Bible Study - Name - JESUS Our Shepherd - John 10:7-16 - December 30, 2012
Bible Study - Name – JESUS Our Shepherd – December
30, 2012
This is lesson five (5) our final lesson in the
series entitled, “What’s in a Name?”
Our scripture is John 10:7-16.
Our study has led us to consider the many attributes
and characteristics of GOD as expressed by HIS name. HE manifests Himself in
many different ways to those who love HIM, look to HIM for salvation and walk
with HIM each day. The Bible makes it clear that GOD is consistent and in HIM
there is no shadow of turning (James 1:17). HE is not fickle. HE says what HE
means and means what HE says. HE is sovereign. HIS sovereignty is very hard to
deal with when circumstances do not go our way.
HE loved mankind so much that HE allowed HIS only
Son to come to earth not only to reveal HIS reality and love but also to freely
give HIS life to pay, in full, the debt for sin and its consequence, eternal
death. Physical death is 100%. But every person has a decision to make whether
or not to accept or reject CHRIST as his/her Savior. Accepting CHRIST as your
Savior means eternal life and no judgment; Rewards for obediently serving HIM
but no judgment. CHRIST in you is what makes you a Christian through the
miracle of rebirth. Rebirth is a Spiritual matter that is confirmed by the
indwelling Holy Spirit within each person who receives CHRIST.
Our final study focuses on JESUS the Shepherd. HE is
a chip off the block because GOD is also considered a Shepherd. JESUS left HIS
home in heaven. HE chose to leave HIS Glory in heaven as well. HE willingly
came to earth to be born 100% human and yet 100% divine. HE had access to
divine power but chose not to use it in order to fulfill HIS mission. HE came
to earth to give HIS life for all who would have faith in HIM. The Apostle John
revealed the nature of CHRIST as Savior and Shepherd of the body of true
believers, the flock. Let’s explore.
Let’s read John 10:7-10:
The Good
Shepherd – Introduction:
We need to
keep in mind the timeline regarding the unfolding of these events. When JESUS was
teaching this message, HIS crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and
ascension had not taken place. The scriptures had prophesied these events and
CHRIST had spoken of some of these but for the most part they went over the
heads of those to whom HE was speaking and HIS disciples. When the Apostle John
wrote of this particular event, it was some 50 plus years after the Passion of
CHRIST. John received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and had been faithful in the
preaching the gospel all these years. John fully understood and fully comprehended
the full scope of the passion of CHRIST.
teaching. It is difficult to make Spiritual matters understandable to
non-Spiritual people. To help HIS audience then and us today, JESUS took
examples from ordinary life and related them to Spiritual truths to help us
understand Spiritual matters. The Holy Spirit works within each person to bring
empowerment, enlightenment and understanding to Spiritual truth. GOD works
within every non-believer to give him/her the opportunity to respond positively
or negatively to HIS call for him/her to surrender his/her life to HIM.
GOD’S Spirit is
always at work in the lives of all who need salvation and those who have
received salvation. At Pentecost, GOD sent the Holy Spirit to earth to indwell
every person who put his/her faith in CHRIST. JESUS stated in John 20:29:
29 Jesus saith
unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast
believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have
believed. (KJV)
There are those who saw and heard JESUS.
There are those who since the Passion of CHRIST must depend upon GOD’S Word
(the Bible), the Holy Spirit, the witness of other Christians, teachers,
preachers, evangelists, etc. who present truth, salvation and live through
faith in CHRIST.
Those who came
in contact with JESUS heard HIS teachings and witnessed the miracles GOD
performed through HIM, which confirmed that HE was the Promised Messiah. GOD
had led the prophets of old to write about the attributes and characteristics regarding
the promised Messiah. The full knowledge of the passion of CHRIST could not be fully
comprehended because it had not taken place in the chronology of these events,
plus the Jews were looking for a political messiah and not an eternal Spiritual
Messiah. Rather than conquering physical enemies, JESUS conquered what no human
could ever conquer - sin and its consequence, eternal death. When our Spiritual
enemy has been conquered, the wisdom and strength to conquer our physical enemies
becomes evident for those having faith in GOD through CHRIST. Giving your life
to CHRIST forms a relationship that builds and matures as you obediently serve
The Gospel of
John was written about 85-90 A.D. or about 53-58 years after the death and
resurrection of JESUS. When John wrote his gospel account, he had the full
understanding of the passion of CHRIST, as the other writers of the New
Testament. Did those to whom JESUS was speaking or teaching fully understand or
comprehend HIS message at that moment? Only GOD knows because we do know that GOD’S
Word does not return void. GOD reveals truth and HE can reveal it at the
instant it is presented or hide it in our hearts to reveal it at an exact
moment to produce the most needed result, which is salvation.
In JESUS’ day,
the raising of sheep was a business and most people of that day could relate to
raising sheep. People knew that the shepherd was the key to raising sheep and
protecting them from themselves and from harm. Sheep folds could range in size.
The fold was a corral to prevent the sheep from going astray and to protect
them from thieves, robbers and predators when they bedded down at night. At
night, the shepherd placed himself across the entrance to the fold to protect
his sheep. To get to the sheep, a thief or predator had to come through the
shepherd. Sheep were helpless and needed
guidance, protection, food, and care that the shepherd provided.
Psalm 23
written by David. David was a shepherd and made the connection between taking
care of sheep to GOD taking care of those who come to HIM and choose to walk
with HIM.
Let’s read
Psalm 23:
The Good
Shepherd A Davidic psalm.
1 The
Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. 2 He lets me
lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside
quiet waters. 3 He renews my life; He leads me
along the right paths for His name’s sake.
4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I
fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod
and Your staff—they comfort me. 5 You prepare
a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You
anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Only goodness
and faithful love will pursue me all the days
of my life, and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord as long as I live.
teaching HIS listeners then and us today, through the words penned by the
Apostle John. JESUS is the entrance to eternal life. HE is the Good Shepherd
and guards HIS sheep and nothing can snatch them out of HIS hand. HE and the
Father are one and nothing can snatch them out of the Father’s hand. Once a
person is born into the Kingdom of GOD, he/she will never become unborn.
From a
Spiritual point-of-view the words spoken by JESUS are vital for every
Christian. Salvation is only the beginning of a lifetime of obedience and
Spiritual growth while serving our LORD. Just as sheep must follow their
shepherd, Christians must follow CHRIST. JESUS was telling all Christians that
there are spiritual battles that threaten their Spiritual lives. People are in
spiritual battles every day. Satan’s desire is to defeat and destroy every
person ever born on earth. His first goal is to prevent a person from becoming
a Christian. If he fails at preventing a person from becoming a Christian, he
does all he can to defeat and destroy him/her and his/her witness. That is why
it is so important that we pray for one another and support each other as
JESUS was saying
be careful because I know that you do not fully understand what you are up
against. This is where trust comes into your lives. Just as the sheep have to
trust the shepherd, JESUS was saying, you must trust ME as the Good Shepherd to
lead you to heaven. Satan will do all he can to turn your thoughts away from
following JESUS. Satan will show you many ways to heaven but they are all lies
because Satan is a liar and the truth is not in him. Keep in mind that JESUS
said, “I AM the Good Shepherd.” HE is the only way to heaven.
7 So Jesus said again, “I assure you: I ame the door of the sheep.f
“I assure you”
in essence was like telling HIS audience, “listen to what I AM about to tell
you because it is truth.” Notice the use of “I AM.” HE was tying what HE had to
say to “YAHWEH.” Then HE tells them that HE is the Shepherd Who is the door or
the entrance to GOD. HE is the guardian of sheep in the fold. All who have
faith in HIM enter into HIS fold and HE protects and cares for them.
8 All who came before Me g are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t
listen to them.
There have
been others who proclaimed to be the true shepherd and represent GOD but they
were robbers and thieves. Robbers take what they want by force and thieves
sneak in to take what they want. JESUS being the Good Shepherd bears witness to
GOD and reveals truth. HE is truth.
9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will
be saved and will come in and go out and find pasture.
10 A thief comes only to stealh and to kill and to destroy.i I
have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.
False teachers
and prophets do not know the truth but deceive others into thinking that they
do. Their agenda is to defeat and destroy those seeking truth. They like for
people to follow them and they have big egos. We see this today in feel good
religions. They pitch Christianity as if you have enough faith you can have
whatever you want. They are false and what they present will not hold up. If
they use scripture, you can see results because as mentioned earlier, GOD’S
Word never returns void. Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Pay
attention when you suspect truth is not being taught.
JESUS stated
“I AM” the true Shepherd. HE came to earth willingly for all who place faith in
ME to receive forgiveness for their sins and receive the free gift of eternal
life and the abundant life while living upon earth. Once you settle where you
will spend eternity, you are free to live as GOD directs your life. Life does
not get any better than obediently serving GOD.
Let’s read John 10:11-13:
11 “I am
the good shepherd.j The good shepherd lays down his
life for the sheep.k
Again JESUS used “I AM” as HE told them that
HE is the Good Shepherd. As the Good Shepherd, HE would give HIS life for all
who would accept HIM on faith. CHRIST died for our sins. Our sin was placed
upon HIM and HIS righteousness was placed upon us. Righteousness gives Christians
immediate and eternal access to GOD, such that we can call HIM, Daddy.
12 The
hired man, since he is not the shepherd and doesn’t own the sheep, leaves theml and runs away when he sees a wolfm coming. The wolf then snatches and scatters them.
HIS audience was well aware that some hired
shepherd would run when danger approached. The sheep were not his, so why
should he risk his life. JESUS owns HIS sheep because HE bought them with HIS
life. HE will never forsake HIS own or leave them.
13 This
happens because he is a hired man and doesn’t care about the sheep.
False teachers, preachers, pastors,
evangelist and Bible study leaders do not know the truth and when tested it
falls apart. When challenged, the usual explanation is, “You did not have
enough faith.”
Let’s read John 10:14-16:
14 “I am the good shepherd. I know My own sheep,
and they know Me,
JESUS as the
Good Shepherd is personally committed to the sheep in HIS fold. HE knows them
intimately. HE knows the number of the hairs on their head. HE knows their
hearts and the beauty is that they know HIM. How do they know HIM? It is by
having an intimate, personal relationship with HIM. Christians study the Bible,
talk to GOD and obediently serve HIM as the Holy Spirit leads and directs their
lives. As they obediently serve HIM, they get to know HIM through on-the-job
training. Serving HIM builds this dynamic relationship as we see HIS power and
handiwork manifested.
The indwelling
Holy Spirit confirms their relationship with HIM. Do you remember Romans 8:16:
16 The
Spirit Himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children,
15 as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father.n I lay down My lifeo
for the sheep.
JESUS had been
referring to Himself as “I AM.” In verse 15, HE makes it clear that HE knows
GOD, HIS Father, intimately and personally. GOD, in turn, knows HIM just as
intimately and personally. HIS knowledge was not just head knowledge but heart
knowledge as the result of an intimate, personal and dynamic relationship with
GOD. As Christians, we can have this same dynamic relationship.
16 But I have other sheepp that are not of this fold; I must bring
them also, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock, one
JESUS stated
that HE had other sheep. Who are these other sheep? GOD allowed JESUS to come
to earth first of all for the salvation of the Jews. But JESUS made it clear
that HE also came for the salvation of the Gentiles. Gentiles included all
other races.
GOD revealed prophesies
regarding the promised Messiah to the Jews. Scripture made clear all the
aspects of the Messiah – where HE would be born, how GOD would manifest Himself
through HIM (miracles), HIS death and the list goes on. But with all of their
archives of scripture and constant search of them, they could not see JESUS as
the Messiah. They were blinded to truth because they had made up their minds that
the Messiah would be an earthly ruler and deliver them from Roman rule. They
wanted a physical deliverer and not a Spiritual deliverer. When GOD rules the
hearts of mankind, mankind does not need a physical deliverer. A Spiritual
solution is eternal whereas a physical solution is temporary.
GOD chose the
Jews to have the first opportunity to recognize, acknowledge and confirm JESUS
as the true Promised Messiah. Some of the Jews accepted HIM as their Savior but
many rejected HIM.
would not end with the Jews rejection of JESUS because salvation would come to
the Gentiles, as well. Salvation is available to all who ask CHRIST to forgive
them for their sins and accept HIS passion on faith. CHRIST brings unity
because all Christians are GOD’S children. There is one flock made of all who accept
CHRIST as their Savior and all true Christians form the body of CHRIST, which
is the true Spiritual church. The Spiritual church is not defined or confined
by a physical building or some organized Christian religious organization.
CHRIST is the
Good Shepherd of all true Christians. As you obediently serve GOD through
CHRIST you will build an intimate relationship with HIM and get to know HIM
intimately. HE will become your very best friend and you journey together. You
will discover that HE is the good Shepherd and you obediently follow HIM. I
hope all had a blessed Christmas and will have a blessed New Year. Blessings!!!
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