Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Bible Study - Discipline (2) - Knowing GOD - Psalm 119:17-24 - January 31, 2021


Bible Study – Discipline (2) – Knowing GOD – January 31, 2021

This lesson two (2) in our series entitled, “Spiritual Disciplines: Becoming More Like JESUS.”

Our focus scripture is Psalm 119:17-24.

Our relationship with GOD is strengthened as we encounter HIM in HIS Word.

When you read GOD’S Word do you encounter GOD? If not, why not? What do you expect to glean from GOD’S Word? Is the Bible ancient history or the living Word of GOD? Is it applicable to your life in today’s world? Is the Bible the Words of GOD or the Word of GOD?

We are studying “Spiritual Disciplines: Becoming More Like JESUS” and knowing GOD is the end result of our study.

Words taken from the Seniors study guide “Bible Studies for Life” Page 115, Winter 2021, LifeWay Publishers, “Meditating on God’s Word requires focused, deliberate attention over a prolonged period of time on biblical teachings. Bible reading gives breadth. Bible study gives depth. Meditating on the Word gives perspective. It is an intentional choice we make to join God in His work of transforming us into the image of Christ. Spending quality time in God’s Word changes the way we think and respond to life.”

We miss so much when we hurriedly read GOD’S Word and check it off of our list of things to do. Let’s slow down and read it, focus on it, meditate on it and ask GOD to reveal truth to us and how we can apply it. As we dig deeper into GOD’S Word it is like digging for precious metals or searching for precious jewels. It takes time and effort but the reward is without description and priceless. Put on your mining hat and grab your mining tools and let’s search for hidden treasure. Let’s go treasure hunting!

Our focus scripture is Psalm 119 which is an acrostic psalm which means each section has 8 verses. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters thus 176 verses. Psalm 119 is the longest of the 150 psalms and is considered the most majestic of the Psalms. As we read our selected scripture, since it is the third section, it begins with the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Gimel. Let’s explore.

The psalms were inspired by GOD but written by man under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As already stated, our selected scripture begins with the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. What had the psalmist written for letters one (Aleph) and two (Beth)?

In verses 1-8 (Aleph), the psalmist wrote about the person that is well grounded in GOD’S Word. That person is happy, not ashamed and filled with praise. In the second stanza or the second letter, Beth, it focuses on the person who applies or walks in the “power of GOD’S Word.” When we walk or apply what we read in GOD’S Word, it results in our delight as we keep GOD’S Word. The third letter, Gimel, borders on a lament. It focuses on a pattern of petition, complaint, oppression, trust, keeping GOD’S Word as a stranger in a foreign land, while asking GOD to open his eyes to the truth of HIS Word. The psalmist desired to see GOD’S truth applied for his own comfort of knowing that GOD was alive and well even in a foreign land. It brings to mind the song, “GOD has the Whole World in HIS Hands.” It is easy for us to lose sight of the presence of GOD when we see riots, homes and businesses being destroyed or having to be concerned about a plague taking your life or the life of a loved one. YES! GOD is still on HIS Throne and is alive and well and in control but sometimes HE has to get our attention. In whom do we place our trust and faith? GOD transcends all human might! How do we know that? We experience it, we read about it in GOD’S Word, we see it manifested in the lives of fellow Christians and we experience it in our own lives.

Let’s read Psalm 119:17-18:

ג Gimel

17 Deal generously with your servant
so that I might live;
then I will keep your word.
18 Open my eyes so that I may contemplate
wondrous things from your instruction.

Many of us may be like the psalmist, “deal generously with your servant so that I might live” in a world that seems to be hostile to YOU. Pour out YOUR blessings on me so that I can see beyond what is happening around me and focus on YOUR majesty and power so that I may live victoriously in my surroundings. FATHER, there are so many who are living in the confines of their homes while evil surrounds them – seen or unseen – real or imagined. We need YOU, FATHER, to be our refuge and strength during these days when our world seems to be upside down.

Often, when evil seems to be getting the upper hand, we need the assurance that GOD is still on HIS throne and in control. It is easy for us to get discouraged when we look around and see the evidence of evil but do not be discouraged because GOD is still in control. We need GOD to “deal with us generously” with the outpouring of HIS presence in our lives.

The psalmist follows this request with “so that I might live; then I will keep your word.” The Hebrew word for “keep” is rich and full of meaning. It means to “keep something,” “to pay careful attention,” “to take care of,” “to guard,” “to heed,” the psalmist saw GOD’S Word as treasure and he wanted to treat it with great care. GOD’S Word transcends a slogan or motto. GOD’S Word has great value and is to be cherished and applied in our lives. We read in 2 Timothy 3:16:

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for [a]instruction in righteousness,

The Apostle Paul wrote this in his letter to young Pastor Timothy. Keep in mind that Paul was trained in the Hebrew scriptures before he accepted JESUS as his Savior.

The psalmist asked GOD to “deal generously with him” and to “open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from YOUR instruction.” Where do we get GOD’S instruction? (1) From GOD’S Word, the Bible (2) The Holy Spirit.

We have at least two sets of eyes. (1) Our physical eyes (2) Our Spiritual eyes. (3) The eyes of our hearts where truth resides. So how do we get to the “eyes of our hearts.” We need something to drill deep into our being, not physically but Spiritually and that something is the Holy Spirit and GOD’S Word.

In our last week’s study, we addressed our carnal and Spiritual nature. Christians are growing Spiritually and are at various Spiritual growth levels based upon our walk with GOD.

I remember many years ago, I wanted to be a mature Christian. I asked GOD to make me a mature Christian thinking that He would throw Holy Dust over me and Walla I had arrived. Little did I know that HE would, so-to-speak, clean my clock or clear the table of my life of spiritual notions and false thinking and build upon the foundation of JESUS THE CHRIST. Now that was likely 50 years ago and guess what? HE is still building on that solid foundation. I am a work-in-progress – halleluiah!!! HE is still working on me.

The psalmist stated in verse 18 Open my eyes so that I may contemplate
wondrous things from your instruction.

Consider a new born baby. They go through physical development stages of being able to see shapes, black and white until they see the world as GOD intended. They have to grow physically. Once we become a member of GOD’S Family through the miracle of Spiritually birth, we must mature Spiritually. How do we do that? When we are born Spiritually, we are grafted into JESUS, the true vine. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit and through this union we are fed Spiritual nourishment. JESUS said it best in John 15:1-8:

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. Every branch in me that does not produce fruit he removes, and he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me. If anyone does not remain in me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers. They gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be[a] my disciples.

Christians are branches of the true vine, JESUS, and are to produce fruit to the Glory of GOD. Think about that GOD loves you and has a purpose for you and your life. GOD’S Word nourishes your Spiritually born Spirit. GOD’S Word is the living water that quenches our Spiritual thirst. Drink of it and know of GOD’S goodness toward you and the best is yet to come.  

Studying GOD’S Word never gets old or mundane. GOD’S Word provides mining opportunities for all who read, study, memorize, meditate on it and apply it. Try it. Satan will do all he can to keep you from it but remember, JESUS is greater than Satan. Victory is yours when you give your life to JESUS. Try it now.  

Let’s read Psalm 119:19-22:

19 I am a resident alien on earth;
do not hide your commands from me.
20 I am continually overcome
with longing for your judgments.
21 You rebuke the arrogant,
the ones under a curse,
who wander from your commands.
22 Take insult and contempt away from me,
for I have kept your decrees.

The psalmist recognizes and acknowledges an absolute truth, “All people are resident aliens on earth.” The only way we will escape earth is by dying. We all will leave our earth suits behind and enter eternity.

The question is, “When death takes place, then what?” The Bible is clear – judgment.

As the psalmist wrote, “Do not hide YOUR commands from me.” The psalmist recognized that there was something he had to do. What he knew then was to follow and obey GOD’S commands. The psalmist knew that GOD had a standard for all people to meet. We know today that GOD’S standard is perfection. WHAT???? Oh yes, perfection. How can that be? GOD provided the way to perfection through HIS only SON, JESUS. Let’s read 2 Corinthians 5:21:

21 He (GOD) made the one who did not know sin (JESUS) to be sin[e] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

This is GOD’S redemptive plan for all humans. Salvation is only through faith in GOD’S sinless SON, JESUS. Surely there is some other way. If there is, then JESUS came to earth, lived a sinless life and gave HIS sinless life in vain. There is no other way!

GOD rebukes the arrogant or those who think they can out fox GOD and find another way to get to Heaven. Oh, yes, some people think they can do that. Satan blinds because he desires to harvest the souls of those who refuse to believe GOD and HIS Word. Truth always prevails.

Yes, there are those who reject the truth and insult those who embrace the truth of the Gospel of CHRIST. This psalmist made it clear that he embraced the truth of GOD and HIS Word and asked GOD to reveal to him all that GOD desired for him to see and hear from GOD. He did not want to miss any command or decree from GOD. This is what it means to live under the law. Grace transcends the law. Christians live under GOD’S Grace through faith in JESUS. WOW!!! Now that is something to shout about!

The love of GOD compels us to seek truth from GOD’S Word as revealed by the indwelling Holy Spirit. To know GOD in an intimate, loving, personal way compels us to seek the fullness of HIM in our lives. It is not out of obligation but out of our love for HIM, knowing what HE has done for us through our faith in JESUS.

GOD fights your battles in your behalf because “21 You rebuke the arrogant, the ones under a curse, who wander from your commands.
22 Take insult and contempt away from me,”

What does it mean when we of faith embrace the truth GOD reveals to us? Let’s read on ----

Let’s read Psalm 119:23-24:

23 Though princes sit together speaking against me,
your servant will think about your statutes;
24 your decrees are my delight
and my counselors.

When others, particularly powerful influential people, rise up against you, focus on your relationship with GOD because HE is your strength and fights the things that you are helpless to do anything about.

When Satan works through others, fear not because GOD is in control. GOD is all knowing and all seeing. HE knows the very hearts and intentions of others. GOD is not surprised by what others are planning. GOD through the indwelling Holy Spirit can lead us to action or for us to rest in HIM and trust.

A big issue many of us have to deal with in life is when other people, especially those of some importance, speak behind our backs. When we, who are in the right relationship with GOD, hear about others of social/political importance are speaking against us, it bruises our ego. But when we are in right relationship with GOD and approved by GOD, what others think or say about us is of no value when we focus upon GOD’S Word. This is why scripture memory and meditation are vital for Christians. It is GOD’S Word that sustains us through the rough patches in life. The psalmist was confident in the care and leadership of GOD in his life.

Consider what I wrote in the opening:

“Meditating on God’s Word requires focused and deliberate attention over a prolonged period of time on biblical teachings. Bible reading gives breadth. Bible study gives depth. Meditating on the Word gives perspective. It is an intentional choice when we decide to join God in His work of transforming us into the image of Christ. Spending quality time in God’s Word changes the way we think and how we respond to life.” There is treasure in GOD’S Word. Are you mining to find it? If not, why not? It is yours but you have to seek it. Happy mining and digging!






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