Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Breakthrough in Confidence - Psalm 23 - January 27, 2007

Sunday School Lesson – Breakthrough in Confidence – January 27, 2008

This is our final lesson in our series “Experience a Breakthrough.”

Our scripture is Psalm 23:1-6.

We are not sure when David wrote this Psalm. But David knew about the care and nature of sheep since he cared for sheep as a young lad. He knew the role of the shepherd in the care of the sheep. He related his experience when tending sheep as a shepherd to GOD’S care of him. You can see the tenderness of David’s heart toward his understanding of GOD as we study this Psalm.

Again, we must keep in mind that this Psalm reflects David’s relationship with GOD. We can be comforted by these words but the key is how would we describe our relationship with GOD through JESUS? What can we write as our Psalm based upon our relationship and experience with our LORD?

To me this Psalm reflects the heart of David toward GOD and GOD’S heart toward HIS children. To pen such words come from a heart that understands, trusts and is confident in their relationship with GOD.

Let’s read Psalm 23:1-3:

1 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths[1] Or me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

David sees in GOD HIS total care. David rests completely in the care and comfort of GOD. He trusts HIM completely to provide all he needs. GOD knows where the green pastures are located and HE led him to them and let him rest in them. Let’s place ourselves in the words of David.

GOD knows where to lead us to find both physical and spiritual nourishment. Food, rest and water are vital for all humans to have. Spiritual nourishment is also vital. Believers are nourished by reading the Bible, praying, abiding and obedience. The HOLY SPIRIT reveals truth as believers build a deeper relationship with GOD through CHRIST.

JESUS is the living water that bubbles up inside HIS children as we learn of HIM and build our relationship with HIM. Sheep will not drink from flowing or running water. GOD knows what will quench our thirst, both physically and spiritually, so HE leads us to the waters suitable to drink to be sustained. HE provides for us and by doing so, our trust in HIM is secure. We are refreshed as we journey through life and encounter various circumstances. We can trust HIM to always lead us on the right, safe and secure paths even though the area around us is treacherous.

For HIS name’s sake is a beautiful statement.

GOD’S goal for every believer is for them to be just like HIS ONLY SON JESUS. We are HIS name sake. We are HIS children. HE will take care of HIS children just as every good shepherd stakes his life on the care of his sheep.

JESUS, the good shepherd, gave HIS life for HIS sheep. Do we really know how much GOD cares for us? Yes, we do. HE loved us so much that HE allowed HIS SON to come to earth and die for us that we might be restored to fellowship with HIM as HIS children. JESUS made it possible for all believers to approach GOD directly. We can call GOD, Daddy! But for this to happen, JESUS willingly gave HIS life to set all believers free from the penalty of death and the burden of sin; that we might have life more abundantly here upon earth and forever.

Let’s read Psalm 23:4-5:

4 Even when I go through the darkest valley,[2] Or the valley of the shadow of death I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff[3] A shepherd’s rod and crook —they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

David was secure in the LORD. No matter what circumstances he was going through, GOD would be with him. The “darkest valley” carries the idea of death but it is broader than death. It also includes any bad circumstance(s) that come our way in life.

The rod and staff were used to fight off enemies and rescue sheep that had gone astray and gotten into trouble. The rod could have been one weapon, such as a club and the staff another or they could have been combined. Knowing that GOD was his refuge and strength was all that David needed to know. GOD was prepared to defend him from all his enemies. No matter what enemy surrounded David, GOD was his security and assurance. These enemies could be real or perceived. The enemies could be mental, health, financial, life threatening, fear, job, relationships and the list goes on and on. But in the midst of these dark times, GOD was his refuge, comfort and had taught him that HE could be trusted.

David was so confident in GOD’S care of him in the midst of turmoil he did not have to worry about the battle going on around him. In the midst of battle no warrior would dare take time out to go to a banquet. But GOD fought the battles for David and to show this GOD prepared a banquet table for David and invited him to be the honored guest. In that day the honored guest’s head was anointed with oil. GOD invited David to HIS sanctuary in the midst of turmoil and GOD anointed his head. He could enjoy the bounty and peace provided by the LORD, knowing fully that GOD had everything under HIS control. To relax in such an environment can only be done because David knew and trusted GOD through their relationship.

Even in these dark times GOD reminded David that he is the honored guest. GOD anointed his head with oil and HE kept his cup filled to the brim. HIS care for him will never end.

Truly our cup runs over when we know our LORD.

Let’s read Psalm 23:6:

6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in[4] LXX, Sym, Syr, Tg, Vg, Jer; MT reads will return to the house of the Lord as long as I live.[5] Lit Lord for length of days; traditionally Lord forever [6] Ps 27:4

David had an intimate relationship with GOD and trusted HIS provisions for all his life. The word “pursue” carries the idea of hunter and prey. David is the prey and is being pursued but not by something bad but “goodness and faithful love.” Whether David ran toward GOD or away from GOD, GOD would pursue him. Since he knew of GOD’S never ending love and care, he chose not to run from GOD but he ran to GOD by dwelling in the house of the LORD forever. In essence, David could trust GOD in this life and the life to come.

Do you know the total care of the LORD? Do you feel like GOD has invited you to HIS banquet table when you are going through the dark times in your life? In my opinion, this can only occur when we have an intimate, loving relationship with the LORD. This type of relationship is not achieved by human effort but by yielding our will to HIM and getting to really know HIM.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:23:
33 But seek first the kingdom of God[17] Other mss omit of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you

Our relationship with our LORD is vital. Salvation is one thing that never changes once we have been born into the family of GOD. However, once we are born into GOD’S family we choose whether or not we build a relationship with our LORD.

Read Psalm 23 again and ask GOD to reveal to you what HE wants you to see in the eyes of your heart and how this Psalm applies to you.

1 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths[1] Or me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. 4 Even when I go through the darkest valley,[2] Or the valley of the shadow of death I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff[3] A shepherd’s rod and crook —they comfort me. 5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in[4] LXX, Sym, Syr, Tg, Vg, Jer; MT reads will return to the house of the Lord as long as I live.[5] Lit Lord for length of days; traditionally Lord forever [6] Ps 27:4

Friday, January 18, 2008

Breakthrough in Justice - Psalm 7 - January 20, 2008

Sunday School Lesson – Breakthrough in Justice – January 20, 2008

This is lesson three (3) in our series of study “Experience a Breakthrough.”

Our scripture is Psalm Chapter 7, which is a shiggaion or a song or lyrical poem written under strong mental emotion or can be associated with drink. The poem or song is set to music. Some Bible scholars believe that David wrote this when King Saul was falsely accusing him of trying to take over his throne. The identity of Cush the Benjamite is not known but we know that Saul was a Benjamite. The bottom line is that David wrote this and it reflects much emotional stress. David’s encounter with King Saul is found in 1 Samuel 24:9-11, where he attempts to prove to Saul that he is innocent of trying to kill him and take control of his throne.

It is often a good idea to put things into writing when we are under emotional stress because it gets it out of our head onto a piece of paper. When it is on paper we can see what is stressing us and how rational it may or may not be. It gives us an opportunity to examine our hearts and we can honestly and openly seek the LORD’S help in working through the circumstance or situation. Sometimes our situation is so personal our flesh will not let us release it. Once the situation has been resolved, we can always destroy the paper.

David knew emotional stress. The words he penned likely helped him to focus on the provision, ability and power of GOD to come to his aid. David was rational enough to consider that he might be the cause of his circumstances. Emotional situations are often a two way street, our part and the part of someone or something else. David believed he was innocent but in case he had overlooked something, he asked the LORD to take action on him if he was the one at fault.

The theme of this Psalm is that those being wrongly accused of something can go to GOD for help and vindication. It is an awful thing to know that you are being accused of something that you had no part in doing. It is hard to wait upon the LORD. This is where our relationship with our LORD sustains us. Do we or can we trust or have confidence in our LORD to come to our aid? If not, this highlights a critical area in our spiritual growth and maturity that needs to be revealed to us and in turn, we need to confess it to our LORD. I will be the first to admit this is a very hard thing to do because our flesh wants to rise up and take charge. Instead of revenge on our part, we should immediately confess to our LORD that our hearts need to be cleansed of something that prevents us from trusting HIM to handle the situation and resolve it.

In Romans 12:19 we find:
19 Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His[2] Lit the wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay,[3] Dt 32:35 says the Lord. (Deuteronomy 32:35)

This Psalm became a song people sang. Believers can benefit from the experiences of other believers but again, we must be careful that the experiences of others do not become a receipt for getting GOD to work in our own lives. HE works in many different ways and HIS desire is for each believer to get to know HIM intimately. HE wants HIS presence in each believer to be personal and unique. This requires each believer to be intimate with the LORD.

Salvation is the beginning of our unique journey with our LORD. Even the salvation experience of each person is unique. I have heard of some people just saying, “LORD, I give up.” It is never the words, it is always the attitude of the heart and GOD knows our hearts. HE already knows us intimately because HE knew us before HE created the world and HE knew us when we were knitted together in our mother’s womb. HE wants us to know HIM.

Let’s read Psalm 7:1-2:

1 Lord my God, I seek refuge in You; save me from all my pursuers and rescue me, 2 or they[5] Lit he will tear me like a lion,[6] Ps 57:4; Isa 38:13 ripping me apart, with no one to rescue me.[7] Lit ripping, and without a rescuer
David was in a dire situation and begins his Psalm with “LORD my GOD”, which shows David’s heart toward GOD. We do not know the situation but he needed help from GOD or else he was subject to being torn apart like a lion rips apart its prey to devout it. David was desperate and his hope was in the hand of GOD.

This shows where David’s heart was and it gives us guidance as to where we need to turn in times of trouble. David made it clear GOD was his LORD. HE knew GOD and trusted that he could find refuge in HIM. In fact “trust” means “to take refuge.”

I remember years ago, my family and I were driving on a two-lane highway. Approaching us was a string of about five cars. It was dark and all of a sudden, about the fourth car back in the string of cars swung out to pass all the other cars and was coming directly toward us. I remember asking the LORD, “What do I do?” HIS answer was “nothing” (HE answered but HIS answer was “do nothing”.) and in an instant, it was like the hand of GOD reached out and guided that car around us on the right shoulder of the road. I saw in the rear view mirror that the car went back into the same slot it had come out of. My wife asked me “Why did they do that?” I said, “To keep from hitting us.” That moment was like sitting in the most perfect calm. I still stand amazed at what happened that moment and with much praise and gratitude to HIM for HIS care. I know there have been many others who have been in circumstances that did not come out as well. Only our LORD knows why and HE is sovereign.

Let’s read Psalm 7:3-5:

3 Lord my God, if I have done this, if there is injustice on my hands, 4 if I have done harm to one at peace with me or have plundered[8] Or me and have spared my adversary without cause, 5 may an enemy pursue and overtake me; may he trample me to the ground and leave my honor in the dust.• Selah

Again, we see David’s heart through the words he used. He addressed GOD in a real and intimate way. The word “injustice” carries the idea of “crookedness.” David was opening himself up to the scrutiny of GOD.

To David’s knowledge, he had not done anything wrong. But in case he had overlooked something, he asked GOD not to protect him and allow an enemy to trample his honor or glory into the ground.

David was sincere in his request to GOD because his heart was focused on GOD to either deliver him or punish him.

Let’s read Psalm 7: 6-11:

6 Rise up, Lord, in Your anger; lift Yourself up against the fury of my adversaries; awake for me;[9] LXX reads awake, Lord my God You have ordained[10] Or me; ordain a judgment. 7 Let the assembly of peoples gather around You; take Your seat[11] MT reads and return on high over it. 8 The Lord judges the peoples; vindicate me, Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity.[12] Lit integrity on me [13] Ps 26:1; 35:24; 43:1 9 Let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous. The One who examines the thoughts and emotions[14] Lit examines hearts and kidneys is a righteous God.[15] Heb 4:12 10 My shield is with[16] Lit on God, who saves the upright in heart. 11 God is a righteous judge, and a God who executes justice every day.

David looked to GOD as his deliverer and the judge of all mankind. David asked GOD to vindicate him according to his righteousness and integrity in verse 8. “Vindicate me” means to “Judge me” so David is asking GOD to judge him as well. His desire is to be righteous before GOD and others. This brings to mind the Model Prayer, “Forgive us as we forgive others.”

David asked GOD to conquer evil and establish the righteous. He trusted GOD to judge and execute justice on a daily basis.

Let’s read Psalm 7:12-17:

12 If anyone does not repent, God[17] Lit He will sharpen His sword; He has strung[18] Lit bent; that is, bent the bow to string it His bow and made it ready. 13 He has prepared His deadly weapons; He tips His arrows with fire. 14 See, he is pregnant with evil, conceives trouble, and gives birth to deceit. 15 He dug a pit and hollowed it out, but fell into the hole he had made. 16 His trouble comes back on his own head, and his violence falls on the top of his head.[19] Ps 140:9–11; Est 9:25 17 I will thank the Lord for His righteousness; I will sing about the name of the Lord, the • Most High.

David acknowledged that GOD will judge all people either while they are upon earth or after they depart earth in death. For those who do not repent, GOD will be the final judge and those practicing evil will be caught one way or the other in their own deceit. Those who practice evil will be judged and come to justice but David trusted in the LORD and he would sing praises to HIM.

In the end, evil will destroy itself. Violent people become victims of violence and often innocent people are caught in this violence. In the end, GOD will be the judge of all mankind. David ended with a song of praise which reflected his confidence and trust in GOD.

When we trust GOD to take the right action, with no preconceived notion of how HE should proceed, then we are in the right relationship with HIM. Our part must always be to focus on our relationship with our LORD and not let anything come between us and HIM.

We can be encouraged by the testimony of others. It is vital that we have our own testimony with our LORD, as we get to know HIM more intimately each day, through our relationship with HIM.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Breakthrough in Forgiveness - Psalm 32 - January 13, 2007

Sunday School Lesson – Breakthrough in Forgiveness – January 13, 2008

This is lesson two (2) in our series “Experience a Breakthrough.”

Our scripture is Psalm 32:1-11.

Last week’s lesson introduces this new series. If this is your first lesson, then you need to study the lesson for January 6, 2008.

The Bible is GOD revealing Himself to mankind in an ever ascending manner culminating with the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of HIS ONLY SON JESUS. Once JESUS had completed HIS mission on earth, HE sat down at the right hand of the FATHER and sent the HOLY SPIRIT to earth to indwell all believers.

In the Psalms, David is expressing his experiences with GOD. It is good for us to learn what others have experienced and we can be comforted by their experiences. But the key is, what have we learned and experienced through our relationship with GOD through CHRIST?

You will notice that the word “Selah” is used in this Psalm. Scholars think that “Selah” is a musical term used to:
(1) Signal an interlude, such as a pause in the reading while musical instruments continue to play.

(2) Used as the equivalent of “Amen” to separate the sections of the writings.
(3) An acrostic to signal a change in voices or to repeat.

David shares with us through Psalm 32 what he has learned from GOD regarding forgiveness. Bible scholars believe David wrote Psalm 32 after he wrote Psalm 51. Both Psalms reflect what went on internally in David’s life after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed. It was a form of testimony. David tried to hide his sin and go on with life as if nothing had happened. The story of his affair is recorded in 2 Samuel Chapters 11 and 12. Psalm 32 reflects David’s internal struggle with himself during the period he refused to confess his sin and the turmoil un-confessed sin had on his life.

In Psalms David is expressing his experience with GOD. David’s experience is a result of his relationship with GOD, which led him to a deeper knowledge of GOD and into a more intimate relationship. Our relationship with GOD is dynamic and our knowledge of HIM grows each day. So how do we have and maintain a relationship with GOD? JESUS tells us in John 15:5:
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.

Abiding in HIM is the beginning of building a relationship. The key is “remains”. Salvation is the beginning but it is the decision of all believers whether or not we remain in the relationship on a daily basis. This does not mean a believer looses his or her salvation but it does mean that there are a number of things that can cause us to compromise our relationship with HIM – our attitude, disappointment, our flesh, doubt, not spending time talking to JESUS, failure to read the Bible, un-confessed sin and the list goes on and on.

In John 15:5 JESUS is telling all believers that HE is the source of all our spiritual nourishment, vitality and sustenance. When we allow the flesh to rob us of our connection to the vine, JESUS, we can do nothing. This is why maintaining our relationship with JESUS is vital. It is through our relationship on a daily basis that we are fed spiritual food, grow and mature spiritually.

David did not have the benefit of the knowledge that we have today through the Bible. He had some of the Old Testament scriptures and he was anticipating the day that the Messiah would come to earth. Today we are blessed to have the knowledge of JESUS and celebrate HIS birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension today. Because of HIM, believers can experience forgiveness and the fullness of CHRIST in them through the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. What a privilege we have!!!

Let’s read Psalm 32:1-2:

1 How happy is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! 2 How happy is the man the Lord does not charge with sin, and in whose spirit is no deceit!

The words used here describe a person agonizing over his or her sin with a sense there is no forgiveness. Then there is a breakthrough and the person receives complete forgiveness. The burden of sin is lifted and the joy they receive from this knowledge is overwhelming. Their sin has been completely blotted out, removed, buried in the deepest part of the sea never to rise up again. The person’s confessed sin is gone forever!

Does this not bring absolute joy to your heart! Today we know that JESUS paid the price for our sins and our sins are covered by HIS shed blood. We have been washed white a snow. We have direct access to GOD through CHRIST. We are GOD’S children through the miracle of rebirth.

The last part of verse 2, “in whose spirit is no deceit” is precious. When a person is secure in his or her relationship with someone he or she knows, he or she can go to that person and confess things they have done wrong without fear of this friend turning his or her back on him or her. This friend may not like or condone what has been done but their relationship will be secure.

This is what David is expressing. A person does not neglect confessing his or her sins to GOD. He or she does so with a broken heart. It is not an attitude of “Oh gee, I did it again so let’s move on.” But it is with a broken heart the person feels free to confess his or her sin to GOD with the confidence that he or she will be forgiven. But the person does so with the desire and intent not do it again and with a desire to become more righteous. This is the Old Testament revelation of David’s desire and GOD’S desire for mankind to become more righteous. Let’s fast forward to what JESUS did for all believers.

The New Testament tells us in 1 Corinthians 5:21:

21 He (GOD) made the One (JESUS) who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

When we ask JESUS to forgive us of our sins and to come into our heart, in essence, our sin is poured into CHRIST and HIS righteousness is poured into us. Our sin placed CHRIST on the cross. We maintain our right to choose what we will do on a daily basis. Do we choose to yield our will to GOD each day and seek to build a more intimate, loving relationship with HIM and obediently serve HIM as HE guides us? Through this relationship our desire is to reflect more of HIM and less of us. As we empty ourselves of self or the rule of the flesh in our lives and allow HIM to control more of us, then we naturally reflect more of HIM. It is vital that we allow HIM to do the work in us and not us working in our own strength to reflect more of HIM. When we work according to our own agenda we will become weary. Rest in HIM and let HIM direct you to the things HE wants you to do.

Even in this intimate relationship with HIM, we will sin. Grace covers all of our sin but GOD wants us to be open and honest with HIM. HE wants us to confess all of our sin because HIS desire for us is to be righteous and in essence this is our desire as well. Confession of our sins is never casual or flippant. This is what David had learned because he had experienced this forgiveness and it brought joy to his soul.

Let’s read Psalm 32:3-7:

3 When I kept silent,[1] Probably a reference to a refusal to confess sin my bones became brittle from my groaning all day long. 4 For day and night Your hand was heavy on me; my strength was drained[2] Hb obscure as in the summer’s heat.• Selah 5 Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not conceal my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You took away the guilt of my sin.Selah 6 Therefore let everyone who is faithful pray to You at a time that You may be found.[3] Lit time of finding When great floodwaters come, they will not reach him. 7 You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance.Selah

Again, this is what David had learned from his experience. When David did not confess his sins, by keeping silent, it affected him to the very core of his being. He groaned all day long because he was depressed and was lifeless. The word “groaned” carries the meaning of “roaring like a lion” or “screaming” as in pain. A roaring lion is a hungry lion and needs to be satisfied.

David was keeping his sin to himself and he was one miserable person. GOD’S hand was heavy upon him. He was limp as a dish rag, completely drained of all his strength.

Have you ever worked outside in the hot sun and been completely drained of your strength? If so, you know how David felt – zapped of all energy. His sin had completely consumed him, all because he was stubborn and prideful. David was about as low as one can go.

David then confessed his sin to GOD and oh what a relief it was!!! The burden of guilt was lifted and the joy of the LORD flooded his soul. He was free from the burden of sin and he hoped that all people who were burdened with the guilt of sin would do the same thing so they could experience this same freedom.

Only GOD can take away your sins and lift you above the floodwaters of guilt when they come rushing into your lives.

Verse 7 is a verse that Ms. Corrie ten Boon held onto during World War II. The title of the book she wrote telling about these times is “The Hiding Place.”

David knew the comfort a secure hiding place can give a person when they have been in the heat of a battle. He wanted all to find this special hiding place in our LORD.

David ends this section with a shout of praise!

Have you experienced this same freedom by confessing all your sins to GOD? If not, now is a good time to settle that matter. If you have never invited JESUS into your heart, ask him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart right now! HE will set you free from the burden and guilt of all your sins.

Let’s read Psalm 32:8-11:

8 I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give counsel. 9 Do not be like a horse or mule, without understanding, that must be controlled with bit and bridle, or else it will not come near you. 10 Many pains come to the wicked, but the one who trusts in the Lord will have faithful love surrounding him. 11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; shout for joy, all you upright in heart.

There are two (2) schools of thought on this section of scripture:

(1) David is praying to GOD telling HIM that since he has been through this ordeal of discovery, he has the credentials to instruct others and to help them. Other Bible translations reflect this interpretation.
(2) GOD is speaking to David in verses 8 and 9. Verses 10 and 11 reflect David’s prayer to GOD. The Holman translation reflects this interpretation. Notice the letter “M” in the word “My” is capitalized. This is my choice.

David understands what it means to be stubborn like a mule. The scripture tells us that stubbornness is like sin. It keeps us from fellowship with GOD.

1Samuel 15:23: (King James Version)
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

GOD reminds David that a stubborn horse or mule will not come near you unless you have a bit in its mouth. GOD is telling David, don’t be like that because a bit is very uncomfortable and that is not the relationship I want to have with you. I want you to come to ME because of our relationship, not because I force you.

This is why GOD does not force any human to accept JESUS as their Savior. GOD’S role in salvation is to draw all humans to Himself. We present the good news of CHRIST to others as GOD leads us. GOD is THE ONE to bring that person to a point of decision whether or not to acceptance or rejection CHRIST.

David acknowledged that the wicked will experience many pains because David had experienced this pain and agony. David was one miserable person until he confessed his sins and GOD lifted the burden of his sin. Those who refuse to seek forgiveness will remain in their pain but those who confess their sin to GOD will receive HIS forgiveness. The righteous know GOD and can experience the peace that passes all understanding.

David experienced the freedom of the forgiveness of his sins. Have you experienced this same freedom from the forgiveness of your sins? If so, praise HIM for HIS love and forgiveness. If not, then confess your sins to HIM now and ask CHRIST to forgive you and to come into your life.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Breakthrough in Focus - Psalm 145 - January 6, 2008

Sunday School Lesson – Breakthrough in Focus – January 6, 2008

We begin a new series of study entitled “Experience a Breakthrough.”

Our lessons for the month of January will be in Psalms.

January 6 – Psalm 145 – Praises GOD for HIS power, character and provision.
January 13 – Psalm 32 – Encourages us to seek GOD’S forgiveness.
January 20 – Psalm 7 – Highlights the need for us to seek justice for ourselves and others.
January 27 – Psalm 23 – Challenges us to greater confidence in GOD as we journey through life.

Our scripture in today’s study is Psalm 145:1-21.

David (King David) is listed as the author of seventy-three (73) Psalms. Other Psalms have been attributed to David. He wrote some as a young lad while attending sheep. He wrote some as he sung for King Saul and others he wrote as he discovered various attributes and characteristics about GOD through their relationship.

The scriptures reveal that David was a man after GOD’S own heart, yet David was not perfect. We know from scriptures that he committed adultery and murder. However, when he was confronted with his sin he repented and sought GOD’S forgiveness. GOD forgave him but he had to suffer the consequences of his sins.

1 Samuel 13:13-14:
13 And Samuel said to Saul (King Saul)), Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever. 14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commanded thee.

Acts 13:22-23:
22 And when he had removed him (King Saul), he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. 23 Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:

As we study the Psalms attributed to David, we need to keep in mind that they reflect his understanding of GOD. David’s Psalms allow us to see his spiritual journey of getting to know GOD in a personal, intimate relationship.

Believers today are no different from David, except we have the benefit of the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT to help us to really know GOD, not just know about GOD. David had a desire to know GOD.

Many Christians keep a journal of their experiences and encounters with GOD. They record such things as: Praise songs, poems, praises, expressions of adoration, special revelations, insights and encounters they have had when experiencing GOD.

Ephesians 1:18-19 to me is a precious verse – “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which HE has called you, the riches of HIS glorious inheritance in the saints, and HIS incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of HIS mighty strength.”

Paul talks about the eyes of our heart. To me the “eyes” of our heart is the most secret place where we can meet with GOD and we can talk intimately with HIM. In the eyes of our heart we can discuss the most intimate and most secret things in our lives. It is in the eyes of our heart where GOD reveals truth and understanding, as well as, Himself, HIS character, HIS power, HIS attributes, HIS provision, HIS comfort, HIS assurance, HIS care, HIS assurance of our salvation, confirmation that we are HIS children and the list goes on and on.

Have you discovered this most intimate meeting place with our LORD? If not, ask HIM to reveal to you how you can really get to know HIM in the most intimate way possible because you want to build a personal relationship with HIM.

When we ask CHRIST to forgive us of our sins and to come into our hearts, HE does. We are born-again into the family of GOD. Building a relationship with HIM is an ongoing daily process. It is like an infant being born into a family, who is not equipped to care for itself. Once we are born into GOD’S family we also need care to grow spiritually. Some of us have not been fed good nutritious spiritual food. We have formed notions and false ideas about GOD, HIS care, HIS nature and many other quirks. We need the enlightenment and teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT to dispel these false notions and replace them with truth. This takes a decision of each believer. Usually such revelation will not come quickly. But it comes according to our ability to receive it and digest it.

Many believers (I include myself) are babes in CHRIST. When a baby cries we know something is wrong. As loving parents, when we hear our baby crying, we go to see what the problem is. This is true with many believers because we do not know what our spiritual problem is. All we know to do is cry. GOD, as our FATHER, comes to our aid. As we grow and mature, as HIS spiritual children, we begin to express our needs more specifically. When we do, it reveals our heart. This is exactly what GOD wants us to do because it reveals our level of spiritual maturity. This is not for GOD to see but for us to be able to see that we are growing spiritually and we all have needs.

So how do you build a personal intimate relationship with GOD? The same way you build and maintain a personal relationship with your very best friend. You spend time with him or her to get to know him or her as you encounter various situations and circumstances in life. The best place to begin is to read and study HIS Word, the Bible. The Bible is GOD speaking through chosen prophets to mankind. It is GOD revealing HIS character, attributes, nature, does and don’ts, HIS love and instructions for living. The Bible also reveals the experiences of people of faith as they interact with GOD to build a deeper relationship with HIM. The crown jewel is when JESUS comes to earth as a human as the SAVIOR of mankind.

Then talk to GOD through JESUS, which is prayer. Reveal to HIM any problem, doubt, question, hang-up, praise, adoration you have. Be honest with GOD because if you harbor issues, they are barriers to building the most honest, intimate relationship with HIM. HE already knows your heart so be honest with HIM. GOD will meet with you and at the right moment HE will give you situations that will build your faith, trust and confidence in HIM. GOD will give you an opportunity to serve HIM. But wait upon HIM. Focus on the relationship first and let HIM show you what HE wants you to do.

As I write these words, they come from my experience with GOD in building a more intimate relationship. I became a Christian when I was about nine (9) years old but I yielded/committed my life to CHRIST when I was in my early thirty’s. I am now 70.

Several years ago I began to feel like I did not have the relationship with my LORD that I thought I should. The scriptures tell us to seek first our relationship with HIM and then all these things will be given to us. Building an intimate relationship with GOD is not a one size fits all. Each believer needs to ask HIM to reveal to him or her how they can build a more intimate relationship with HIM.

I have taught the Bible for many years but I felt like I only knew “about” GOD and did not really “know” GOD. About three (3) years ago a pastor friend asked me to teach “Experiencing God” authored by Dr. Henry Blackaby and Claude V. King published by LifeWay Press. This is a workbook published for about 15 years ago. There are also video tapes that accompany the workbook. I had the privilege of taking my time and working my way through each unit of this study along with my wife.

I began the study with telling GOD that I was going to be dead honest with HIM and I was not going to move from one point to another until we resolved that point or question. You can see from these words that I had issues that needed to be settled with GOD. It was one of the most profound studies I have ever done. For me, it was the beginning of really getting to know my LORD. It was not trying to recall or remember what I read in the book but it was meeting with GOD through CHRIST each day. Studying HIS Word and having a heart to heart talk with HIM. In retrospect, I had to be dead honest with GOD and reveal all of my hang-ups and notions to HIM. This may not be the same situation for you because I had issues I had to resolve with GOD – disappointments.

I found that over the years I had false notions about GOD. I had standards I thought GOD ought to meet and notions of how HE needed to act. I had created GOD in my own image. Guess what? GOD is GOD. HE is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. HE does things HIS way. HIS ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts. HE is sovereign and we can trust HIM in all things. But before we can understand and accept that GOD is sovereign and we can trust HIM regardless of the results, we must have built the relationship with HIM and that is a process. That process is sanctification which is to be made saint like. I must quickly add that I do not consider myself a saint. But GOD considers all believers to be saints because all believers are set aside for service to GOD through CHRIST. But our part is to yield our will to GOD and to allow HIM to guide our lives. That takes a decision by each believer. GOD never overrides our right to choose.

What I am revealing is my journey to build a more intimate relationship with GOD. You cannot ride on my experience and you cannot ride on David’s experience. What you read in the Psalms is what David learned during his journey with GOD through an ever changing dynamic relationship with HIM. I am still learning and building my relationship with GOD through CHRIST. A personal relationship with GOD is just that - personal, intimate and requires a decision by you.

The most important thing is for each believer to seek his or her own unique relationship with GOD. Salvation is only the beginning. Do we know GOD more this week, month or year than we have in the past? What have we learned about HIM? Do we have any hang-ups about GOD? If so, have we told HIM about them? Is HE revealing truth to us? What do we want GOD to reveal to us? Are we honest with GOD? Have we confessed all our sins to HIM? Have we yielded our lives to be obedient and serve HIM? Are we afraid to commit our lives to HIM? Have we told HIM we would like to serve HIM completely but we are afraid or that we want to but do not know how? Is there anything we need to place openly before the LORD or confess to HIM? Be open with the LORD because HE knows all of our problems, hang-ups, sins, disbelief, questions, doubts, fears and the list goes on and on.

David recorded his experiences with GOD. You might choose to keep a record of your experiences as you build a relationship with HIM or journey with HIM.

Let’s read Psalm 145:1-7: (GOD’S Power)

1 I[1] The lines of this poem form an • acrostic. exalt You, my God[2] Ps 30:1; 118:28; Isa 25:1 the King, and praise Your name forever and ever. 2 I will praise You every day; I will honor Your name forever and ever.[3] Ps 63:4; 96:2; 100:4 3 • Yahweh is great and is highly praised;[4] Ps 48:1; 96:4; 1 Ch 16:25 His greatness is unsearchable.[5] Jb 5:9; 9:10; Isa 40:28 4 One generation will declare Your works to the next and will proclaim Your mighty acts. 5 I[6] LXX, Syr read They will speak of Your glorious splendor[7] Ps 96:6; 104:1; 1 Ch 16:27; Jb 37:22 and[8] LXX, Syr read and they will tell of Your wonderful works. 6 They will proclaim the power of Your awe-inspiring works, and I will declare Your greatness.[9] Alt Hb tradition, Jer read great deeds [10] Ps 106:2; Dt 10:21; 1 Ch 17:19–21 7 They will give a testimony of Your great goodness and will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.

David is expressing the joy of knowing GOD and commits to praise and honor HIS name daily forever because that is vital in maintaining his relationship with GOD. The word “honor” carries the idea “to make shine.” David wanted everyone to see GOD in his life by reflecting GOD. But this type of reflection comes from a genuine presence of GOD in a life. Many of us can act Holy but only when we have the right relationship with GOD through CHRIST can we reflect HIS presence in us.

No one can fathom the greatness of GOD. David uses the name of Yahweh, which is the most Holy name for GOD. This shows the extent David is going to fully express how much he is in awe of GOD’S mighty acts, HIS power and HIS works. There is no equal to GOD, HE is above all.

These expressions are coming from David’s personal experience, revelations and understanding of GOD. He is excited and he wanted to express this discovery about GOD. He has to express openly what he is feeling in his heart. As JESUS went into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the people were shouting Hosanna. JESUS said if they had not cried out the very rocks would have cried out. Have you ever been so excited about something that you had to do or say something to express your joy? This is David. GOD wants each believer to experience this same joy through really knowing HIM.

Let’s read Psalm145:8-13: (GOD’S Character)

8 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and great in faithful love.[11] Ps 86:15; 103:8; Ex 34:6; Nm 14:18 9 The Lord is good to everyone; His compassion [rests]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. on all He has made.[12] Ex 34:6; Neh 9:17; Jnh 4:2 10 All You have made will praise You, Lord; the[13] Lit Your godly will bless You. 11 They will speak of the glory of Your kingdom and will declare Your might,[14] Ps 21:13; 1 Ch 29:11–12; 2 Ch 20:6 12 informing [all]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. people[15] Lit informing the sons of man of Your mighty acts and of the glorious splendor of Your[16] LXX, Syr, Jer; MT reads His kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom; Your rule is for all generations.[17] Dn 4:3 The Lord is faithful in all His words and gracious in all His actions.[18] One Hb ms, DSS, LXX, Syr; most Hb mss omit The Lord is faithful in all His words and gracious in all His actions.

David continues to speak of the attributes and character of GOD. GOD is good to ALL and David’s hope, desire and belief is that ALL who acknowledge GOD will see the same things about GOD that he sees. When they do, ALL will share their discovery with their children and ALL generations will acknowledge and worship GOD. Notice the number of times the word “all” is used in these verses and the verses to follow.

Let’s read Psalm 145:14-21: (GOD’S Provision)

14 The Lord helps all who fall; He raises up all who are oppressed.[19] Lit bowed down [20] Ps 37:24; 119:116; 146:8 15 All eyes look to You, and You give them their food in due time.[21] Ps 104:27 16 You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. 17 The Lord is righteous in all His ways[22] Ps 11:7; Dn 9:14; Zph 3:5 and gracious in all His acts. 18 The Lord is near all who call out to Him,[23] Ps 34:18; 86:5; Dt 4:7; Jr 23:23 all who call out to Him with integrity. 19 He fulfills the desires of those who • fear Him; He hears their cry for help and saves them.[24] Ps 18:6; Ex 2:23–24; 2 Ch 20:9 20 The Lord guards all those who love Him, but He destroys all the wicked. 21 My mouth will declare the Lord’s praise; let every living thing praise His holy name forever and ever.

David has seen and he knows personally that GOD helps those who have fallen and those who are oppressed. GOD provides for all mankind to be sustained physically and spiritually. The key is that those GOD takes care of must look to HIM in sincerity. In verse 18 the word “integrity” is used. Integrity implies standing firm in one’s faith and displaying the qualities of GOD’S character in our lives. This reminds me of our lesson on the Beatitudes which outlined the qualities GOD wants in every believer.

GOD is always near. HE does not wander off, HE is not aloof but HE is ever present and there for all who call out to HIM. David had seen HIS mighty power guard him and deliver him from the wicked. He acknowledged this and praised the LORD for HIS care of HIM. David saw GOD’S provision and surely ALL others would see HIS care for them and would praise HIS name.

As we conclude the reading of Psalm 145, reflect on David’s knowledge of GOD and reflect on your intimate knowledge of GOD. If you wrote about your relationship with GOD what would it be? Praises? Adoration? Mystery? Questions?

David had the scriptures recorded by Moses. He had knowledge of the attributes of GOD but David wanted to know GOD and experience GOD himself. He does experience GOD through daily living and he is not repeating what Moses had learned but what he had experience himself.

This is true for us. We study the Bible to learn about GOD but it is through daily living that we experience the presence of GOD in our lives. Let HIM show you the marvels and wonders of HIS handiwork as you walk with HIM each moment.

The scriptures copied below reveal to us what David had studied.

Exodus 34:4-9:
4 Moses cut two stone tablets like the first ones. He got up early in the morning, and taking the two stone tablets in his hand, he climbed Mount Sinai, just as the Lord had commanded him. 5 The Lord came down in a cloud, stood with him there, and proclaimed [His]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. name • Yahweh. 6 Then the Lord passed in front of him and proclaimed: Yahweh—Yahweh is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth,[1] Nm 14:18; Ps 86:15; 103:8 7 maintaining faithful love to a thousand [generations]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. , forgiving wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin. But He will not leave [the guilty]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. unpunished, bringing the consequences of the fathers’ wrongdoing on the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation. 8 Moses immediately bowed down to the ground and worshiped. 9 Then he said, “My Lord, if I have indeed found favor in Your sight, my Lord, please go with us. Even though this is a stiff-necked people, forgive our wrongdoing and sin, and accept us as Your own possession.”

Exodus 33:14:-23:
14 Then He replied, “My presence[2] Dt 4:37; Isa 63:9 will go [with you]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. , and I will give you rest.” 15 “If Your presence does not go,” Moses responded to Him, “don’t make us go up from here. 16 How will it be known that I and Your people have found favor in Your sight unless You go with us? I and Your people will be distinguished [by this]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. from all the other people on the face of the earth.” 17 The Lord answered Moses, “I will do this very thing you have asked, for you have found favor in My sight, and I know you by name.” 18 Then Moses said, “Please, let me see Your glory.” 19 He said, “I will cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim the name • Yahweh before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”[3] Rm 9:15 20 But He answered, “You cannot see My face, for no one can see Me and live.” 21 The Lord said, “Here is a place near Me. You are to stand on the rock, 22 and when My glory passes by, I will put you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take My hand away, and you will see My back, but My face will not be seen.”[4] Jn 1:18

All believers want to see GOD and we can through the eyes of our heart as we live and fellowship with HIM and behold HIS handiwork around us. Life is a precious gift and CHRIST came that believers might experience life more abundantly. Embrace HIM today and embrace life more fully.