Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Faith That Matters - Psalm 10 - January 21, 2024


Faith That Matters (2) - Cry for Justice – Psalm 10 – January 21, 2024

When has someone stood up for you? JESUS did when HE gave HIS life upon the cross to pay, in full, for your sins. Salvation is a gift from GOD and JESUS but as with all gifts it is there for you to accept or reject. Blessings as you read this lesson. Tony

Our focus scripture is Psalm 10:1-4, 12-18.

It is believed that David wrote Psalm 10.

When we observe or hear of injustice, do we respond? The first question is, do we respond, and the second question is how do we respond? What is our response based upon? Is our response based upon the socio-economic level of the person or people involved or is it race or gender or their age? Or none of the above? Or do we wonder why GOD or JESUS has not intervened? Or is it GOD’S call to those of us who either observe or hear about a certain situation to respond? Or do we think GOD should intervene, yet HE ignores what is taking place. GOD knows infinitely more than we can ask or think. We must trust in the dark what we have learned in the light.

Why does GOD delay? Let us explore!

As we approach the second coming of JESUS, things will become increasing worse in the world. We who know the truth of salvation and GOD’S redemptive plan worder why HE is delaying. We who are HIS chosen know the truth of salvation and what events are necessary to get the people of the world’s attention to accept JESUS as their Savior.

Let us read Psalm 10:1-4: Need for God’s Justice

Lord,[a][b] why do you stand so far away?
Why do you hide in times of trouble?
In arrogance the wicked relentlessly pursue their victims;
let them be caught in the schemes they have devised.

For the wicked one boasts about his own cravings;
the one who is greedy curses[
c] and despises the Lord.
In all his scheming,
the wicked person arrogantly thinks,[
“There’s no accountability,
since there’s no God.”

When the people of the world believe there is no GOD, therefore there is no accountability, lawlessness prevails.

However, those of us who know the truth that GOD does exist, know there will be pay day someday. We have the good News that GOD exists and has a redemptive plan for the people of the world through faith in JESUS The CHRIST.

Let us continue to read the message of this Psalm through the heart of the writer who reveals GOD is real and is in control revealing Himself through HIS handiwork and in so many ways.

Let Us Read Psalm 10:5-8:

His (wicked) ways are always secure;[e]
your lofty judgments have no effect on him;[
he (wicked) scoffs at all his adversaries.
(wicked) says to himself, “I (wicked) will never be moved—
from generation to generation I (wicked) will be without calamity.”
Cursing, deceit, and violence fill his (wicked) mouth;
trouble and malice are under his (wicked) tongue.
He (wicked) waits in ambush near settlements;
he(wicked) kills the innocent in secret places.
His (wicked) eyes are on the lookout for the helpless;
he (wicked) lurks in secret like a lion in a thicket.
 (wicked) lurks in order to seize a victim;
he (wicked) seizes a victim and drags him in his net.
10 So he is oppressed and beaten down;
helpless people fall because of the wicked one’s strength.
11 He (wicked) says to himself, “God has forgotten;
he hides his face and will never see.”

I had to keep reminding myself that it is the wicked to whom the Psalmist was referring. As we approach the second coming of JESUS those who are alive upon earth will encounter false theology and/or witness all sorts of evil deceptions.

Let us consider Matthew 24:23-25: 23 “If anyone tells you then, ‘See, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘Over here!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. 25 Take note: I have told you in advance.

JESUS was teaching about the end times. Keep in mind that there will be people doing the work of Satan/Devil. The Bible will be your guide. However, the Bible might not be available. Therefore, hide GOD’S Word in your heart.

Satan’s objective has not changed, he desires to rule the world and deception is one of his tools.

Let us read Psalm 10:12-15:

12 Rise up, Lord God! Lift up your hand.
Do not forget the oppressed.
13 Why has the wicked person despised God?
He says to himself, “You will not demand an account.”
14 But you yourself have seen trouble and grief,
observing it in order to take the matter into your hands.
The helpless one entrusts himself to you;
you are a helper of the fatherless.
15 Break the arm of the wicked, evil person,
until you look for his wickedness,
but it can’t be found.

The Psalmist brings GOD into the equation. When we face troubles in life praying and seeking GOD’S answers or guidance is often a last resort. GOD/JESUS is an afterthought.

Let us read Psalm 10:16-18:

16 The Lord is King forever and ever;
the nations will perish from his land.
17 Lord, you have heard the desire of the humble;
you will strengthen their hearts.
You will listen carefully,
18 doing justice for the fatherless and the oppressed
so that mere humans from the earth may terrify them no more.

When we acknowledge YOU as our eternal King from our humble hearts, we who have faith in YOU, through faith in JESUS, will be strengthened in our hearts. Why hearts? Because that is where truth abides through faith in JESUS.

Living in a world absent GOD/JESUS will be a horrible world to live in.

We already have vital issues to pray about and work to do:

The sanctity of life is a huge ministry to encourage mothers to give birth to their babies. Ask GOD to help the mother to choose life for her unborn baby. If the mother cannot provide for the baby’s needs, ask GOD to guide her to choose the best for that child.

Sex trafficking is rampart throughout the world. Young girls and boys are being sold into that industry. If there was not a market for their services, there would not be a market. But sex has been and will be around until the world says enough and turns the supply off. Sadly, there are pastors, teachers, businesspeople, community leaders and others who engage in the sex trade and pornography. This will get worse as the world abandons GOD/JESUS and reaches for fleshly things.

JESUS is coming again, are you ready? If not, now is the time to get ready. Ask JESUS to forgive you for your sins and ask HIM to come into your heart. JESUS paid, in full, for all your sins by the shedding of HIS sinless blood and being the perfect acceptable sacrifice to GOD.

Salvation is a free gift from GOD and JESUS. As with any gift, you must accept it. The choice is yours to make. Choose wisely!



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