Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Bible Study - Special Lesson (2) - Created For a Purpose - Jeremiah 1:4-10 - January 15, 2017

Bible Study – Special Lesson (2) – Created For a Purpose – January 15, 2017

This is a special lesson.

Our focus scripture is Jeremiah 1:4-10.

Before you were born, GOD designed you with great value.

It is mind-boggling to know that GOD knew us before creation. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:4:

4 for He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love

This is confirmed in our focus scripture as we continue to read.

Let’s read Jeremiah 1:4-5:
The Call of Jeremiah

4 The word of the Lord came to me:

5 I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

GOD confirmed to Jeremiah that HE had chosen him before HE was formed in his mother’s womb.

We are all chosen but few accept and respond to GOD’S call. Some may say “GOD did not call me to anything special.” Being a person interacting with fellow humans where you live, go to school, work, play, etc. is a calling. Some may live in not so good circumstances, when you belong to GOD; HE is preparing you to serve HIM.

GOD made all of us with the freedom to choose. Often, many who are chosen by GOD, question GOD. Often, we feel unworthy to be chosen by GOD. GOD has a plan for each of us and when we choose to obediently follow HIM, HE directs our path and walks with us as we journey with HIM, as led by the indwelling Holy Spirit. GOD made us with the freedom to choose. It is a conscience decision whether or not we yield our will to GOD and allow HIM to lead us in the direction HE desires for us. But we must have HIM in our lives in order for HIM to lead us. In order for HIM to be in us, we must place our faith in JESUS before HE can direct our lives through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. JESUS is the path to building the right relationship with GOD. Do you recall John 14:5-6?

5 "Lord," Thomas said, "we don't know where You're going. How can we know the way?"

6 Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Let’s read Jeremiah 1:6-8:

6 But I protested, "Oh no, Lord God! Look, I don't know how to speak since I am [only] a youth."

7 Then the Lord said to me: Do not say: I am [only] a youth, for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you.

8 Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. [This is] the Lord's declaration.

When GOD chooses a person/calls a person, he or she often rebels because the person does not believe he or she is capable. The Prophet Jeremiah was no different. He was concerned that he was “only a youth.” When GOD chooses, 

HE knows our capabilities. We look at our inability and overlook the fact that our inability in GOD’S hands equals HIS ability manifested through us.
Moses struggled with this as we read in Exodus 3:10-16:

10 Therefore, go. I (GOD) am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead My people, the Israelites, out of Egypt."

11 But Moses asked God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"

Moses knew that he had killed an Egyptian and fled Egypt when he was 40 years old. He had lived in Midian for 40 years tending sheep. He was now 80 years old and in the desert tending sheep when GOD spoke to him from a burning bush that was not consumed.

How could GOD use a murderer to carry out HIS purpose to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery?

12 He (GOD) answered, "I will certainly be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I have sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will all worship God at this mountain."

13 Then Moses asked God, "If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, 'What is His name?' what should I tell them?"

Moses was still questioning whether or not he would respond to GOD’S call to ministry.

14 God replied to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you."

GOD has always been and always will be GOD thus HIS response “I AM.” Yahweh is derived from the Hebrew “I AM.” “I AM” is always in the present and we are always in the present. “I AM”/GOD was with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They had died but “I AM” was still the same and still very much alive because “I AM” is eternal and will always be eternal and in the present.
The moment a microsecond happens in our lives, it is in the past. The next microsecond has not happened until it takes place. We age but GOD remains the same and that is why GOD’S Word is always relevant regardless of the time in human history. GOD is and always has been relevant with the times. GOD makes history.

We, as humans, think we make history but that is Satan’s deception. GOD is in control. HE guides the way or path for humans and leaders of nations to follow. HE warns us when we start to wander from that path. If we do not alter our relationship with HIM as a person or a nation, we will suffer the consequence. Does that mean that GOD does not love us? Oh au contraire, GOD disciplines those whom HE loves just as good parents discipline their child.  

15 God also said to Moses, "Say this to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.

16 "Go and assemble the elders of Israel and say to them: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to me and said: I have paid close attention to you and to what has been done to you in Egypt.

The King James version of the Bible translates “I have paid close attention to you” as “I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:

The point being GOD cares about HIS chosen. Yes, HIS children were in slavery for 400 years but why? It was GOD’S way of protecting HIS chosen and allowing them to grow physically into a nation and was HIS plan for them to grow Spiritually and develop an intimate relationship with HIM.

As you recall, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and was in Egypt. Joseph had risen to be next in command to Pharaoh. There was a famine and Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to purchase grain. Joseph recognized them and ultimately invited his family to come to live with him in Egypt. Jacob agreed and seventy (70) moved to Egypt. The Pharaoh who knew Joseph died and other Pharaohs took over who did not know Joseph and life became hard for the Israelites. The Israelites where in bondage for 400 years but they grew in numbers to about 600,000. This was GOD way of preserving the Israelites to fulfill HIS covenant to Abraham.  

GOD’S desire was to reveal Himself to HIS chosen first and then to the world. GOD revealed Himself to the Israelites as HE revealed Himself to the stubborn Pharaoh who would not let the Israelites go from Egypt. Then GOD continued to reveal Himself to the Israelites as they journeyed physically by the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.

GOD worked through HIS chosen leaders for the purpose of revealing Himself and HIS love to HIS chosen people. In turn, HIS care for HIS chosen would translate to the love GOD, the One True GOD, has for all people of all nations.
HIS ultimate love was revealed to every person through the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of JESUS the CHRIST. HIS assurance is confirmed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of all who place their faith in GOD’S only Son, JESUS.

Let’s read Exodus 4:1-14:
Miraculous Signs for Moses

1 Then Moses answered, "What if they won't believe me and will not obey me but say, 'The Lord did not appear to you'?"

Moses still questioned GOD. Moses questioned his ability to be convincing. 

Moses had to learn to trust GOD as we all do when GOD calls us to ministry. 

GOD helps us to build the right relationship with HIM as we move forward.

Ministry is more than being involved in religious activity. Ministry involves all aspects of our lives e.g. preparing for our careers, choosing a mate, where to live and the list goes on. GOD calls craftsmen, plumbers, physicians, teachers, mothers and dads, etc. as well as those who serve in the church.

Step one is for every person to ask JESUS to forgive him or her for their sins and for JESUS to come into their life. Working in a religious setting does not make us a Christian. Once we receive salvation by placing our faith in JESUS, we are on a journey for Spiritual growth though the process of sanctification.

There are times when we come to a pause, stop sign, fork in the road or a turn in our lives. Where do we look for guidance? Is GOD sufficient to guide us or will we take matters into our own hands?

Moses had a choice. How would he choose? Would his choices always be according to GOD’S plan?

2 The Lord asked him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied.

Moses was a shepherd and a shepherd’s staff was vital to the shepherd. It was his protection, used for guiding the sheep, rescuing the sheep and defending the sheep.

3 Then He said, "Throw it on the ground." He threw it on the ground, and it became a snake. Moses ran from it,

GOD instructed Moses to get rid of what was vital to him by throwing it onto the ground. When he did, the staff became a snake. It is likely that Moses recognized the snake as a venomous snake because he ran from it.  

4 but the Lord told him, "Stretch out your hand and grab it by the tail." So he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand.

GOD instructed Moses to grab the snake by its tail. Anyone who handles a snake knows he or she would never grab a snake, especially a venomous snake by its tail. He or she would grab it behind its head to prevent it from biting. 

Moses obediently responded and the snake became a staff.

When GOD calls, often we must get rid of that with which we are most comfortable. It is absolutely vital that we respond to GOD’S call and not to our desires. Some people test GOD by getting rid of something before HE instructs us and when we do it will not go well. When that happens, we blame GOD but in retrospect it was our way of testing GOD rather than GOD testing us.

5 "This will take place," He continued, "so they will believe that the Lord, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."

6 In addition the Lord said to him, "Put your hand inside your cloak." So he put his hand inside his cloak, and when he took it out, his hand was diseased, like snow.

7 Then He said, "Put your hand back inside your cloak." He put his hand back inside his cloak, and when he took it out, it had again become like the rest of his skin.

8 "If they will not believe you and will not respond to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the second sign.

9 And if they don't believe even these two signs or listen to what you say, take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground. The water you take from the Nile will become blood on the ground."

10 But Moses replied to the Lord, "Please, Lord, I have never been eloquent-either in the past or recently or since You have been speaking to Your servant-because I am slow and hesitant in speech."

11 The Lord said to him, "Who made the human mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?

12 Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say."

When GOD calls HE also equips. Our part is to trust GOD. GOD made us for HIS purpose which can take many forms – career, parent, grandparent, etc.

Notice Exodus 4:20:

20 So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey and started back to Egypt. And he took the staff of God in his hand.

Moses staff became GOD’S Staff.

Let’s read Jeremiah 1:9-10:

9 Then the Lord reached out His hand, touched my mouth, and told me: Look, I have filled your mouth with My words.

10 See, today I have set you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.

When GOD calls our part is to trust in HIM and HIS part is to equip us as we put into action what HE has revealed to us.

The Prophet Jeremiah was called the “weeping prophet” because he wept over the fact that Israelites would not repent for their sins and turn back to GOD. 

He preached for 40 years without a single convert. In the eyes of the world Jeremiah was a failure but in the eyes of GOD he was a success. He did the will of GOD but the people chose not to listen and as a result Jerusalem was destroyed and the Israelites were carried off into captivity. Jeremiah spoke truth and was spared.

Do we weep over our sins, our family, our friends, the sinful condition of America or the world?

GOD has a plan for each of us. Our first step is to have the right relationship with GOD, which we know is to place our faith in HIS only Son, JESUS. Otherwise, we are responding to the call of our flesh. There are many good causes where we can volunteer our time which may cause us to think that we are doing the will of GOD. And I quickly add that GOD calls many to work for or to establish these organizations. That is a calling. Often, GOD allows us to work to discover that either what we are doing is or is not the will of GOD for our lives.  

The key is that every person is the handiwork of GOD and he or she has been placed upon earth to fulfill the will and purpose of GOD. He or she is unique but often he or she must look at what’s in his or her hand and throw it down and allow GOD to instruct him or her on what to do next. But we must be careful that GOD instructs us to throw down what we cling to. Often, when we release what we cling to, GOD’S instructs us to pick it up again. But HE directs us.

I imagine that Moses never looked at his staff the same way again after GOD turned his staff into a snake and then back into his staff. We must keep in mind that GOD instructed Moses to throw his staff down. Often, in our human nature, we want to throw our staff down.

We must build our relationship with GOD first by placing our faith in JESUS and allowing the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us to grow Spiritually as we obediently serve GOD according to HIS plan and purpose for our lives. Allow GOD to be your strength by building the right relationship with HIM. Trust is a vital component of any relationship. Blessings!!!


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