Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Bible Study - Cultture (4) - When Substances Take Over - Ephesians 5:15-21 - February 3, 2019

Bible Study – Culture (4) – When Substances Take Over – February 3, 2019

This is lesson four (4) in our series entitled “Engaging Culture in an Everchanging World.”

Our focus scripture is Ephesians 5:15-21.

Only GOD’S Holy Spirit should dictate our thoughts and actions.

Substance abuse and thought life are major problems in the world today. Chemicals can alter the proper function of the human mind. Not only chemicals but electronic media can alter our minds as well. Pornography can alter the way our minds function regarding healthy sex within the bounds of marriage. Satan’s desire is for all, especially Christians, to be controlled by the things that appeal to our flesh rather than the things that appeal to GOD. Christians are in a spiritual battle.

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul writes about Christians battling the spirit world. Christians must put on their spiritual battle gear every day.

All of us have choices to make every day. How we choose depends upon what we allow our minds to dwell upon. Often, our desires are the strongest when we are about to say “NO!” to something we know that is wrong for us. If you can get through such intense moments without caving, you gain strength to resist. The more you resist, you can build distance between these urges. When urges come into our mind’s, we need to shift our thinking to things that are healthy and wholesome.

Memorizing scripture and quoting it, either out loud or internally, is a good thought/crave changer. We may need to quote scripture and analyze it as we quote it to help our minds to be diverted from a craving. As we will read in our lesson today, we will learn how wholesome songs, hymns and spiritual songs can help us when we struggle with the issues of life. We need weapons to help us fight. In Hebrews 4:12 we read:

12 For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.

Our study will focus upon GOD’S desire for all to be led by, controlled by and constantly remain filled with the Holy Spirit and not be led by the things that compromise our Christian witness to family, friends or ourselves.

Step one requires that every person who seeks to be filled by the Holy Spirit must have a personal relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS. Even as born-again Christians, we must be wise in where we walk and the things we allow to come into our minds because the days are evil.

Let’s explore!

Let’s read Ephesians 5:15-17:

15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk-not as unwise people but as wise-

16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil.

17 So don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

The New King James translation renders verse 15 “15 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,” It means the same as “pay careful attention” with every step you take in the journey of life. “Careful” can also mean “diligent” or “undistracted concentration.” Think of a person who has to walk across a rope bridge that goes over a raging river. One slip means trouble. That person is very careful to concentrate on where he or she steps and to hold onto the rope as he or she crosses to the other side.  

The Apostle Paul admonished fellow Christians to be wise in their journey through life because they were, so-to-speak, under a microscope and being watched by the pagans. Then Paul addresses the wise use of the time Christians have upon earth.

James, the half-brother of JESUS, wrote in James 4:14 - 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.

The “wise” acknowledge GOD in their lives through faith in JESUS. Christians need to keep in their minds that life upon earth is short. The wise seek light and truth, which is found in having the right relationship with the One True GOD through faith in JESUS. The “unwise” are foolish and do not give thought to their life upon earth or life after their life upon earth has ended. The “unwise” seek the pleasurers life has to offer giving no or little thought about eternity.

Yes, life goes on and many of us wake up and realize that we are fast approaching a time of transition from earth to eternity. Is such a realization to be feared or a time to seek truth?

All humans are admonished to redeem the time or make the most of the time we have upon earth and to prepare for eternity.

This requires a decision. First, every person has a decision to make. Is there a GOD? If so, is GOD or god? Is GOD the one true GOD and the Father of HIS only SON, JESUS or is god something we, as humans, make up to satisfy us?

In Psalm 14:1a, we read - 1 The fool says in his heart, "God does not exist."

GOD created the world to reflect HIS handiwork and to draw people to HIM. Look around. Does all that you see happen by random probability? The order of the universe, the world and the life cycles on earth? I do not think so.

A friend of mine used an illustration regarding random probability and creation. He asked a group that did not believe in the existence of GOD a question. If you took all the parts to assemble a fine Swiss watch and placed them into a bag and either waited or shook it, would those parts ever come together and produce a fully assembled, fully functioning watch? No! It takes a master watchmaker to put it together. The world and the universe, in which we live, took the living GOD to create them along with all life and the food to sustain that life.  

Once we, as humans, conclude that GOD exists, we have a decision to make. Will we be wise or unwise/foolish? Will we accept HIS provision for salvation which is faith in JESUS or reject HIS provision?

Verse 17 - 17 So don't be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

Don’t be foolish but seek the right relationship with the One True GOD by placing your faith in JESUS. Once you become a Child of GOD through faith in JESUS, the wise commit their lives to do the LORD’S will.

GOD’S desire is for all of mankind to believe that HE exists.

How has GOD revealed Himself to mankind? HE has given us visible evidence of HIS handiwork. We live in a miracle body designed to function upon earth. Yes, some bodies have flaws. Why? We live in an imperfect world because of sin. GOD knows that. So, what did GOD do to give humans hope upon earth regarding eternity? HE gave us HIS Word, the Bible, which was recorded over thousands of years revealing HIS plan to redeem all who seek HIM. The Bible is the revelation of GOD on an ever-ascending scale culminating in the physical birth of JESUS, HIS life, physical death, resurrection, 40 days upon earth before HE ascended into Heaven to take HIS seat at the right-hand of GOD. Why was JESUS willing to give HIS life for all who would place their faith in HIM would have everlasting/eternal life?

It was because of HIS eternal love for every person.

Let’s read John 3:16-18:

16 "For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

GOD allowed HIS only SON, JESUS, to come to earth to be born in the flesh, as a human, and be subject to temptation and physical death. Yes, JESUS had the ability to sin but HE did not sin. Thus, HE became the perfect and only acceptable sacrifice that GOD would accept to pay, in full, the penalty for sin. JESUS gave HIS physical life by the shedding of HIS blood to pay in full the penalty GOD imposed upon mankind as the result of sin. The penalty GOD imposed on mankind was eternal death. The shedding of the blood of JESUS paid, in full, this penalty. When the sin debt was paid it opened the path between GOD and mankind. Since that moment mankind has had direct access and full access to GOD, 24/7. But all must come to HIM through JESUS. The Apostle John in the Gospel according to John recorded in John 14:5-6:

5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

As stated in last week’s study, JESUS was dead as a doornail. And if HE had remained physically dead then HE would be considered a good man who died. But that is not the case. To show all the world that JESUS was truly GOD’S SON, GOD raised JESUS from the physically dead to be eternally alive. GOD raised JESUS from the physically dead to occupy HIS New Glorified Body which is like the new glorified bodies all born-again Christians will have when JESUS comes back to earth to rapture all Christians.

Why did GOD and JESUS go to all this perfection? What does John 3:16 reveal to us? “For GOD so loved the world.” The world means every one who has been or ever will be.

Once a person becomes a Christian through the miracle of Spiritual rebirth, he or she becomes a child of GOD. As proof that rebirth has taken place, GOD gives every Christian the Holy Spirit to indwell him or her. Every Christian still has the freedom to choose. Every Christian has a decision to make. Who will rule his or her life – self or the Holy Spirit? Wise or unwise?

Let’s read Ephesians 5:18:

18 And don't get drunk with wine, which [leads to] reckless actions, but be filled with the Spirit:

Do not let anything except the Holy Spirit lead, guide and control your life as a Christian. Why? It is because, as a Christian, you are GOD’S ambassadors. Every Christian represents GOD and JESUS to those with whom they come into contact every moment of every day. Christians are to be wise and keep their influence in their minds.

Ephesus was a thriving seaport city. There were Christians and there were pagans located in Ephesus. The Greco-Roman religions were well represented in Ephesus. The people in Ephesus had the opportunity to worship GOD, JESUS, false gods, pagan religions such as Artemis/Diana or the cult of Dionysus/Bacchus (the Greek god of wine and drunken orgies.) These pagan religions appealed to the flesh. There were temple prostitutes to satisfy the pagan appetites for sex and plenty of wine to satisfy their need for alcohol.

These flesh practices then and now are barriers to being filled with the Holy Spirit. Satan uses these urges to entice all people who desire an intimate relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS to be control by them and not by the indwelling Holy Spirit. What does GOD desire for all people? GOD desires for all people to seek HIM through faith in JESUS and not allow anything into their lives that will rob them of their relationship with GOD and control their lives other then the indwelling Holy Spirit – nothing.

Christians are to be filled and controlled by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Christians are filled by the Holy Spirit at the instant they ask JESUS to forgive them for their sins and for JESUS to come into their lives. Some think they need a second blessing of the Holy Spirit. Christians can journey through life oblivious to the power of the Holy Spirit and realize that they are living in their own strength. Upon that realization, they rededicate their lives to JESUS fully seeking to live their Christian lives in HIS power and under the leadership of the indwelling Holy Spirit. At that instant, such a commitment may seem like a special empowering or anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is a glorious time when we dedicate our lives to obediently serve our LORD as HE directs our lives. Awesome!

The words Paul used for “be filled with the Holy Spirit” carry the understanding of “continually be filled by the Holy Spirit.” Once a person receives JESUS as his or her Savior, he or she is filled with the Holy Spirit. From that instant all Christians are on a Spiritual journey. Many of us have been in church and listened to teachings from fellow Christians, even pastors. Often, we filter Biblical teachings through what we think GOD should do rather than seeking to understand the mind of GOD.

These filters may be based upon truth, error, notions or some combination. When our filters are based upon error, notions or our whelms, we get frustrated when GOD does not respond according to solutions. They do not work because they are not based upon truth. We may even become Christians in name only because what we have thought was truth is now not truth. When that happens, we need to take a pause, pray and ask GOD to reveal truth to us. We need to ask JESUS to dispel our false notions or false assumptions with truth. We can use our frustration to seek truth. The Bible is always a good source of truth. When we find truth, it may be like a second touch of the Holy Spirit. No, it is because we have moved false notions out of our lives and replaced them with truth. Truth fills, satisfies and is exciting to encounter.

How do I know that? I experienced that many years ago as I sought the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my life. I found that I needed to empty false notions from my life and replace them with truth as revealed by the Bible and the indwelling Holy Spirit. I am still learning and growing Spiritually. The Spiritual journey is awesome.

One of the most powerful studies I have taken has been “Experiencing GOD” written by Dr. Henry Blackaby and Claude King. I think since then it has been revised. Worth checking with Lifeway publications.

The Apostle Paul stated that Christians are to be constantly filled by the Holy Spirit. How do Christians do that? The Apostle Paul gives us a clue as we examine our next scripture ----

Let’s read Ephesians 5:19-21:

19 speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music to the Lord in your heart,

20 giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

21 submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.

Basically, quoting scripture helps to keep our minds focused upon GOD, JESUS and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Christians are to worship joyfully under the influence of the Holy Spirit. As Christians “speak to one another” they are also speaking to themselves. Listen to what you are saying because when under the influence of the Holy Spirit your words can be healing.

Psalms carries the idea of music or the psalter.

Hymns is derived from a word that means “to celebrate.”

Spiritual songs carry the root words of “pneumatikos” and “ode.” It suggests spontaneous e.g. when Christians are moved by the Holy Spirit, they need to express themselves because of the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The King James translation renders “speaking to yourselves.”

When Christians express themselves in Psalms, Hymns and/or Spiritual songs they not only minister to others they also minister to themselves.

In verse 20, Christians are to rejoice in the blessings that GOD has given to them as they seek to know HIM more and more as they obediently serve HIM.

Verse - 21 submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.

This verse carries a powerful message. It is a message of accountability. But it is holding each other accountable in a way that pleases and honors CHRIST because CHRIST is an intimate member of our accountability partnership.

“Submitting to one another” carries the concept that it is “quid pro quo” or one Christian agrees to become subservient in attitude and spirit to another Christian. That Christian, in turn, agrees to become subservient in attitude and spirit to the other Christian. This submission to each other is not having a domineering attitude toward one another but having a mutual submission resulting in respect, kindness, humility and sensitivity toward each other. The balance and strength in such a relationship is based upon both parties’ reverential respect of GOD through their faith in JESUS.

Such relationships can help support those trying to overcome addictions or who desire to build the right relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS. Such accountability relationships help to keep each other on track with Bible study, prayer life, and the list goes on.   

Are you living as wise or unwise Christians? Living as wise Christians requires the constant filling of the Holy Spirit in your life. Ask JESUS to examine your life and reveal any area that you keep from HIM. When it is revealed then ask HIM for the power of HIS might and strength and power of the Holy Spirit to take control of your life. Allow the Holy Spirit to keep you filled to the brim each moment of your life. May all be filled!



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