Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Thrive - Purpose Abandoned (2) - Psalms 8:1-6; 14:1-7 - September 8, 2024


Thrive – Purpose Abandoned (2) – Psalms 8:1-6; 14:1-7 – September 8, 2024

GOD created us with purpose, but our sin keeps us from living out that purpose.

Moses penned the words in Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.[a]

The origin of the human race is GOD. HE made humans to be free to choose. GOD also gave us/humans inquiring minds to explore our existence, as we read the words penned in the Psalms.

GOD calls all humans to complete the purpose HE has for our existence. HIS main purpose for all humans is to be in the right relationship with HIM and share HIM with others.

The writers of Psalms were looking forward to the physical coming of the promised Messiah and they wrote accordingly. Those who lived during the time of JESUS, experienced HIS physical presence, teaching and the witness of GOD, HIS Father, working through HIM. Since the physical life, death, physical resurrection and physical ascension of JESUS, JESUS told HIS followers to wait for HIS physical return. In that moment, all who have accepted JESUS, both the living and dead, will experience the miracle of suddenly experiencing their Savior, JESUS. HIS coming will be in the twinkling of the eye and receive their new eternal bodies. Dr. David Jeremiah refers to this event as the great escape.

Are you ready? If not, now is the moment for you to ask JESUS to forgive you for your sins and ask JESUS to come into your life and redeem you from Hell.

The writers of the Old Testament were looking forward to the coming of the promised Messiah, JESUS, and wrote accordingly. Those who experienced the coming of the promised Messiah, JESUS, wrote of their experience as expressed in the New Testament. Since the Passion of JESUS, all people have the opportunity to accept JESUS as his/her Savior and experience the miracle of eternal life, as confirmed by the indwelling Holy Spirit. We, who have experienced the miracle of Spiritual birth, are to share our experience with others. It is Good News!

Let’s explore!!!

Let’s read Psalm 8:1-6:

Psalm 8:1-2:

God’s Glory, Human Dignity

For the choir director: on the Gittith (String instrument). A psalm of David.

Lord, our Lord,
how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!
You have covered the heavens with your majesty.[a]
From the mouths of infants and nursing babies,
you have established a stronghold[b]
on account of your adversaries
in order to silence the enemy and the avenger.

Every human is in a battle of GOD/JESUS versus Satan from the moment from the moment of conception to birth. Scripture is clear that GOD knits together HIS chosen in the womb.

We read in Jeremiah 1: The word of the Lord came to me:

I chose you before I formed you in the womb;
I set you apart before you were born.
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.


GOD has a calling HE desires for HIS chosen. HE does not make us robots but with the will to choose. GOD chose the Apostle Paul, who had a special calling from GOD, as he traveled on the road to Damascus to destroy the new Christian movement called “The Way.” But GOD intervened in Paul’s life and turned him from going in the wrong direction, to seeing the truth in JESUS, to become a warrior for this truth, through salvation and Spiritual birth through faith in JESUS.

What does the Apostle Paul reveal to us in Ephesians 1:3-14:

(Keep in mind that the Apostle Paul had studied under a great Jewish teacher, Gamliel, before his conversion to Christianity. Paul was a Pharisee until his conversion on the road to Damascus.)

God’s Rich BlessingsBlessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. For he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in love before him.[c] He predestined us to be adopted as sons (and daughters) through Jesus Christ for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that he lavished on us in the Beloved One.In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.[d] He made known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure that he purposed in Christ 10 as a plan for the right time[e]—to bring everything together in Christ, both things in heaven and things on earth in him.

11 In him we have also received an inheritance,[f] because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will, 12 so that we who had already put our hope in Christ might bring praise to his glory.

13 In him (faith in JESUS) you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed. 14 The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.

Since the passion of JESUS, The CHRIST, we who have been Spirit-born, know the truth because the Holy Spirit resides within each of us.

Truth is always and forever truth!

The Psalmists looked forward to the very time in which we live (The Promised Messiah has come), and we, in turn, look forward to the second coming of JESUS when HE establishes HIS Kingdom and rule upon earth.

We see clearer in this day and time in our lives what those who wrote about and longed for in the Psalms and the Gospels.

We look forward to the second coming of the LORD JESUS to establish GOD’S Kingdom upon GOD’S new earth.

When we look around us and into the heavens, Dear FATHER, we rejoice in YOUR handiwork and order and join the Psalmist as written in Psalms 8:3-9:

When I observe your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you set in place,
what is a human being that you remember him,
a son of man[c] that you look after him?
You made him little less than God[d][e]
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
all the sheep and oxen,
as well as the animals in the wild,
the birds of the sky,
and the fish of the sea
that pass through the currents of the seas.

Lord, our Lord,
how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!

Let’s read Psalm 14:1-3:

Psalm 14 A Portrait of Sinners - For the choir director. Of David.

The fool says in his heart, “There’s no God.”
They are corrupt; they do vile deeds.
There is no one who does good.
The Lord looks down from heaven on the human race[a]
to see if there is one who is wise,
one who seeks God.
All have turned away;
all alike have become corrupt.
There is no one who does good,
not even one.

When Moses penned the words of GOD, he wrote in Genesis 1:1-2:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.[a]

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. 

The word “hovering” carries the meaning of checking earth out before the next step is taken. When we launch a manned spacecraft, there is a countdown to make sure all systems are perfect. GOD was making sure everything was according to HIS plan. WOW!!! GOD is Awesome!!!

Let’s read Psalm 14:4-7:

Will evildoers never understand?
They consume my people as they consume bread;
they do not call on the Lord.

Then[b] they will be filled with dread,
for God is with those who are[c] righteous.
You sinners frustrate the plans of the oppressed,
but the Lord is his refuge.

Oh, that Israel’s deliverance would come from Zion!
When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people,[d]
let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad.

Even today, those who do evil, don’t get it. GOD has made a way for all to receive eternal life in HIS Kingdom. Faith in JESUS is the only way to eternal life by asking JESUS to forgive you for your sins and for HIM to come into your life. At that instance a person is "born-again" in his/her spirit. 

JESUS has come to earth, as the Messiah and ascended into Heaven and sits at the right-hand of GOD, interceding for all who have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, JESUS, because Satan is the accuser of all who place their faith in JESUS.

JESUS waits for GOD to tell HIM to return to earth and gather all who have been Spiritually Born through faith in JESUS. There is a great disappearance coming. Are you ready? If not, now is that opportunity for you to ask JESUS to forgive you for your sins and ask HIM to come into your heart. Simple, so why wait? Trust and obey, for there is no other way to Heaven except through faith in JESUS.




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