Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, February 17, 2017

Bible Study - Thrive (5) - Practicing Joy - Philippians 4:4-9 - February 19, 2015

Bible Study – Thrive (5) – Practicing Joy – February 19, 2015

This is lesson five (5) in our series entitled “Thrive: Living in Real Joy.”

Our focus scripture is Philippians 4:4-9.

When I focus on CHRIST, joy and peace flood my life.

Let your relationship with JESUS produce joy naturally in your life. When Christians are in right relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS, it results in a knowing of the presence of GOD in our lives. Such a relationship is built upon truth. False notions are torn down and replaced by truth. As this takes place, the joy of such revelations brings unspeakable joy to our lives. It is part of the Spiritual growth and maturity process known as sanctification.
It is also difficult to describe in human words. It is like trying to describe the beauty of a flower and the fragrance it releases. It is very personal.

Let’s explore!

Let’s read Philippians 3:20-21 and 4:1-3 for background and lead-in:
Philippians 3:20-21:

20 but our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

21 He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself.

The finish line in the race of life is to be resurrected and receive our new resurrected Glorified body, just like JESUS’ Glorified body for eternity. This race begins by placing our faith in JESUS The CHRIST, which is salvation. Then yielding to The Holy Spirit and trusting The Holy Spirit to help us build the right relationship with GOD. As this relationship is perfected through the circumstances of life, it produces a natural outflow of joy which is based upon that relationship. Natural joy is based upon trust which has come about by walking in step with JESUS with full confidence that GOD is actively in step with us and the circumstances of our lives.

Life is a life of trust in the LORD based upon experiencing the trustworthiness of GOD through all circumstances. GOD has always been there for us and we have discerned the value and purpose of the things we have experienced in life. These things are building blocks which are used to lay a firm foundation upon which to build the right relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS.

Philippians 4:1-3:

1 So then, in this way, my dearly loved brothers, my joy and crown, stand firm in the Lord, dear friends.

When Christians consider the reward that awaits them, Paul urged them stay in the race and reach the finish line. Why? Aren’t Christians saved and will go to heaven? Yes. So why finish the race? The victors crown awaits them. 

Christians are not to give up because the rewards continue and in fact could intensify the longer we obediently serve our LORD. Why? It is because the more Christians mature in CHRIST; the more effective they are in reaching out to others.

2 I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to agree in the Lord.

These are two ladies needed to come together in unity. Fellow Christians were to help broker agreement.

3 Yes, I also ask you, true partner, to help these women who have contended for the gospel at my side, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers whose names are in the book of life.

Paul knew these ladies to be true Christians. He appealed to fellow Christians to come along the side of these ladies to help them restore their relationship with each other and The Lord. Make a commitment to get this done – partner with each other.

Live a Life of Joy and Graciousness
Let’s read Philippians 4:4-5:

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Some people confuse joy with happiness. Happiness is circumstantial whereas joy does not depend upon circumstances.  One of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit is joy. Rejoice was translated from the Greek word “chairo” and means “to enjoy a state of gladness, happiness, well-being.” How often is a Christian to rejoice in the LORD? Always! To show the importance of “rejoicing”, Paul repeated the statement “I will say it again, rejoice!”

Such rejoicing was more than mouthing the words but rejoicing naturally based upon their knowledge of their solid relationship which comes from knowing JESUS and trusting HIM in all matters.

Rejoicing was not just unique to Paul but to all Christians. The phrase “in the LORD” is interesting. The word “in” can also be interpreted as “because of.” Because of a Christian’s relationship with GOD through faith in JESUS, HE is the reason Christians can rejoice regardless of circumstances. “Always” means at “all times.” Rejoicing in the Lord always does not depend upon circumstances but upon relationship and trust. A second thought is that the return of The Lord is always immanent. No one knows when HE will return to take us to Heaven. We are always in the present as GOD is in the present.

Paul wrote “I say” which comes from the experience of walking with the LORD and experiencing HIS complete care and sovereignty. Consider Paul and Silas being placed in jail in Philippi as we read in Acts 16:22-25:

22 Then the mob joined in the attack against them, and the chief magistrates stripped off their clothes and ordered them to be beaten with rods.

23 After they had inflicted many blows on them, they threw them in jail, ordering the jailer to keep them securely guarded.

24 Receiving such an order, he put them into the inner prison and secured their feet in the stocks.

A Midnight Deliverance

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

What a witness were Paul and Silas to those in jail with them. Certainly their circumstances were not the source of their joy but the presence of the LORD and their complete confidence in HIM was their source of joy.

Do you know that joy? Is it possible for you to know that joy?

Let’s read Philippians 4:5:

5 Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.

“Graciousness” encompasses “gentle”, “patient”, “gentle spirit“.

“Be known” means to be made “evident.” Don’t hide who you are in CHRIST because “The LORD” surrounds you and holds you accountable to HIM as a Christian. Trust is the hallmark of having the right and natural relationship with CHRIST.

Do you recall the event when Peter saw JESUS walking on water coming toward the boat the disciples were in? It is recorded in Matthew 14:24-33:

24 But the boat was already over a mile from land, battered by the waves, because the wind was against them.

25 Around three in the morning, He came toward them walking on the sea.

26 When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified. "It's a ghost!" they said, and cried out in fear.

27 Immediately Jesus spoke to them. "Have courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

28 "Lord, if it's You," Peter answered Him, "command me to come to You on the water."

29 "Come!" He said. And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus.

30 But when he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid. And beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me!"

31 Immediately Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"

32 When they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

33 Then those in the boat worshiped Him and said, "Truly You are the Son of God!"

Notice when Peter took his eyes off JESUS he began to sink. Trust in the midst of life’s storms is important in building the right relationship with JESUS. Only HE can bring calm to us. Each step of trust builds upon each other to form a solid foundation.

Let’s read Philippians 4:6-7:

6 Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Is there a healthy and an unhealthy worry? Can Christians be concerned without worrying? What is the difference between anxiety and worry?

Paul was not saying to go through life with a slap-dash, nonchalant attitude but to put the issues of life into proper perspective.  

“A certain degree of worry or concern is good if it motivates us to do what we can but trust GOD to intervene where needed.” We can be concerned with the immediate but the things we focus on in the future morphs into worry, which often never materialize.   

The writer of our series “Thrive: Living in Real Joy” is Tony Merida founding pastor of Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC. Our LORD has spoken through him in a mighty way especially in the verses we will consider in this part of today’s study. (Bible Studies for Life, Winter 2016-17, Personal Study Guide, LifeWay, Nashville, TN, pages 145- 146.)

In Proverbs 12:25 Solomon wrote of “anxiety”:

25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.

“Anxiety includes imagining the future in a terrible way and then panicking about it.” Satan uses our imagination to build the worst possible scenarios in our minds. His objective is to discourage, defeat and turn our eyes and thoughts from JESUS and HIS sufficiency to our helplessness.  

“Negative anxiety can immobilize us and squeeze the joy out of us. This type of crushing anxiety happens when we believe lies.”

The Philippians faced daily threats, as we do. So what is the cure for worry? It is prayer. How does prayer help us move from worry to trust?

Let’s ponder Philippians 4:7
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When the “peace of GOD” is manifested in our lives it surpasses every human thought. The “peace of GOD stands as a sentry 24/7 guarding our minds.” That is why Christians must dwell upon GOD and HIS care for us as Christians.

Our daughter, when she was young, made a poster for me that I placed in my closet. It was 1 Peter 5:7:

7 casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you.

When Christians realize that GOD cares for them, they can cast their cares upon HIM. To cast is to release it from our hands to HIM.

I have heard Christians say, “I do not want to bother GOD with my concerns.” What! Why not? GOD loves you and knows you even to the hairs on your head. If HE has time to count your hairs HE must have time to listen to your concerns. When you release your cares and concerns into HIS hands, it frees you to rejoice in HIM.

It is then that you experience “Verse 7 - And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Let’s read Philippians 4:8-9:

8 Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise-dwell on these things.

9 Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

The thought life of Christians is vital. Satan appeals to our flesh. GOD appeals to our minds and hearts. HE appeals to the very core of Christians, which is the “eyes of their heart.” The scripture reveals in Romans 12:1-2:

A Living Sacrifice

1 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.

2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

When we accept CHRIST as our Savior, the Holy Spirit immediately begins to reshape our thinking by renewing our minds.

The Apostle Paul was giving the Christians in Philippi some of the things they could ponder and dwell upon in their minds in verses 8 and 9:
·       True, not false 
·       Honorable, not dishonorable
·       Just, not unfair
·       Pure, not obscene
·       Lovely, not unlovely
·       Commendable, not wrong
·       Morally excellent, not corrupt
·       Praiseworthy, not shameful

Our focal scripture closes with verse 9:

9 Do what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.

Put into action what you have learned, received, heard and seen in Paul.
Are we, as Christians, willing to tell fellow Christians to watch us because our lives are examples of GOD’S peace? When being a Christian comes naturally by allowing the Holy Spirit to be manifested through our lives, the joy and peace of our relationship with CHRIST will be apparent.

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.



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