Bible Study - Confident Living - Stay the Course - 1 Peter 4 - March 27, 2011
Bible Study – Confident Living – Stay the Course – March 27, 2011
This is our final lesson in the series entitled “Confident Living in Difficult Times.”
Our scripture is 1 Peter 4:1-2, 7-19.
In last week’s lesson we studied 1 Peter 3: 3-4:
3 Your beauty should not consist of outward things [like]* elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold ornaments[3] or fine clothes;[4] 4 instead, [it should consist of]* the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very valuable in God’s eyes. (GOD looks upon the heart.)
Peter was writing of the inner beauty of Christian women. Let’s consider the inner beauty of Christians both male and female. As Christians, we should let the inner beauty of CHRIST within be revealed. Often Christians fear becoming too Spiritual and rightly so, if they are led by the flesh. Christians shroud this inner, born-again, beauty with the flesh. So what do Christians need to do to let this inner beauty be revealed? Nothing - except yield their wills to CHRIST and allow HIM, through the HOLY SPIRIT, lead and direct their lives. Christians need for it to be a natural result of Spiritual development resulting from obedience to GOD and really getting to know HIM – studying the Bible, prayer and service, as HE leads. It is not to be an ostentatious, arrogant, self-righteous, look at “me” but as Peter stated, “It is the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet Spirit.” It is allowing the born-again, hidden person within to be directed by the HOLY SPIRIT and to surface naturally as he/she dies to self and the Spirit not being squelched by the dictates of the flesh.
When we were born physically, we began a journey to adulthood. Our parent, parents or guardians nurtured us. They fed us and took care of us until we were able to care for ourselves. As we grew and matured we ate, exercised, studied, worked and interacted with people. We grew into the young adults or adults we are today. We may have had a desire to become a certain type of adult and as a result, many achieve that goal. What is our goal as a Christian? GOD’S goal for all Christians is for them to be made into the image of HIS ONLY SON, JESUS. What Christians need to do is to take in the right nourishments to grow and mature – Bible study, prayer, obedient service and the list goes on. GOD has a plan for every Christian. Whether they follow HIS plan depends upon their will. Who do we choose to allow the control of our lives – the flesh or the Spirit? GOD’S desire is for us to allow the Spirit to control our lives.
This is accomplished through having the right relationship with CHRIST. Christians need to die to self and walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is living an obedient lifestyle as directed by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. GOD gives Spiritual gifts to every Christian to be used to minister to others, as HE directs. Christians need to keep in mind that Spiritual gifts are HIS power being manifested through them.
The Apostle Peter has made it clear that a Christian is an alien and temporary resident of earth. Their citizenship and home is in heaven. At the moment of salvation a person has been born into the family of GOD. He/she belongs to GOD and the process of sanctification begins immediately working within. Christians have the freedom of choice and decide on a moment by moment basis who they will serve, the flesh or the Spirit. When their lifestyle is obeying GOD the more the inner beauty that results from their relationship with CHRIST grows, matures, and has the opportunity to be revealed.
Let your inner beauty within, which has been created by your relationship with CHRIST, emerge and do not hide it under the cloak of the flesh. As you do, you will likely encounter adversity because Satan will certainly war against you. But remember 1 John 4:4:
4 You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the One (CHRIST) who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world (Satan).
CHRIST defeated Satan upon the cross. When Christians live in the flesh, they are ruled by the flesh which is influenced by the things of this world. Walk in the Spirit because the Spirit is ruled by GOD through the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT.
Physically adult Christians often make it complicated and try to analyze everything. JESUS put it as plain and simple as possible by telling us in Mark 10:13-16:
13 Some people were bringing little children to Him so He might touch them, but His disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 • I assure you: Whoever does not welcome[6]the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 After taking them in His arms, He laid His hands on them and blessed them.
Little children trust and obey. That is what GOD wants HIS children to do. Christians are to yield to HIM and trust HIM as HE leads. They are to stay the course until HE returns to earth or they meet HIM in heaven. Live in the light as HE is the light.
Let’s read 1 Peter 4:1-2, 7-11: (Live in the light until the end.)
Following Christ
1 Therefore, since Christ suffered[1] in the flesh,[2] arm yourselves also with the same resolve[3]—because the One who suffered in the flesh[4] has finished with sin[5] [6]— 2 in order to live the remaining time in the flesh,[7] no longer for human desires,[8] but for God’s will.
Peter was telling his fellow Christians to be prepared to suffer just as CHRIST suffered. Christians are to arm themselves by setting their minds or resolve on the fact that they will face suffering. The Greek word for “resolve” can be translated “attitude” about enduring suffering, “knowledge” or understanding that suffering is inevitable or “intention” which is a person’s determination to live as GOD leads him/her, regardless of how it impacts his/her physical life.
Peter follows this with “because the One.” Some translations do not capitalize “one”, therefore “one” could refer to the Christian as “the one” or if capitalized “One” would refer to CHRIST. The point being either could be correct. CHRIST suffered in the flesh to defeat sin once and for all. HE was committed to finish HIS purpose upon earth, which was to conquer and defeat sin. It could refer to the Christian who has resolved to serve GOD as HE leads and directs his/her life regardless of what happens to him/her in this life upon earth.
When Christians are in right relationship with CHRIST and led by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT, they walk in the Spirit and no longer desire the things the flesh craves. They have died to self and live to serve GOD. Peter continued in the next scripture to state four (4) ways Christians can be prepared to live in the light until the end.
1 Peter 4: 7-11 - End-Time Ethics
7 Now the end of all things is near;[15] therefore, be clear-headed and disciplined for prayer. 8 Above all, keep your love for one another at full strength, since love covers a multitude of sins.[16] [17] 9 Be hospitable to one another without complaining. 10 Based on the gift they have received, everyone should use it to serve others,[18] as good managers of the varied grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, [his speech should be]* like the oracles of God; if anyone serves, [his service should be]* from the strength God provides,[19] so that in everything God may be glorified[20] through Jesus Christ. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. • Amen.
Based upon what Peter had heard JESUS say about the end times, he thought the second coming of CHRIST was imminent. Just as Christians today can look at what is happening in our world and think, “The coming of CHRIST has to be soon.” The point being no one except the FATHER knows when HE will allow CHRIST to return. The point being whether HE returns at any second or we meet HIM in death, each day that passes we are closer to being with HIM.
Peter gave four ways that Christians can stay focused while they wait upon the moment they meet JESUS because the end of life’s journey will soon be over, be it a day or a hundred years:
- Be clear headed and disciplined for prayer. Christians are to be clear headed and not live in a fantasy land. Being an obedient Christian, living in the Spirit is not easy. Having a strong prayer life is vital to keep the Christian focused upon his/her relationship with GOD through CHRIST moment by moment. Communicating with GOD moment by moment is vital.
- Maintain your love for each other. It is vital that Christians maintain their love for one another. If Christians cannot love their brothers and sisters in CHRIST, how can they love the lost? It is vital that nothing come between them and fellow Christians because Satan can use the lack of unity to create problems. Plus all Christians and especially active Christians need prayer support, encouragement and assistance of fellow Christians. If there is dissension, that resource is removed or crippled.
- Be hospitable. Reach out to others. In Peter’s day there were no motels and restaurants on every corner. People, Christian or non-Christian alike depended upon the hospitality of others. Use that gift to minister to fellow Christians or non-Christians. Use hospitality to witness to the lost and to minister fellow Christians.
- Use your Spiritual gift or gifts to serve others. GOD has granted Spiritual gifts to all of HIS children. Christians are not to hide their gift or gifts but use them for the glory of GOD to minister to others. I can hear some of you say, “But I do not have a gift.” Oh, yes you do. Ask GOD to reveal it or them to you. When HE does, then use it or them as HE directs you. Keep in mind that a gift is GOD’S power being manifested through you. It is a gift that HE gives and to be used as HE directs. First Corinthians 12:11 - 11 But one and the same Spirit is active in all these (Spiritual Gifts), distributing to each one as He wills.
Let’s read 1 Peter 4:12-16: Christian Suffering
12 Dear friends, when the fiery ordeal[21] arises among you to test you, don’t be surprised by it, as if something unusual were happening to you.[22] 13 Instead, as you share in the sufferings of the • Messiah rejoice,[23] so that you may also rejoice with great joy at the revelation of His glory. 14 If you are ridiculed for the name of Christ,[24] you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on[25]you.[26] 15 None of you, however, should suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a meddler.[27] 16 But if [anyone suffers]* as a Christian, he should not be ashamed, but should glorify God with that name.
Peter was writing to his fellow Christians who he addressed as “Dear friends.” Peter doesn’t mince words when he wrote, “When the fiery ordeal arises.” It was not a matter of “if” but “when.” When it happened don’t be surprised as if it was something unexpected that happened to you. Instead, when it happens rejoice because it confirms that you are GOD’S child just as JESUS is GOD’S SON. When you suffer, you can relate to the suffering of CHRIST. You can appreciate the suffering of CHRIST for you to have the opportunity for salvation.
If you suffer for being a Christian, why would you rejoice at the revelation of CHRIST’S Glory? It is because you have remained faithful and endured to the end. You have run the race and crossed the finish line. The title of our lesson is “Stay the Course.” When Christians stay the course and see JESUS, they rejoice because the goal of faithful, obedient service has been reached. When you see HIM, you will be like HIM.
First John 3:1-2 - 1 Look at how great a love[1] the Father has given us, that we should be called God’s children. And we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it didn’t know Him. 2 Dear friends, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is.
If you have been ridiculed as a Christian, rejoice because you are obediently serving GOD. Being ridiculed for being a Christian reveals that you are effectively serving GOD.
Christians must keep in mind that they are to obediently serve GOD. However, suffering for things they have done wrong, such as a murder, thief, evildoer, meddler (a busy body) does not count as suffering for being a Christian. But suffering because you are a Christian glorifies GOD.
Let’s read 1 Peter 4:17-19:
17 For the time has come for judgment to begin with God’s household;[28] and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God?[29]18 And if the righteous is saved with difficulty, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?[30]19 So those who suffer according to God’s will should, in doing good, entrust themselves[31] to a faithful Creator.
Peter issued a stern statement regarding judgment. GOD tests Christians to confirm the genuineness of their salvation – not for HIM to see but for Christians to see how they measure up to HIS goal for them. Since Christians are saved with difficulty, through the passion of CHRIST, you know that there is no opportunity for non-believers to earn their way to heaven other than accepting CHRIST as their SAVIOR. Therefore, non-believers should not think if they suffer or even give their lives for good causes that GOD will accept them into heaven. No person can earn his/her way to heaven. If a person could earn his/her way to heaven, then JESUS did not have to come to earth and give HIS life to pay for the sin of mankind for those who would believe in HIM.
Some may think that, “I would become a Christian but I am afraid I could not hold out.” I assure you, you cannot hold out in your own strength. All Christians depend upon the strength and power of GOD, sustained, maintained and confirmed by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. Christians are sinners saved by grace. Christians still sin and when they do they confess their sin to GOD and repent (meaning stop doing it). GOD forgives, cleanses and restores. (First John 1:9.)
Just as a little child takes his/her first step and falls, we as parents do not jerk the child up and set him/her in a chair and tell the child not to try walking again until he/she can walk perfectly. No, we are so thrilled that they have taken that first step that is like a shot heard around the world. We call our parents and friends to tell them the good news. Neither does GOD tell us to stop being a Christian when we stumble and fall into sin. The important part is for the Christian to not remain in sin. That requires a decision by the Christian.
GOD knows the potential of every Christian. HIS desire is for us to allow HIM to develop that potential to bring glory and honor to HIM, according to HIS plan and purpose. Walk in the light as HE is the light and remain faithful to the end. Blessings to all as you serve HIM and stay the course.