city of great sin and bloodshed.

Shechem – robbers ambush – priests murder. In Shechem the priests did not speak against and condemn those who were robbing others thus they were guilty of the sin of omission. Their silence was, in essence, support for their wrong doings. Did they remain silent because the robbers were generous givers to the local temple? Do Christians remain silent today because of the generosity or power of those committing acts against fellow humans? This scripture says that the priests themselves were robbing. That could have been physical as well as Spiritual robbery. When those who represent GOD go bad and do not speak truth from GOD, the country is indeed in deep trouble.

GOD saw something horrible in the house of Israel. It was likely Ephraim’s promiscuity. The people of Israel were adulterers by worshipping false gods and engaging in sexual activities offered through the pagan worship of Baal.

As GOD remembered the sins of the people of the cities mentioned and Adam, HE will not forget the sins of Israel, unless they repent. GOD had to allow HIS ONLY SON, JESUS, to come to earth, live and die to pay for Adam’s sin, which we inherited. There will be payday some day. In fact, pay day came when Israel was destroyed and about 100 years later Judah was destroyed.

America cannot continue in their evil ways and escape the punishment of GOD.

Hosea 7:1-2:
When I[6] return My people from captivity,** 1 when I heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim and the crimes of Samaria will be exposed. For they practice fraud; a thief breaks in; a gang pillages outside. 2 But they never consider that I remember all their evil. Now their sins are all around them; they are right in front of My face.

GOD told Israel that they would be punished. They will be scattered to foreign lands. But HE offers them hope - When HE returns HIS people from captivity - When HE heals.

GOD never forgets un-confessed sin. HE remembers all evil for which people have not repented. Non-Christians think GOD will forget but HE remembers and HE will hold them accountable. Those who do wrong are constantly in front of HIS face. So is everyone constantly in front of HIS face? GOD loves the sinner but hates the sin. HIS desire is for everyone to accept CHRIST as his/her SAVIOR. The beauty is that CHRIST died for all sinners. A non-Christian’s part is to confess his/her sins and believe that CHRIST died for him/her upon the cross. Believe or accept that HE was buried and GOD raised HIM from the dead. When you accept CHRIST as your SAVIOR, you are born-again into GOD’S family through CHRIST. As a result, your gift is eternal life, the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT, forgiveness of all your sins present, past and future, you are GOD’S child, your citizenship is in heaven and you have been made righteous, which gives you 24/7 access to GOD.

Salvation is just the beginning of Spiritual growth and maturity. If you do not have a Bible, get one and start by reading the Book of John which is in the New Testament. Ask GOD to reveal truth to you. Ask HIM to lead you to the church where you can grow and mature Spiritually as you obediently serve HIM and get to really know HIM.

Scripture is very clear that GOD is love and maintains HIS covenant of loyalty with HIS children. When HIS children have compromised their lives and are not living for HIM, there comes a point-in-time when HE says, enough is enough. Then HE allows correction to come into our lives individually or corporately.

America, it is time for all Christians to take a stand.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Bible Study - Amazing Love - God Loves the Unlovely - Hosea 1 - February 6, 2011

Bible Study – Amazing Love – God Loves the Unlovely – February 6, 2011

This is the first lesson in our new series of study entitled “God’s Amazing Love.”
Our scripture for this study will be taken from the book of Hosea. Our scripture for this lesson is Hosea 1:1-11; 3:1-5.

James Montgomery Boice has stated that the Book of Hosea is the second greatest story in the Bible. The first greatest story is the story of the incarnation, life, suffering, death, burial and resurrection of JESUS.

The Book of Hosea begins with a message to the Prophet Hosea. Hosea served as a prophet to Israel – the Northern Kingdom – 753-715 BC.

• Israel’s last six (6) kings were especially wicked.
• They promoted heavy taxes.
• Oppressed the poor.
• Promoted idol worship.
• Total disregard of GOD.
• Israel was subject to Assyria and was forced to pay heavy taxes to them, which bankrupted the country. Assyria had captured Israel in 722 BC.
• Does this ring a bell for us today?

Main Message of GOD to the people through Hosea:
 Hosea was a prophet to the northern kingdom of Israel.
 He served from 753 – 715 BC.
 When Israel was under the reign of Jeroboam II, the northern kingdom prospered materially but declined Spiritually. The Israelites were greedy and had adopted the moral behavior and idolatrous religion of the surrounding Canaanites.
 Hosea’s role was to show how the northern kingdom had been unfaithful to GOD, Israel’s “husband” and provider. The Israelites had married themselves to Baal and the gods of Canaan.
 Hosea warned that unless they repented of their sin and returned to GOD, they were headed for destruction.
 Hosea stated the nature of GOD – HIS powerful love and HIS justice. The Israelite’s were aware of both the love of GOD and the wrath of GOD. They knew if they repented GOD would accept them back into fellowship but instead they broke their covenant with GOD and would not return. The result was punishment.
 Some Bible scholars question whether or not the story of Hosea is a true story or an illustration. Others believe it is a historical story. Some of the rationale for support that it is a true story is: (1) Some scholars say a priest cannot marry a prostitute or a divorced woman. However, Hosea was not a priest. He was a prophet. (2) It is possible Gomer was not an adulterous woman before she married Hosea. GOD was letting Hosea know beforehand the direction her life would take.
 Hosea knew ahead of time that Gomer would be unfaithful to him and that their life together would be a graphic example to the adulterous northern kingdom. Hosea’s marriage to an unfaithful wife would illustrate GOD’S relationship to the unfaithful nation of Israel.
• The Israelites had sinned against GOD as illustrated by GOD commanding Hosea, HIS prophet, to marry a woman who would betray her marriage vows – as an adulterous woman sins against her husband.
• Judgment was sure to come to those living in total disregard for GOD and fellow human beings.

Importance of GOD’S Message in the Book of Hosea:

• When we sin, we sever our relationship with GOD by breaking our commitment with HIM. Just as adultery breaks our marriage vows with our spouse. Christians do not lose their salvation but they lose their relationship because sin is a barrier to worship and fellowship.
• All who sin against GOD must answer to HIM for their sins. There are consequences for sin.
• However, all who seek GOD’S forgiveness are spared eternal judgment. First John 1:9 is vital for all Christians: 9 If (since) we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Our part is to confess. Confessing is agreeing with GOD that we have missed the mark/sinned. This is not making a flippant remark to GOD. It is truly realizing that we have sinned and truly are sorry for that sin. GOD knows our hearts and HE is in the position to judge whether or not we are sincere – be sincere and if you are not, you are playing a game with GOD and HE knows the truth.

Let’s read Hosea 1:1-11:
• 1 The word of the LORD that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and of Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel.

• Hosea’s Marriage and Children

• 2 When the LORD first spoke to Hosea (hoe ZAY uh), He said this to him: Go and marry a promiscuous wife and [have]* children of promiscuity, for the whole land has been promiscuous by abandoning the LORD. 3 So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim (dib LAY im), and she conceived and bore him a son. 4 Then the LORD said to him: Name him Jezreel (JEZ reel) (scattered), for in a little while I will avenge the bloodshed of Jezreel on the house of Jehu (JEE hyoo)[1]and put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel. 5 On that day I will break the bow of Israel[2]in the valley of Jezreel.[3]6 She conceived again and gave birth to a daughter, and the LORD said to him: Name her No Compassion (Lo-Ruhamah/ low roo HAY muh),[4]for I will no longer have compassion on the house of Israel. I will certainly take them away. 7 But I will have compassion on the house of Judah, and I will deliver them by the LORD their God. I will not deliver them by bow, sword, or war, or by horses and cavalry. 8 After Gomer had weaned No Compassion, she conceived and gave birth to a son. 9 Then the LORD said: Name him Not My People (Lo-Ammi/ low AM eye),[5]for you are not My people, and I will not be your God.[6]10 [7] Yet the number of the Israelites will be like the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or counted. And in the place where they were told: You are not My people, they will be called: Sons of the living God.[8]11 And the Judeans and the Israelites will be gathered together. They will appoint for themselves a single ruler, and go up from[9] the land. For the day of Jezreel will be great.

GOD gave specific instructions to HIS prophet. HE wanted Hosea and the people of Israel to have a real life example of HIS relationship with HIS Bride the Israelites.

Hosea means salvation. Hosea preached during the reign of four (4) kings.

Hosea symbolically became GOD and his wife, Gomer, represented HIS chosen people, Israel. GOD used Hosea as an example to the Israelites. Gomer’s unfaithfulness to a prophet of GOD, Hosea, was GOD’S way of showing the Israelites their unfaithfulness to HIM. However, Hosea’s longsuffering, patience and forgiveness was an example of GOD’S willingness to accept the Israelites back as HIS people, provided they repented.

There are three (3) areas where this prophecy applies:

1. Political Application – House of Jehu for the massacre at Jezreel. King Ahab, before Jehu, wanted a certain vineyard that belonged to Naboth. Naboth lived in the area called Jezreel. Ahab offered another piece of property but Naboth refused it because the vineyard was a family inheritance. Ahab offered him money which he refused. So on the advice of King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, Ahab had Naboth killed and took his property. GOD pronounced doom on Ahab’s family. (1 Kings 22:29-38) - Ahab’s Death

29 Then the king of Israel (Ahab) and Judah’s King Jehoshaphat went up to Ramoth-gilead. 30 But the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will disguise myself and go into battle, but you wear your royal attire.” So the king of Israel disguised himself and went into battle.[15]31 Now the king of Aram had ordered his 32 chariot commanders, “Do not fight with anyone at all except the king of Israel.” 32 When the chariot commanders saw Jehoshaphat, they shouted, “He must be the king of Israel!” So they turned to fight against him, but Jehoshaphat cried out. 33 When the chariot commanders saw that he was not the king of Israel, they turned back from pursuing him.[16]34 But a man drew his bow without taking special aim[17] and struck the king of Israel through the joints of his armor. So he said to his charioteer, “Turn around and take me out of the battle,[17] for I am badly wounded!” 35 The battle raged throughout that day, and the king was propped up in his chariot facing the Arameans. He died that evening,[18] and blood from his wound flowed into the bottom of the chariot. 36 Then the cry rang out in the army as the sun set, declaring: Each man to his own city, and each man to his own land![19]37 So the king died and was brought to Samaria. They buried the king in Samaria. 38 Then someone washed the chariot at the pool of Samaria. The dogs licked up his blood, and the prostitutes bathed [in it]* , according to the word of the LORD that He had spoken.[20]

2. Application to Israel – Jezreel means “scattered.” Hosea’s prophecy was not long before the fall of Samaria and the captivity of the people in the northern kingdom about 722 BC. Hosea was forecasting the scattering of the Jews which began in 722 BC. The Jews are still scattered but in 1948, they began reestablishing themselves as a nation in Israel.

3. Application to other than the Jewish people. It is human nature to apply prophesy to others but difficult to apply it to ourselves. How do we view ourselves in this story? As Gomer? It is hard for Christians to think of themselves as Gomer yet we allow things to come into our lives that come between us and GOD. Do we depend upon our daily horoscope or lucky charm or anything we depend upon more than GOD to guide us through the day or do we depend upon GOD? The bottom line to all people is when they reject GOD, they get into trouble. Hosea is a story of the love of GOD but also GOD’S judgment on those who reject HIM. It is a judgment of love because GOD knows the end result for those that reject HIM and the glory that awaits those who repent and come back to HIM.

Consider the three (3) children birthed by Gomer and into Hosea’s family:

• First child –son – Gomer could have been faithful at this time in her life. The child is thought to be Hosea’s. They named him Jezreel which means “scattered.” Christians can be scattered from a relationship with GOD because of pride, self-sufficiency, stubbornness, unbelief, and in what other ways? GOD allows HIS children to be scattered from a relationship with HIM to let them experience a void in their lives so they will return to HIM. When they return they are less likely to stray again once the relationship has been restored.

• Second child - daughter – likely not Hosea’s child but he took her as his. They named her Lo-Ruhamah which means “not pitied” or “not loved.” How would you like for your parents to name you “not loved?” This is contradictory to the nature of GOD because GOD is love. However, when HIS people insist on their own way and persevere in sin, sin casts a barrier between Christians and HIM. Darkness comes into our lives and GOD allows it because it delivers a message to us and is a wake-up call for confession and repentance. If GOD turned HIS back on us permanently, then that would be a sad situation indeed. This was a graphic illustration of how GOD wants HIS children to act toward others.

• Third child – son – likely not Hosea’s but he took him into his family. They named him Lo-Ammi which means “not my people.” Because Israel was once GOD’S chosen people does it mean they will always be GOD’S chosen people? They are not “HIS chosen people” today because Christians are HIS chosen people. Can they be “GOD’S chosen people again?” YES and they will near the last days. Some are, even now, because there are Messianic Jews that believe CHRIST is the Promised Messiah and have asked HIM to forgive them of their sins and to come into their lives.

• The love of GOD through CHRIST brings all – Jew, Gentile, all races, rich, poor - who believe in CHRIST together. The Apostle Paul addressed this in Ephesians 2:11-22 and Romans 11:17-23:
Ephesians 2:11-22:
11 So then, remember that at one time you were Gentiles in the flesh—called “the uncircumcised” by those called “the circumcised,” done by hand in the flesh. 12 At that time you were without the Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, with no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. 14 For He is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility. In His flesh, 15 He did away with the law of the commandments in regulations, so that He might create in Himself one new man from the two, resulting in peace. 16 [He did this so]* that He might reconcile both to God in one body through the cross and put the hostility to death by it.[7] 17 When [Christ]* came, He proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. 21 The whole building is being fitted together in Him and is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit.

Romans 11:17-23:
17 Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, though a wild olive branch, were grafted in among them, and have come to share in the rich root[14] of the cultivated olive tree, 18 do not brag that you are better than those branches. But if you do brag—you do not sustain the root, but the root sustains you. 19 Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 True enough; they were broken off by unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but be afraid. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you either. 22 Therefore, consider God’s kindness and severity: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness toward you—if you remain in His kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. 23 And even they, if they do not remain in unbelief, will be grafted in, because God has the power to graft them in again.

Let’s read Hosea 3:1-5:
Waiting for Restoration
1 Then the LORD said to me, “Go again; show love to a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, just as the LORD loves the Israelites though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes.” 2 So I bought her for 15 • shekels of silver and five bushels of barley.[1][2] 3 I said to her, “You must live with me many days. Don’t be promiscuous or belong to any man, and I will act the same way toward you.” 4 For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, and without • ephod or household idols. 5 Afterwards, the people of Israel will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come with awe to the LORD and to His goodness in the last days.

Gomer left Hosea and pursued a life of adultery and wild living. She accumulated wealth. She was a kept woman until one day her lewd world came crashing around her head and she was on the auction block to be sold as a common slave. GOD told Hosea to go and purchase her, redeem her, and bring her back into his home.

Again, this is a graphic picture of Israel turning away from GOD, GOD allowing them to fall into a pitiful state and then redeeming them because HE loved them. This is the love that GOD has for every person who has ever lived or will ever live. HIS love is what compelled HIM to allow CHRIST to come to earth, live as a human and give HIS life to redeem all who would believe in HIM. This same love compelled CHRIST to be willing to leave HIS home in heaven to come to earth, leaving HIS glory behind, live a sinless life, give HIS life to redeem all who would believe in HIM as their SAVIOR and LORD.

Hosea was obedient and redeemed Gomer for 15 shekels of silver and five (5) bushels of barley. He brought her back home but with specific instructions, which she agreed to.

In verses 3-5 as Hosea gave specific instructions to Gomer, which were instructions for Israel. GOD wanted them, during these days of reconciliation, to abstain from their former ways of life. They were to be loyal to HIM as they pondered their sinful and pitiful condition. They would not have a king or prince to lead them but they had GOD. They were to depend upon GOD alone. They would not have a priest to offer sacrifices because there was no temple. They were not to go back to worshiping gods represented by stone images/pillars. GOD wanted them to look to HIM and HIM alone as their redeemer from their fallen state.

GOD promised them that if they obeyed HIM the day was coming when HE would restore what they had lost. But until then they had to be obedient to HIM.

This scripture reveals the length, depth and width of the love of GOD for HIS children then and today. HE punishes them because HE loves them. When they repent and seek a renewed relationship with HIM, HE is there with open arms. But HE does not play a game. HE loves us and is patient with us but we are accountable to HIM - Christians and non-Christians. There will be a day when every knee will bow and every person who has ever lived will call JESUS LORD. 

If you have never accepted CHRIST as your SAVIOR, ask HIM to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life right now. Why? Because GOD love you and sent HIS ONLY SON to die for your sins. That is amazing love. Please accept it today and know the wonder of forgiveness and following HIM. Blessings to all.