Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, November 23, 2012

Bible Study - Church - Transforming - Hit the Streets - Acts 17:16-34 - November 25, 2012

Bible Study – Church – Transforming – Hit the Streets - November 25, 2012

This is our final lesson in our series entitled “The Church: Transforming Lives in a Changing Culture.”

Our scripture is Acts 17:16-34.

As Christians we can go to church, Bible studies, conferences, have daily Bible studies and get the best training possible. But it comes down to us sharing the Good News of CHRIST with others as led by the Holy Spirit. Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world because CHRIST is in us and we are to share HIM with others as led by the Holy Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is a daily matter and that requires each Christian yielding his/her will to GOD. Christians read about the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Apostles and the lives of certain disciples of CHRIST and think that was for then or that cannot happen today. Many churches have failed to teach about yielding to and following the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians believe that the Holy Spirit was for then and not now. But the Good News is that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and just as active and alive today as the day GOD allowed HIM to come to earth on the day of Pentecost. I believe we will see the resurgence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians in the coming years. It is time.

GOD provides the opportunity and the Holy Spirit empowers us and gives us the words to say when we hit the road as led and guided by HIM. Ask GOD to use you today to share with someone in need of Spiritual or physical needs. Notice how GOD used circumstances in Paul’s life to guide him to where GOD wanted him to be.

Let’s read Acts 17:13-15: (Background – Because of Jews accepting CHRIST as their Savior, the non-Christian Jews in Thessalonica got upset with the Apostle Paul and went after him. Fellow Christians took care of him by getting him out of Thessalonica. Paul went to Berea.)

13 But when the Jews from Thessalonica found out that God’s message had been proclaimed by Paul at Berea, they came there too, agitating and disturbing the crowds. 14 Then the brothers immediately sent Paul away to go to the sea, but Silas and Timothy stayed on there. 15 Those who escorted Paul brought him as far as Athens, and after receiving instructions for Silas and Timothy to come to him as quickly as possible, they departed.

A group of Jews from Thessalonica heard that Paul was preaching in Berea and they went there to cause trouble. The Christians in Berea scurried Paul away and placed him on a ship to Athens. Silas and Timothy remained in Berea.

Paul was in Athens waiting on Silas and Timothy to join him. He had time on his hands and Paul was not one to sit on his hands. Our next scripture revealed what he did while he waited.

What do we do when we wait? Do we look for opportunity to share the Good News of CHRIST? I know in my life, when I am some place and not upset with things not going according to schedule, I will utter a pray and ask the LORD to use me according to HIS will and purpose. Notice, when I am not upset with things not going according to my schedule. Satan uses our flesh nature to block the working of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives. That is why Christians must be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit.  

Let’s read Acts 17:16-21:

Paul in Athens

16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, his spirit was troubled within him when he saw that the city was full of idols.
17 So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with those who worshiped God and in the marketplace every day with those who happened to be there.n Ac 9:20; 2Pt 2:8
18 Then also, some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers argued with him. Some said, “What is this pseudo-intellectualo Lit this seed picker; = one who picks up scraps trying to say?”Others replied, “He seems to be a preacher of foreign deities”—because he was telling the good news about Jesus and the Resurrection.p = Gk Anastasisq Ac 4:2; 17:31-32 19 They took him and brought him to the Areopagus,r Or Mars Hill, the oldest and most famous court in Athens with jurisdiction in moral, religious, and civil matters and said, “May we learn about this new teaching you’re speaking of?s Mk 1:27; Ac 17:22
20 For what you say sounds strange to us, and we want to know what these ideas mean.”
21 Now all the Athenians and the foreigners residing there spent their time on nothing else but telling or hearing something new.

Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy to join him in Athens. As he was killing time, the Holy Spirit was working within him and opened his eyes to all the idols in Athens. There were over 30,000 statues/shrines erected to various gods and goddesses. In case they missed a god, they had a shrine/altar representing the unknown god. This worked into GOD’S plan because it gave Paul an opportunity to talk about this unknown GOD.

The pagan worship of gods was in a city that boasted of great intellect, which troubled him greatly. It is sad but so often intellectuals find it difficult to accept CHRIST on faith. CHRIST and the working of the Holy Spirit defy human logic, until a person steps out in faith. The Good News is that after they step out in faith, their faith in CHRIST is confirmed by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Their Spiritual eyes are opened and they see truth.

Athens was the cradle of Western civilization and the home to Greek mythology and philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and Zeno. Even today, we attempt to intellectualize religion, especially Christianity. Christians must keep in mind that Christianity is CHRIST in them and not joining a certain church or becoming a member of a certain Christian organization. I have spoken to people that believe that since their parent or parents were Christian, that made them Christian. Christianity is having a personal relationship with CHRIST through the miracle of rebirth.

Paul being troubled in his Spirit had to take action. Now, when Christians are troubled in their Spirit, they have a choice. They can take action as led by the flesh or the Holy Spirit. It is vital that when we are troubled in the Spirit that the action we take is led by the Holy Spirit. Do you get troubled in your Spirit with the things that you see happening around you? Is our nation becoming more or less like CHRIST?

Paul “reasoned” with the Jews and non-Jews (others) who worshipped in the synagogue. The word “reasoned” carries the idea of discussing an important matter with reasonable confidence that you will win your point of view. Paul knew where the Jews were coming from because he had been trained under the best teacher of Judaism before giving his life to CHRIST. The other worshippers likely came out of a variety of pagan religions, which Paul could handle because he had encountered it all. Paul had given a great deal of thought to persuading both Jews and pagan worshippers into seeing the importance of them accepting CHRIST as the promised Messiah of the Jews and as their Savior. Paul also had taken the Gospel to those in the marketplace or the town square where he encountered many different religions and practices. He preached CHRIST and HIS resurrection to all he encountered.

Note verse 18. I think during his discussions prior to his dissertation at the Areopagus, he had covered and debated the details of the birth, life, death resurrection, ascension and indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Notice, it is I think these fundamentals had been covered and either Paul did not go back to them or Doctor Luke chose not to put in those details in verses 22-31 because they were understood as basic to being a Christian.

Paul debated the Epicurean (EP ih kyoo REE uhn) and the Stoic philosophers. The Epicureans were founded by Epicurus (342-270 B.C.) who believed that gods were distant and uninvolved in human affairs. They did not believe in life after death. They believed that life should be enjoyed here and now. Their motto was “Enjoy Life!”

The Stoics were founded by Zeno (336-264 B.C.). Stoics believed in divine providence and that they were to live by reason – a mastery of feelings and actions formed high moral demands, which often led to pride or frustration. They believed at death, the spirit/divine spark of life, returned to the great world soul.

Neither of these groups was impressed with Paul or his message of JESUS and HIS resurrection. They considered Paul as a pseudo-intellectual or a babbler. They thought of him as someone who was not an original thinker but a person that stole ideas from others and then put his twist on the thoughts of other more enlightened people. The Greek word “pseudo-intellectual” means “seed-picker.” It depicts a bird picking up seeds or a vagrant picking up scraps of food that has been discarded. Paul being labeled as a “pseudo-intellectual” was not flattering. This same thing happens today. The intellectual community or famous people label people to discredit them. Many people are followers and adopt these false labels rather than thinking for themselves and reaching their own conclusions about a person or persons.

They thought that Paul was teaching about strange gods because he preached about JESUS and the resurrection. The philosophers likely thought that Paul was referring to two (2) gods – JESUS as the male god and “the resurrection” as the female goddess. The Greek word for resurrection is a female gender. Philosophers thought of male and female gods and goddesses such as Zeus and his wife Hera.

Although the philosophers and intellectuals were critical of Paul, they invited him to present his views in a formal setting. They took/brought him to the Areopagus (ehr ih AHP uh guhs) which was the meeting place of a council/court similar to the Supreme Court. It had authority over civic and religious matters in Athens; therefore, the philosophers were eager for fellow intellectuals to hear Paul speak about this strange philosophy. Areopagus means “the hill of Ares” the Greek god of war. In some translations it is translated as “Mars hill”, the Roman counterpart of Ares.

The bottom line was that the philosophers and others interested in probing the depths of something new and strange wanted to hear what Paul had to say. Curiosity can lead to good or bad things.

Let’s go back to consider all that had gone on with Paul to get him to this point. GOD knew the opportunity that existed in Athens. Paul had the message that those in Athens needed to hear. GOD knew that Paul could hold his own in presenting and discussing the Gospel with the intellectual community. GOD had to get Paul from Berea to Athens without Silas and Timothy, plus give him time to explore Athens to prepare him for the opportunity that HE would give him.

There are times when GOD has to move us to accomplish HIS will and purpose. GOD knew Paul and his nature which HE used to present the Gospel to those seeking truth in Athens, without them knowing it.

When all the people had gathered in the Areopagus to hear Paul, he stood and began to speak.

Let’s read Acts 17:22-23:

The Areopagus (ehr ih AHP uh guhs) Address

22 Then Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that you are extremely religious in every respect.
23 For as I was passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found an altar on which was inscribed: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you.

Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus, where all could hear him. GOD had been preparing Paul for this moment as he walked around Athens and spoke to the religious and non-religious people. He connected with the people and as such knew many things about the culture and their religious concerns.

This is helpful whenever Christians bear witness to others. It is always good to know something about the person or persons and their culture of those to whom you are speaking. It is good to build a relationship first, if possible. In Paul’s situation, GOD had been leading, guiding and preparing him for this moment.

When all had gathered, Paul stood and greeted them with a gracious opening. He complemented them on being extremely religious. The Greek word which has been translated “religious” can also be translated “superstitious.” They were religious but by the same token they were afraid to leave a god out, therefore, they had covered themselves by having an altar to “THE UNKNOWN GOD.”

When Paul began, he did not begin by condemning them but in a way he did, they just did not comprehend it. Because Paul, had time to explore Athens before he spoke, he saw many objects of their worship. They had over 30,000 idols set up to honor various gods. In particular, there was an altar that had an inscription, “TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.” That was Paul’s opening for him to speak about this unknown GOD. Since they knew nothing about this unknown GOD, they were all ears and eager to hear about HIM. Paul was the one to teach them about HIM.

People, even Christians, attempt to cover themselves today by embracing various superstitions and cult like activities. We read our horoscopes, carry our lucky whatever, put on lucky clothing and react to various superstitions e.g. black cat crossing in front of us, knocking over a salt shaker, not wearing a certain color, breaking a mirror and the list goes on. We do not want bad luck to come our way, so we do various things to ward it off. GOD is in control of all things and HE is protection.

Paul referred to something that most in his audience were eager to hear. They wanted to know about the “UNKNOWN GOD” and JESUS/resurrection. It is good to establish common ground or something to which most can relate when speaking to a group of people. The Holy Spirit was empowering Paul with the message GOD wanted him to deliver. GOD knows the hearts and needs of every individual. When a Christian speaks as led by the Holy Spirit, the message finds its targets. Paul revealed to his audience that the GOD he was speaking about is the GOD that made heaven, the world and everything in it.

Let’s read Acts 17:24-31:

24 The God who made the world and everything in itt Isa 42:5; Ac 14:15—He is Lord of heaven and earthu Dt 10:14; Ps 115:16; Mt 11:25 and does not live in shrines made by hands.v Ac 7:48
25 Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything,w Jb 22:2; Ps 50:10-12 since He Himself gives everyone life and breath and all things.x Gn 2:7; Jb 27:3; 33:4; Zch 12:1
26 From one many Other mss read one blood He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.z Dt 32:8; Jb 12:23; Mal 2:10
27 He did this so they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.a Dt 4:7; Jr 23:23-24; Ac 14:17
28 For in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’b This citation is from Aratus, a third-century b.c. Gk poet.c Jb 12:10; Dn 5:23; Tit 1:12
29 Being God’s offspring then, we shouldn’t think that the divine nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image fashioned by human art and imagination.d Isa 40:18-19; Rm 1:23
30 “Therefore, having overlookede Lk 24:47; Ac 14:16; Rm 3:25; Tit 2:11-12; 1Pt 1:14; 4:3 the times of ignorance, God now commands all people everywhere to repent,
31 because He has set a day when He is going to judge the world in righteousness by the Man He has appointed. He has provided proof of this to everyone by raising Him from the dead.”f   

Paul began by giving some of the attributes of this unknown GOD with his goal of focusing upon JESUS and what HIS resurrection means to those who accept HIM as their Savior. GOD is the One Who made the world and everything in it including every human. HE is not only the creator of all things but HE is the LORD over both heaven and earth.

Being LORD over heaven would mean that HE was ruler over all their gods, if they existed. HE is the creator of mankind. Since HE is LORD, HE is not confined to shrines or represented by objects fashioned out of gold, silver and stone crafted by human hands and human imagination.

HE is the LORD of the heavens. HE does not depend upon people for HIM to exist. People are dependent upon HIM for their existence. HE gives everyone life, breath and all things. HE is not distant and hard for anyone to find. HE loves people and reaches out to everyone. HE dwells among people and is their provider. All any person has to do is reach out to HIM 24/7 and HE is there. Some of the philosophers believed that gods were fickle and aloof. This dispelled this concept by the true GOD and Father of CHRIST being readily available.

Paul goes into the origin of the human race.

From one man, Adam, GOD made every nationality. Adam is the origin of mankind. GOD is in charge of all life even to the point of determining when, where, to whom a person will be born and live. HE also determines the lifespan of the person. Paul was saying GOD is everywhere upon the face of the earth. In essence, you may think HE is confined to Athens but HE is universal because HE is omnipresent. Anyone anywhere can reach out to GOD in the name of JESUS.  

Paul quoted “we live and move and exist” from one of the Greek poets, Epimenides 600 B.C., who was from Crete. He then quoted another Greek poet Aratus of Soli (315-240 B.C.), “For we are also His offspring.” The poet’s references were likely to Zeus but we know that Paul was not talking about Zeus or any other god. He was speaking about the true GOD. Paul reminded his audience that the poets had acknowledged the existence of people was the result of being GOD’S offspring. If people were the offspring of GOD then we shouldn’t think the divine nature of GOD can be captured in objects made of gold, silver, stone and fashioned or crafted by human imagination or art.

Many of us recognize and acknowledge the existence of a higher being, who we call GOD. Our human nature tries to produce what we feel in our inner most being. GOD understands this and realizes that people do this through ignorance. But a new day has come into the world through GOD’S only Son, JESUS.

GOD commands all people everywhere to repent. Repent means to turn around and go in the opposite direction. People have been embracing various gods and pagan ideologies but now GOD has been revealed through HIS only Son JESUS CHRIST Who came to earth as a human, lived and dwelled among people. It is not clear whether or not Paul had already addressed the complete history of CHRIST and HIS passion.

Paul made it clear that GOD had set a specific day when all people will be judged. This will be everyone who has ever lived. Everyone will be judged in righteousness by the Man HE has appointed. This Man is JESUS CHRIST, GOD’S only Son who GOD allowed to come to earth to live as a human, to be tempted in all ways as humans are tempted, yet without sin. HE gave HIS life by the shedding of HIS blood, and paid pay in full the debt for sin. As proof that the Man in fact accomplished HIS purpose, GOD resurrected HIM from the dead. The resurrection confirms that HE was and still is the true SON of GOD.

CHRIST is the righteous standard by which all people will be judged because HE lived upon earth as a human and remained sinless. The beauty is that all who believe in the Man will not be judged but has passed from death to life. John 5:24:

24 “I assure you: Anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.

 Although all of this was not stated we know it is implicit in the reason CHRIST came to earth and gave HIS life to redeem all who will believe in HIM from sin and its consequence death.

We need to see the rest of the story.

Let’s read Acts 17:32-34:

32 When they heard about resurrection of the dead, some began to ridicule him. But others said, “We’d like to hear from you again about this.” 33 Then Paul left their presence. 34 However, some men joined him and believed, including Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

When Paul’s audience heard about the resurrection, a number of them went into a frenzy, which broke up the session. Some wanted to hear more at another time and some believed. Dionysius was a member of the court and believed in what Paul had presented.

When Christians give testimony regarding CHRIST, they must not get discouraged if the message of salvation through CHRIST is not embraced by all hearers. We can rejoice in those who respond and we can know that GOD’S word never returns void. HIS Word will hide in a person’s heart until the right moment occurs for GOD to appeal to that person to make a decision to accept or reject CHRIST as his/her Savior. Salvation is the work of GOD in every life. Our part is to present the Good News as HE gives opportunity. Sometimes we have the joy of witnessing the results but often salvation may come later.

As we conclude this study, it is vital that all Christians yield their lives such that they are willing to be filled by the Holy Spirit and to be led as the Holy Spirit leads and directs them.

Our physical churches are made up of living stones crafted by the indwelling Holy Spirit. When Christians are in unity with the Holy Spirit they are in unity with each other and that unity can change the world because CHRIST is the head.

America, it is time for all Christians to place their hands on the plow and move as led by the Holy Spirit as we all march toward our final destination, which is heaven. We are all one heartbeat away from eternity.

Christians have the message of hope, forgiveness, joy and the love of GOD through CHRIST. The world is hungry and thirsty for truth and the message of salvation. Christians are to share the light they have with others and be the salt that GOD intended for them to be. Salt makes food more savory and it also makes one thirsty. May others see CHRIST in you and thirst for what you have in HIM!

Blessings to all and I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.


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