Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, June 13, 2008

How to Stormproof Your Home - Proverbs 23:22-24:4 - June 15, 2008

Sunday School Lesson - How to Stormproof Your Home – June 15, 2008

This is lesson three (3) in our series of study.

Our scripture is Proverbs 23:22-24:4.

As we continue to study Proverbs, we see the relationship between living a wise earthly life and living our spiritual life. Our study today deals with the choices in our earthly life that seriously impact our personal life, our family life and our relationships with others. As we see the impact these choices have on our earthly relationships, we need to consider the things that either strengthen or undermine our spiritual relationship with our LORD.

Let’s read Proverbs 23:22-25:

22 Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when[15] Or because she is old. 23 Buy—and do not sell—truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding.[16] Pr 4:5,7; 16:16 24 The father of a righteous son will rejoice greatly, and one who fathers a wise son will delight in him. 25 Let your father and mother have joy, and let her who gave birth to you rejoice.[17] Pr 10:1; 15:20; 17:21; 23:15–16

Again Solomon uses the father-son relationship for instruction. He tells children to respect their parents and listen to them. In Solomon’s day, the father generally died before the mother. Solomon is saying take care of your mother, especially when she becomes a widow.

Solomon urges the son to use his time to listen to his father and not let other things rob him of learning truth, wisdom, instruction and understanding from his father. Don’t let anything lure you away from listening and learning from your father.

The parents of a righteous son (daughter) or a son (daughter) who is obedient to his (her) parents rejoice, delight and find great joy in him (her).

Let’s relate this to our relationship with our heavenly FATHER. As believers, GOD’S desire is for HIS children to listen to HIM. HE wants us to listen to HIM and seek truth, wisdom, instruction and understanding from HIM. But do we allow the desires of our hearts lure us away from spending time with the ONE WHO has our best interest in HIS mind? To build a relationship with our earthly father requires a decision.

To spend time and learn from our FATHER requires a decision. The world and our flesh want to lure us away from building a relationship with GOD. But GOD asks us to spend time with HIM, learn of HIM and learn from HIM. It is all about relationship. When we choose wisely HE rejoices, delights and finds great joy in us. Do you want to bring great joy to GOD? Then read again what this scripture says pleases your earthly father and relate it to your relationship with GOD.

Let’s read Proverbs 23:26-28:

26 My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. 27 For a prostitute is a deep pit, and a forbidden woman is a narrow well; 28 indeed, she sets an ambush like a robber and increases those among men who are unfaithful.[18] Pr 6:26; 7:22–23; 22:14

Again, Solomon used the father-son relationship. How many fathers or mothers today can tell their children to “observe his or her ways”?

Fathers instruct your children about the things that will ensnare them. In that day, as well as today, prostitutes and loose women were out to lure you. This includes all types of sexual lures such as pornography, sexual deviations, sexual perversions, sexual abuse, internet sex and illicit sex.

The “forbidden woman” mentioned in this scripture is a married woman on the prowl. Expanding this in today’s society, it includes a married man or woman on the prowl.

There are barriers in life that once they are crossed it becomes easier to cross them again and again. In today’s society, this would be the first taste of alcohol, the first use of drugs, the first thing that is shoplifted or stolen, the first illicit sex encounter and the list goes on. These acts rob a person of their relationship with the ones they love and care for.

When we relate this scripture to our relationship with GOD, do not let the lure of the world rob you of the time you spend with GOD. This life will pass but being obedient to GOD will carry over into eternity. Seek that which is precious and that which builds you up and does not rob you of the joy of an uncompromised relationship with GOD. Allow nothing to come between you and GOD.

Let’s read Proverbs 23:29-35:

29 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has conflicts? Who has complaints? Who has wounds for no reason?[19] Pr 23:35 Who has red eyes? 30 Those who linger over wine, those who go looking for mixed wine.[20] Isa 5:11 31 Don’t gaze at wine when it is red, when it gleams in the cup and goes down smoothly.[21] Sg 7:9 32 In the end it bites like a snake and stings like a viper. 33 Your eyes will see strange things, and you will say absurd things.[22] Or will speak perversities or inverted things 34 You’ll be like someone sleeping out at sea or lying down on the top of a ship’s mast. 35 “They struck me, but[23] LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg read me,” you will say, “But I feel no pain! They beat me, but I didn’t know it![24] Pr 23:29 When will I wake up? I’ll look for another [drink]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. .”[25] Eph 5:18

This scripture deals with allowing alcohol or anything other than GOD to rule your life. Most, if not all, people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs want to conquer the addiction. Some do conquer their addictions but many do not. When a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs things happen to them that they cannot explain because they are either passed out or in an altered state of mind.

Again, we can relate this to our relationship with GOD. GOD wants us to be under HIS control and influence. Satan is always ready, willing and able to lead a person down the wrong path in life to rob him or her of his or her relationship with GOD.

GOD wants all of HIS children to build and maintain their relationship with HIM. Being filled with the Spirit and not filled with something else that alters our ability to do HIS will, is what HE desires for HIS children.
Let’s read Proverbs 24:1-4:

1 Don’t envy evil men[1] Pr 23:17; 24:19; Ps 37:1; 73 or desire to be with them, 2 for their hearts plan violence, and their words stir up trouble. 3 A house is built by wisdom,[2] Pr 14:1 and it is established by understanding; 4 by knowledge the rooms are filled with every precious and beautiful treasure.

Solomon addresses the lure and glamour of popularity. Most people like to hang with those who are looked up to or popular. Even being a member of a gang or certain clubs is prestigious. Solomon tells us not to get caught up with this false sense of being. There may be people who would like to give their lives to GOD through CHRIST and serve GOD but they do not want to be known as a “mister or miss goody two shoes” or whatever the term is used today for being a Christian.

When people are obedient to GOD they gain wisdom, understanding and knowledge which are precious and beautiful treasures. This is the only treasure that will transport to heaven. All earthly treasure will become nothing when we die.

Brother and sister in CHRIST, fill the rooms of your heart with treasure that will last. Seek the relationship and these treasures will be added to your heart. Learn of GOD by spending time with HIM and HE will teach you through the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. Seek that which will benefit you here and here after.


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