Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bible Study - Amazing Love - God Loves to Welcome Us Home - Hosea 14 - February 27, 2011

Bible Study – Amazing Love – God Loves to Welcome Us Home – February 27, 2011

This is the final lesson in our series “God’s Outrageous Love.”
Our scripture is Hosea 14:1-9.

This has been an interesting journey through some of the Book of Hosea. GOD used the Prophet Hosea and his marriage to Gomer to demonstrate HIS unfailing love for Israel. Hosea represents GOD and Gomer, his wife, represents Israel/the Israelites.

Gomer was as unfaithful as a wife could be to her covenant marriage and covenant love for Hosea. Yet, Hosea continued to let her return to him and love her. She prospered for a time. Then she lost all her wealth and ended up a slave to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. GOD instructed Hosea to bid for her and redeem her from the terrible life that faced her as a slave. Hosea allowed her to return as his wife but with specific instructions on how she was to act. GOD’S desire was for the Israelites to see in Hosea and Gomer’s relationship how they had treated HIM and how HE had rescued them, loved them and would take them back. GOD wanted them to recognize and acknowledge their sin, repent and return to HIM before HE had to punish them. But they didn’t. Their country was destroyed and they were led captive to foreign lands.

GOD wanted the rebellious, idol worshipping Israelites to know how much HE loved them. We know that GOD chose to love them and to deliver them out of slavery and bondage in Egypt. HE led them by a pillar of fire at night and covered them with a cloud by day. HE parted the Sea and they crossed on dry land to escape the pursuing Egyptians. HE fed them and provided water for them as they traveled.

Their lack of faith prevented them from entering the Promised Land which resulted in them wandering in the wilderness for forty (40) years. GOD provided food and water for them during this time. After forty (40) years GOD led them into the Promised Land. They prospered in the Promised Land but they strayed and mixed idol worship with the worship of GOD. The pagan god Baal was a false god of fertility. The Israelites thought they had to worship Baal for them to be successful because supposedly Baal provided bountiful harvest, caused herds to multiply, caused women to be fertile and conceive children. GOD was exasperated with them because HE had taken care of them, protected them and provided for them. Yet, they ignored HIM. They failed to see HIM as the true GOD and the power of the universe WHO loved them beyond understanding.

GOD had a choice. Did HE annihilate them or punish them in hopes of getting their attention. HE chose the latter hoping they would choose to return to HIM and love HIM with the same love that HE had for them. Plus, GOD had made a covenant with Abraham regarding his off-spring.

GOD gave a promise to King Solomon regarding what the Israelites needed to do when they returned to HIM. This was when Solomon dedicated the temple to HIM. It is recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (KJV)

GOD gave specific instructions what HIS people needed to do to return to HIM – Humble themselves – pray – seek HIS face – turn (repent) from their evil ways. When they do these things GOD promised to – Hear them – Forgive them – Heal them Spiritually and physically.

America it is time that we take Spiritual inventory. How do we measure up? Do we love GOD, honor HIM, worship HIM, exalt HIM and praise HIM? Are we proud to call ourselves Christian and uphold Christian values? Are we a Christian nation?

GOD’S desire was to welcome the Israelites back home and HIS desire is to welcome us back as well. But for that to happen, the Israelites had to repent of their sins. What were their sins? Worshipping idols as recorded in Hosea 13:2:

- 2 Now they continue to sin and make themselves a cast image, idols skillfully made from their silver, all of them the work of craftsmen. People say about them, “Let the men who sacrifice[1] kiss the calves.”

Recorded in Hosea 4:1-2:

1 Hear the word of the LORD, people of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land! 2 Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.

Some may say, “This was for that time.” GOD’S values and expectations for HIS people do not change. Do we worship idols today – position, money, sex, drugs, houses, cars, jewelry, clothes, shoes, famous people, entertainers, sports stars, pets and the list goes on. Anything that comes between us and GOD is an idol. Praying to people who man has made saints. Shrines are set up to pray to a certain saint and even to Mary the Mother of JESUS. GOD is the provider not the dead person who may be in heaven. I know many of my Catholic friends will not like what I have written but it is truth. Pray to GOD directly. That is one of reasons CHRIST died upon the cross was to open the way for all who believe in HIM can have direct access to GOD. Christians no longer have to go through a priest. Check this out in the Book of Hebrews.

GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We, of all people, are truly blessed more than all people. We have GOD’S word, the Bible. We have the Promised Messiah, CHRIST, WHO fulfilled HIS passion that those who believe in HIM are set free from the bondage and slavery of sin. We know CHRIST by evidence of the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT and the love that HE has for the world by giving HIS life for all who would believe in HIM as their SAVIOR. We are more accountable and thus we are walking a dangerous path by ignoring our walk with the CHRIST as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. We live under grace but that does not excuse us from taking a stand for Christian values and responding to a call for repentance as a nation, as the HOLY SPIRIT leads us.

Let’s read Hosea 14:1-3: A Plea to Repent

1 Israel, return to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled in your sin. 2 Take words [of repentance]* with you and return to the LORD. Say to Him: “Forgive all [our]* sin and accept what is good, so that we may repay You with praise[1] from our[2] lips.[3]3 Assyria will not save us, we will not ride on horses, and we will no longer proclaim: Our gods! to the work of our hands. For the fatherless receives compassion in You.”

GOD’S plea was for Israel to repent “for all of their sins” and return to HIM. They had “stumbled” in their sin. We all sin but when we do, we recognize it, confess it and ask GOD to forgive us. They had fallen into sin and did not recognize sin as sin and thought they were walking like GOD wanted them to walk. They had been blinded by their sin. GOD wanted them to recognize what had led them away from HIM, rebuke that lifestyle and return to HIM. The sins they had committed were stated in the introductory part of this lesson. They were to repent.

Repentance is more than mouthing words, “GOD I am sorry.” Repentance must come from a heart that has been broken because of the sin. Mouthing insincere words will not fool GOD because HE knows our hearts.

In verse 2, it says, “To take words of repentance with you.” When you are truly sorry for what you have done, as you go before GOD in confession, you pour out your heart to HIM. It is like going to a person after a bitter altercation and after you cool off you realize that you were wrong and in your anger you hurt him/her. You need to go back to that person and ask for forgiveness. You would rehearse what you would say and try to express your deepest sorrow for the wrong you had done to him/her. It is the same with GOD. GOD loved the Israelites and HE loves you. It is not HIS nature to treat you wrong. HE looks out for you as a tender loving FATHER. But also, as a tender loving FATHER, HE has to allow punishment to come into our lives in an effort to get us back into fellowship with HIM. Why? It is because HE knows that HE has our best interest in mind and HE can protect us in the circle of grace when we are back in favor with HIM.

When the Israelites or Christians remove themselves from HIS circle of grace, due to sin, they also come out of HIS circle of protection. They open themselves up to the ravages of sin and all the heartache it brings. But always remember, GOD loves HIS people and welcomes them home the moment they repent.

When the Israelites repented and returned to GOD, they would realize that it was not by military might or their alliances with powerful nations that resulted in their protection, safety and care. It was the power and protection of GOD that kept them safe and from harm’s way. It was GOD that helped them produce bounty and helped them to prosper physically and Spiritually.

The Israelites would recognize that it was GOD WHO is all powerful and not their handmade idols. Idols depended upon the people to give them power. When GOD’S people repented they would see that they depend upon HIM. The sin of self sufficiency blinds people to the provisions and power of GOD. The Israelites needed to see that they had taken matters into their own hands and out of GOD’S hands when they:
- Tried to trust Assyria for their protection.
- Trusted in their military might.
- Trusted in the gods they had made with their own hands.

The Israelites were Fatherless because they had turned their backs on GOD. But GOD has compassion for the Fatherless. The Israelites had to recognize that they were Fatherless because of their choice and repent. When they did, HE would show them compassion, which is mercy.

Israel needed to return to GOD for the veil of Spiritual blindness to be lifted and for HIM to help them. The vital point is that GOD was ready, willing and able to restore them regardless of how deep they had gone into sin and stumbled from HIM. The same is true for Christians today. This is true for the vilest person who has never asked CHRIST to forgive him/her for his/her sins. CHRIST died for all. If this is your situation, why not confess your sins and ask CHRIST to forgive you and restore you or save you. Please, do it now because time is wasting and you are missing the joy of HIS relationship.

Let’s read Hosea 14:4-7: A Promise of Restoration

4 I will heal their apostasy; I will freely love them, for My anger will have turned from him. 5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like the lily and take root like [the cedars of]* Lebanon. 6 His new branches will spread, and his splendor will be like the olive tree, his fragrance, like [the forest of]* Lebanon. 7 The people will return and live beneath his shade. They will grow grain and blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.

GOD promised the Israelites when they repented the things that HE would do: (As we study these points see how they relate to Christians.)

- HE would heal their apostasy. Apostasy is waywardness, backsliding, disloyalty. It comes from the same root word as turned. The Israelites had turned from the worship of GOD to the worship idols. They needed to see what they had done in order for healing to happen and turn back.

- When they saw what they had done and acknowledged it, HE would restore their relationship which they had with HIM.

- HE could freely love them and they could respond to HIS love and Spiritual healing would be the result. Sin is a barrier to fellowship with GOD. Healing can be physical, as well as, Spiritual.

- When they repent their relationship would be restored. Their new found relationship would refresh them and help them to grow Spiritually like the dew refreshes the ground. The dew provided nourishment for the earth to produce blossoms, which in turn produced sweet fragrances. The dew also provided much needed water for the roots of trees to grow deep and the tree to be well rooted and withstand the elements. The dew mentioned here means grace. Christians live under GOD’S grace because of the passion of CHRIST.

- GOD would provide the necessary Spiritual nourishment for them to grow and mature in HIM. As a result, their new found relationship would be reflected by their Spiritual growth (New branches) and the sweet fragrance released like the cedars of Lebanon.

- Others would see and be positively influenced by their renewed relationship with GOD they too would repent, return and live under the blessings (shade) GOD provides.

- Israel would be witnesses to other nations as to the love, care and power of GOD, the true GOD of the Israelites.

GOD’S grace is overwhelming and Christians experience it every day. HIS grace is a free gift for HIS children. Christians are not perfect and never will be as long as they are walking in these flesh earth suits. But HIS grace is sufficient to get Christians through each day through the righteousness of CHRIST. Walk in the light of HIS presence and experience the joy of HIS salvation.

Let’s read Hosea 14:8-9:

8 Ephraim, why should I[4] have anything more to do with idols? It is I who answer and watch over him. I am like a flourishing pine tree; your fruit comes from Me. 9 Let whoever is wise understand these things, and whoever is insightful recognize them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

Verses 8-9 are a summary of the message GOD for the Israelites through Hosea.

Ephraim was the largest of the ten (10) tribes that made up the Northern Kingdom. The worship of idols was one of the main issues GOD had against Israel. In HIS summary, HE addressed the day that Israel would come to their senses; they would see their sin of idol worship and turn from them. There is controversy over who “I” refers to in verse 1. Is it GOD or Israel? I think it is Israel. When “I” is used in the rest of these verses, “I” refers to GOD.

Verse 8 – “It is I, GOD and not Baal, who answer and watch over him (Israel). I, GOD and not Baal, am like a flourishing pine tree; your fruit comes from ME and not Baal.” Idols are nothing and the only power they have is the power the people give them. The people depend upon the power and protection of GOD but for that to happen they must have the right relationship with HIM. GOD answers the prayers of HIS people who are in right relationship with HIM. GOD always hears a sinner’s prayer when he or she asks HIM to save them – this is the Christian and non-Christian.

HE refers to the flourishing pine tree. The pine tree was a symbol of divinity, kingship and fertility to the Israelites. GOD and not Baal was the ONE WHO gave increase and produced the fruit. I must be quick to add that material prosperity is not the main point. It is Spiritual prosperity that is everlasting and sustains. Material wealth may come and is a gift from GOD but material wealth is not the main objective of GOD. HE gives to whom HE chooses the gift or gifts to be used as HE directs.

Verse 9 is a beautiful summary. GOD has issued the invitation and asked all who hear HIS message to repent. Their response would reveal whether or not they were wise and insightful – discerning – prudent or not. The wise would understand, comprehend, realize and recognize the truth in HIS message that was given through Hosea. The wise would acknowledge HIM as the true GOD and would return to HIM. The repentant wise will choose to walk in the ways of the LORD. However, the rebellious will stumble when they try to walk in the ways of the LORD.

Walking with the LORD is all about relationship. It is impossible to walk in HIS ways without the relationship. Rebellious Christians cannot walk in HIS ways because of sin. Sin blocks the relationship and fellowship with GOD. First John 1:9 is scripture all Christians should memorize:

9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say, “We have not sinned,” we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

The message to all people is that, “GOD loves you, chose you and allowed HIS ONLY SON to come to earth to die for your sins. All who acknowledge this by asking CHRIST to forgive them for their sins and to come into their lives will experience the miracle of rebirth in their spirit. This is salvation from the consequences of sin, which is death. Those born-again receive eternal life, become a child of GOD and are indwelled by the HOLY SPIRIT. Their citizenship is in heaven but remain upon earth to obediently serve GOD as directed by the HOLY SPIRIT.

GOD loves to welcome us home regardless of what we have done. The shed blood of CHRIST washes all of sin away and makes all who believe in HIM whiter than snow. The choice is yours to make. Do it today by confessing your sins and asking HIM to take your life just as it is and making you into the person HE knows you can be, when you obediently follow HIM.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did this bible study since I didn't make it to church today. It really lifted my spirit!

12:46 PM  

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