Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, June 19, 2020

Bible Study - Hope (3) - The Testimony of Our Hope - 1 Peter 2:4-15 - June 21, 2020

Bible Study – Hope (3) – The Testimony of Our Hope – June 21, 2020

This is lesson three in our series entitled “Living with Hope in a Broken World.”

Our focus scripture is 1 Peter 2:4-15.

Our hope in CHRIST points others to HIM.

We, as Christians, go to church, Bible Studies, conferences, teach GOD’S Word but do we apply what we know? If not, why not? Let’s explore!

A Christian’s testimony is one of the most powerful tools in GOD’S war chest for Christians to use to battle Satan. Our Christian testimony reveals to others how we came to the point of accepting JESUS as our Savior and how HE has ministered to us throughout our lives. It is our personal journey with GOD.

Some of the most powerful testimonies I have heard have been “I accepted JESUS as a young person and trusted HIM to lead and guide my life.” It 
was in the building 0f his or her relationship with JESUS, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, that magnified the work of the Holy Spirit in that person’s life. Never think that you do not have a powerful testimony. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what you need to tell others about the manifestation and working of the power of GOD in your life.

Salvation is just the beginning of a person’s Spiritual journey, as we read our scripture -----

Let’s read 1 Peter 2:1-3:

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word,[a] so that by it you may grow up into your salvation, if you have tasted that the Lord is good.[b] 
When most of us begin our walk with JESUS, we have rough Spiritual edges that need to smoothed. The Apostle Peter wrote that Christians need to make a realistic assessment of their lives. The Holy Spirit can probe deep into our lives and expose areas that need smoothing.

As Christians we should desire to get rid of or bring under control, “all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all slander.” This is an attention getter. Once a person receives JESUS as his or her Savior that is just the beginning of building the right relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS. The Good News is that CHRIST is in you to help you in this Spiritual growth process. I am 82 and still growing Spiritually and it is so exciting to discover new Spiritual issues and experience the truths that GOD reveals. Truths and not what we want to be truth.
The Apostle Peter wrote “ Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word,[a] so that by it you may grow up into your salvation, if you have tasted that the Lord is good.[b] 
Ground zero is taking the step of faith, which is believing that JESUS gave HIS sin free life to pay the penalty for sin, yours, mine and all who will place their faith in HIM by HIS shed blood. The step of faith is salvation or being Spiritually born into GOD’S Family never to be Spiritually unborn.
The Apostle Peter continued the concept that Spiritual rebirth parallels human conception. Like all newborn babies, Spiritual babies need Spiritual nourishment e.g. the milk of GOD’S Word and later the Apostle Paul wrote about the milk and meat of GOD’S Word as captured in 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 -  I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, since you were not yet ready for it. In fact, you are still not ready, because you are still worldly. For since there is envy and strife[a] among you, are you not worldly and behaving like mere humans? 
What happens to a baby if you feed him or her solid food before it is ready? It may get choked. New Christians have to be fed the milk of the Word until they can be fed the meat of the Word. The Spiritual development of a person’s teacher is vital to the Spiritual development of the Christian.
Let’s read 1 Peter 2:4-6:
As you come to him, a living stone—rejected by people but chosen and honored by[c] God— you yourselves, as living stones, a spiritual house, are being built to be a holy priesthood[d] to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture:
See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a chosen and honored[
e] cornerstone,
and the one who believes in him
will never be put to shame.[
Born-again Christians are “living stones” because JESUS is the foundation of the Spiritual temple being built of which all Spiritually born Christians are a vital part of its structure. Christians are being built into a “Holy Priesthood.” That is why Christians can lead others to a saving knowledge of JESUS. JESUS is the solid rock upon which GOD has established HIS living CHURCH and “and the one who believes in him
will never be put to shame.[
I saw this played out in my own life a number of years ago during my working career. There was a person who had a higher job title than I did. He/she wanted to replace me with someone to do what I was doing for his/her department. It wasn’t that I was doing a poor job, it was that I was doing a better job than his/her people because I had access to better information. I wasn’t going to be fired but replaced for one portion of which I was responsible. All of this was without my knowledge. When all said and almost done, personnel learned that my “to be” replacement had lied on his/her resume. That is when the scheme was uncovered.  YES, GOD’S children will never be put to shame.
Let’s read 1 Peter 2:7-10:
So honor will come to you who believe; but for the unbelieving,
The stone that the builders rejected—
this one has become the cornerstone,[
A stone to stumble over,
and a rock to trip over.[
They stumble because they disobey the word; they were destined for this.
But you are a chosen race,[i][j] a royal priesthood,[k] a holy nation,[l] a people for his possession,[m] so that you may proclaim the praises[n][o] of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
JESUS is the “cornerstone.” What is the importance of the “cornerstone?” The “cornerstone” establishes the layout of the building and the layout of its walls. The structure of the building is determined by the placement of the cornerstone and GOD placed the cornerstone.
JESUS, the cornerstone is not a secret but is placed such that it is placed where people will stumble over it. GOD’S desire is for all people to discover JESUS and to place their faith in HIM as their Savior.
But you are a chosen race,[i][j] a royal priesthood,[k] a holy nation,[l] a people for his possession,[m] so that you may proclaim the praises[n][o] of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
Through the passion of JESUS, GOD has established a New Covenant based upon the Shed Blood of JESUS and the resurrection of JESUS from the physically dead. This new covenant ushers in the dispensation of GOD’S Grace.
Let’s read 1 Peter 2:11-15:
A Call to Good Works
11 Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires that wage war against the soul. 12 Conduct yourselves honorably among the Gentiles,[p] so that when they slander you as evildoers, they will observe your good works and will glorify God on the day he visits.
13 Submit to every human authority because of the Lord, whether to the emperor[q] as the supreme authority 14 or to governors as those sent out by him to punish those who do what is evil and to praise those who do what is good. 15 For it is God’s will that you silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good. 16 Submit as free people, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but as God’s slaves. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brothers and sisters. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
As Christians, we are to set good examples where we live and where we sit. As Christians, we are GOD’S Ambassadors. We may say, ”That is a tall order” and you are correct. So how has GOD equipped us to be HIS Ambassadors?  When we ask JESUS to forgive us for our sins and to come into our hearts that is the instant of salvation. Then GOD equips us with the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT to lead, guide, instruct, empower and so much more.
Why do Christians not reach out to others? Often, it is lack of trust and faith. How much faith do Christians need? Have you ever seen a mustard seed? It is tiny but that is all the faith you need to plant and let it grow in your life. It takes some digging around, water, nutrients and harvesting its fruit as it grows.


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