Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, November 02, 2012

Bible Study - Church: Transforming Lives - Pray with Dependency - Acts 4:1-31 - November 4, 2012

Bible Study – Church: Transforming Lives – Pray with Dependency – November 4, 2-12

This is lesson one in our new series entitled “The Church: Transforming Lives in a Changing Culture.”

Our scripture is Acts 4: 1-31.

For the month of November, we will be studying in the book of Acts. We will explore a variety of subjects:

-         praying and relying on GOD to transform people’s lives,

-         intentionally being involved in the lives of people,

-         transformational churches building the kingdom of GOD through making

-         and maturing disciples and churches going beyond their comfort zone to reach, teach and grow people with the gospel of CHRIST.

At the heart of these studies is the working of the Holy Spirit. But the first question every Christian must consider is his/her willingness to allow the Holy Spirit to examine his/her life to reveal where he/she is Spiritually and to reveal any barriers or stumbling blocks to being filled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only person Who can transform lives. Christians receive the Holy Spirit at the instant they receive salvation. So what is being filled by the Holy Spirit?

It is the yielding of our wills to allow GOD through the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead, guide and control our lives. To be filled, Christians must be willing for GOD to remove the things from their lives that interfere with the Holy Spirit completely occupying their lives. When we are filled with junk that we cherish and want to hang onto it is a struggle for the Holy Spirit to lead and direct our lives. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to rule our lives instead of the flesh or our natural nature to rule our lives. Most often it is an overwhelming and life transforming moment, when the power of the Holy Spirit consumes us. It is a moment of renewed strength, understanding and awareness of the presence of GOD in our lives. Life is no longer about what we want but what GOD wants. HIS Word will come alive and our conversation/prayer with HIM will become more real because we are aware of HIS presence in our lives. Why is it that more Christians do not experience this life transforming moment in their lives?

Christianity, unfortunately, is viewed as a religion along with the other religions of the world. Christianity is CHRIST in you period. How does HE come into your life? It is by invitation from you. HE stands at the door of your heart. There is no door knob on the outside of the door. It opens only from the inside and you are the only one who can open the door of your heart. Do you believe that HE died for your sins by giving HIS life on the cross? Do you believe that HIS death paid in full the penalty for sin? Do you believe that GOD raised HIM from the dead? If so, ask HIM to forgive you for your sins and to come into your life. CHRIST in you makes you a Christian. HIS resurrection is proof that HE paid, in full, the penalty for sin. If you have asked CHRIST to come into your life, a miracle has taken place. You have been born-again in your spirit, received eternal life, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, your citizenship is in heaven and you are GOD’S child. At the instant you leave your body in death, you will be present with CHRIST and GOD in heaven.

Those of you who have followed these lessons know that I tried to bargain with GOD before I committed my life to HIM. My dialogue went something like this, “Since, I am the one that committed the sin, why can’t I die for my own sins?” HE said, “You don’t qualify because I require a perfect sacrifice but whereas you don’t qualify MY Son does. If you accept HIM on faith, ask HIM to forgive you for your sins and ask HIM to come into your life, HE will.” After many years of seeking and arguing, on my way to work one morning I did and since that moment I have known that I was a child of GOD through the miracle of rebirth. Have I sinned since that moment? Yes, but the shed blood of CHRIST continues to cleanse me for all sin – past, present and future.

Salvation is only the beginning of a long process of refinement called sanctification. It is during this process, through revelation and experiencing life that we grow and mature Spiritually.

Many Christians have false notions about JESUS and GOD. GOD often uses the refiner’s fire of life to bring those false notions up in our lives for us to deal with them with HIS help. HIS desire is for HIS children to know the truth. It is often through the flames of purification that we grow Spiritually. We make assumptions about GOD which are just wrong and HIS desire is for us to know and experience truth, as HE is truth.

Churches and televangelists often market the gospel to make it appealing to those seeking some Santa Claus religion; that is GOD wants you to be rich, no problems, never sick and have whatever you want or better known as a feel good religion.  Embracing such false notions result in the collapse of a person’s belief system when hard times come into his/her life. I believe this is one reason that our young folks have become discouraged with Christianity. They have seen too many of us, who call ourselves Christians, not live any different lives from non-Christians. We tend to paint glowing pictures of life in CHRIST when the reality is that Christians can expect to suffer.

When we read the Bible, we see tough times in the lives of many of the people GOD calls to serve HIM. We see that some fail but we also see that GOD forgives and in most cases continued to use them in a mighty way. Living the Christian life can only be lived in the power and strength of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

In order for Christians to live in the power and strength of GOD, they must be filled with the Holy Spirit. GOD gives Spiritual gifts to those who serve HIM as they minister as HE directs.

Caution, when you get excited about what GOD is doing through you; the church you serve in may not. I think this is a major problem. Many churches are afraid of its congregation being filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Often church leadership is concerned by what it might mean for members of the congregation to be filled by the Holy Spirit. Would that mean everyone would speak in some strange languages? No, but it might mean that church staff might need to step outside their comfort zone and receive the Holy Spirit, if they haven’t already done so. In such a church, would Christians still sin? Yes, because if we do not sin physically, we sin in our thought life. What would such a church look like? When we conclude our study, hopefully we will have a picture of such a Holy Spirit empowered and led church. Just know that Satan will fight like he has never fought before to defeat such a movement.

Churches are physical structures and are managed by Christians called of GOD to serve. The true church is not a physical structure but a Spiritual structure of born-again Christians who have been called to various duties within the Spiritual body – pastors, teachers, evangelists, preachers, healers, helps, administration, cheering others up, making money, discernment, giving and the list goes on. There are about 29 gifts of the Spirit identified in the Bible but GOD’S gifts are unlimited.

Many organized churches measure their spiritual progress by the size or number of their physical structures, the number of people attending Sunday school or worship service, the size of their church budget, the size of money they have coming into the church treasury and so forth. But the real measure of the church growth is, “Are we making disciples who are becoming more like JESUS?” What impact is our church making on the community around us? Is the community or world being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit through the body of believers where we worship?

How do we measure Spiritual growth and maturity? Is it by physical or Spiritual matrix’s? I know that physical measures are indicators but are we growing and maturing Spiritually?  It takes those filled with and led by the Holy Spirit to discern the Spiritual health of the physical church. The problem is that many of the decision makers/leadership in our churches are not filled and led by the Holy Spirit.

Unity should be the result of the true Spirit led body of believers because they are being led by the same Holy Spirit. As the human body functions in unity, so will the true Spiritual body of believers. The eye will not try to be the hand and neither will the mouth try to be the ear. The Spiritual body will be led by CHRIST, Who is the head of the Spiritual body.

It is important that, as Christians, we are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit. When we are in unity with CHRIST through an intimate, personal relationship, GOD’S work will be done through us. Not only will we be transformed but those in our community will be transformed.   

Let’s explore!!!   

Let’s read Acts 4:1-22: (Background)

Peter and John Arrested (Peter and John invoking the name of JESUS had healed a lame man over 40 years old, who had been lame since birth. The lame man’s family had placed him at the entrance to the temple for many years. Those who had gone to the temple knew that the man was lame and they knew he had been healed in the name of JESUS. Peter and John were preaching the power JESUS because HE had been resurrected by GOD from the dead as proof that HE was and is the true Son of GOD/Messiah as revealed in HIS power to heal.)

1 Now as they were speaking to the people, the priests, the commander of the temple police, and the •Sadducees confronted them, 2 because they were provoked that they were teaching the people and proclaiming the resurrection from the dead, using Jesus as the example. 3 So they seized them and put them in custody until the next day, since it was already evening. 4 But many of those who heard the message believed, and the number of the men came to about 5,000.

Peter and John Face the Jewish Leadership

5 The next day, their rulers, elders, and •scribes assembled in Jerusalem 6 with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John and Alexander, and all the members of the high-priestly family. 7 After they had Peter and John stand before them, they asked the question: “By what power or in what name have you done this?” 8 Then Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders: 9 If we are being examined today about a good deed done to a disabled man—by what means he was healed— 10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the •Nazarene—whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead—by Him this man is standing here before you healthy. 11 This Jesus is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone. 12 There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.”

The Name Forbidden

13 When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognized that they had been with Jesus. 14 And since they saw the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in response. 15 After they had ordered them to leave the •Sanhedrin, they conferred among themselves, 16 saying, “What should we do with these men? For an obvious sign, evident to all who live in Jerusalem, has been done through them, and we cannot deny it! 17 However, so this does not spread any further among the people, let’s threaten them against speaking to anyone in this name again.” 18 So they called for them and ordered them not to preach or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John answered them, “Whether it’s right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than to God, you decide; 20 for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” 21 After threatening them further, they released them. They found no way to punish them, because the people were all giving glory to God over what had been done; 22 for this sign of healing had been performed on a man over 40 years old.

This was a pivotal moment in the life of the Christian church. Think about the healing of the lame man who had been placed at the entrance of the temple for nearly 40 years. It is very likely that JESUS had passed by this man many times as HE went to the temple to teach and worship. Yet the Father never led HIM to heal the man.

Now, we know why. If JESUS had yielded to HIS empathy for this poor lame man and healed him, first of all, it would have been a disobedient act. Second, it would have thwarted the plan of the Father to use the man’s healing to manifest the power of JESUS name to the very Jewish religious leaders who were instrumental in having CHRIST crucified. GOD knew that the healing of this lame man would result in 5,000 souls receiving CHRIST as their Savior. This miracle coming through Peter and John would be a foundational moment in the life of the early followers of CHRIST because the power of JESUS had been manifested. The followers of CHRIST saw the power and handiwork of GOD at work through CHRIST. Peter, filled by the Holy Spirit, had stated to these religious leaders a profound fact regarding salvation through CHRIST in verse 12 - There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.”

The very One they crucified, JESUS, was the One Who would save them from eternal death if they accepted HIM as their Savior. Would their ego allow them to accept CHRIST as their Savior? Only eternity will reveal their decision.

It is interesting that Peter and John were simply going to the temple to pray. They encountered this lame man since birth. When they were led by the Holy Spirit, they responded. They had no money to give the man but they had something much better than what money could buy; the power of GOD in the name of JESUS.

Notice, GOD had two Christians serving together, Peter and John. Often it is important to go in pairs. One can pray while the other witnesses or do whatever the Lord has laid on their hearts. When there are two, they can support, encourage each other and confirm the leading of the Holy Spirit. We know when GOD is going to perform a miracle that Satan will do all he can to prevent it. The healing of the lame man resulted in 5,000 people becoming followers of CHRIST. This number of followers of CHRIST did not go well with the Jewish religious leaders. So they exercised their authority and had Peter and John arrested.

America, we are at a cross roads. I never thought I would live in a time where there would be a large group of government and influential people trying to delete the use of or reference to the name of GOD and CHRIST. Folks it is time for Christians to be empowered by the Holy Spirit with boldness to take a stand and not fear the consequences. GOD is sovereign and still in control. Satan would try to make us believe otherwise. Are we going to believe Satan’s lie or look around us and see that GOD is sovereign? When GOD gives America back to Christian principles, will we, as Christians, just relax or will we step up to the plate and be what GOD desires for each of us. Will we take a stand even if it not popular? Folks, we are in a battle against the forces of Satan.

Let’s see how these followers of CHRIST reacted to what had happened to Peter and John. Did they shrink in fear or say bring it on?

Let’s read Acts 4:23-28:

Prayer for Boldness (Peter and John were released by the Sanhedrin.)

23 After they were released, they went to their own people and reported everything the •chief priests and the elders had said to them. 24 When they heard this, they all raised their voices to God and said, “Master, You are the One who made the heaven, the earth, and the sea, and everything in them. 25 You said through the Holy Spirit, by the mouth of our father David Your servant: Why did the Gentiles rage and the peoples plot futile things? 26 The kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers assembled together against the Lord and against His •Messiah. 27 “For, in fact, in this city both •Herod and Pontius •Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, assembled together against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, 28 to do whatever Your hand and Your plan had predestined to take place.

After Peter and John were released, they went to be with their fellow followers of CHRIST and reported what had happened. Rather than being discouraged, they all saw the hand and power of GOD at work through CHRIST. They were encouraged, endued with boldness and in unity they praised the handiwork GOD. They acknowledged that HIS mighty power had created all their eyes could see, the heaven, the earth, the sea and everything in them. This confirmed that HIS power and presence had come to earth through JESUS CHRIST and CHRIST was the victor. The healing of the lame man and the deliverance of Peter and John from punishment by the Sanhedrin was a miracle and proved that GOD was in control and sovereign.

The followers of JESUS knew the scripture and they were prompted to recall Psalm 2:1-2 which was written by David and pointed to the coming of CHRIST:

Coronation of the Son 

1 Why do the nations rebel and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers conspire together against the Lord and His Anointed One:

The rulers of earth think they are greater than GOD and plot in vain against HIM. Sadly, many Christians are joining the ranks of the disbelievers in the power and sovereignty of GOD. Again, does this ring any bells about the leadership of America and those who profess to be Christians?

The followers of CHRIST, influenced by the indwelling Holy Spirit, switched from prophesy in Psalm 2 to the current reality of their day regarding CHRIST. In essence, they were saying, “Just look at what happened to JESUS CHRIST, the promised Messiah. The very government, religious leaders, Gentiles, the people of Israel came together in an effort to thwart Your plans but they failed. They believed that the death of JESUS would be the end of Your plan for salvation through Your Only Son JESUS. But HIS death was exactly Your plan because HIS death paid in full the debt for sin. HIS resurrection confirmed the fact that HIS death satisfied the sin debt and that death was conquered.”

First Corinthians 2:8 - None of the rulers of this age knew this wisdom, for if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

GOD’S wisdom far exceeds man’s wisdom.

Let’s read Acts 4:29-30:

29 And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that Your •slaves may speak Your message with complete boldness, 30 while You stretch out Your hand for healing, signs, and wonders to be performed through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”

The followers of CHRIST were emboldened and asked the Lord to give them the power and strength to speak, as HE gave the opportunity for salvation through CHRIST. This boldness was not human boldness but the boldness that only GOD can give to those open to the Holy Spirit. They saw the power of CHRIST and GOD working through miracles to reach the lost. Here, we must be careful that Christians not focus on the miracles but the One Who performs the miracles. Being filled by the Holy Spirit and responding only as led by the Holy Spirit helps a Christian to keep a balanced focus on obediently serving. When Christians take matters into their own hands it sets up the opportunity for them to move ahead of the leadership of GOD.

Let’s read Acts 4:31:

31 When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s message with boldness.

How would you like to be in a prayer meeting that was so focused on JESUS and GOD that the place where you were assembled was shaken? As the result of their prayer, unity and commitment, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak GOD’S message, which is captured in verse 12 - There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people, and we must be saved by it.”

Their prayer for boldness revealed their hearts and willingness for them to be led by the Holy Spirit. Such commitment led to the shaking of the place where they were assembled. Also, it was a physical sign of GOD’S confirmation of HIS power and presence with them.

They were filled with the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? We discussed this earlier but in essence it is the empting of our hearts to give room for the Holy Spirit to fill us with HIS presence. I wish I could say it was a onetime filling but it is a daily filling. It is a commitment to obediently serve GOD through CHRIST. How much of us are we willing to allow the Holy Spirit to have? That requires a decision. JESUS told HIS disciples and followers to take up their cross daily and follow HIM. HE was telling them to die to self and obediently follow HIM. Dying to self is emptying of self and allowing the Holy Spirit to completely occupy or fill your heart with HIS presence.   

JESUS is still in the miracle business. The problem is that many charlatans have used trickery or fraud to depict the hand of GOD. They are deceivers but that does not mean that GOD is out of the miracle business. The question is, as Christians, “Are we filled by the Holy Spirit? If led, would we tell a person we knew who had been lame or sick for nearly 40 years to rise and walk or to be healed in the name of JESUS? When it happened, would we get the big head? Would we think that everyone we came in contact with had to be healed whether led by the Holy Spirit or not?” When GOD uses us in a mighty way, we must keep a sharp eye on ourselves. Satan wants nothing more than to make you believe that you have the power and it is available to use for everyone who has an infirmity. Christians must respond only as led by the Holy Spirit and keep in their minds that it is GOD’S power that is being manifested through them.

Do you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Why? Is it to obediently serve or to have the power? May we all be endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit to obediently serve as led by the Holy Spirit. Blessings!!!


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