Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, July 31, 2015

Bible Study – Awake (3) – Return to Prayer – August 2, 2015

This is lesson three (3) in our series entitled “Awake: The Call to Renewed Life.”

Our focus scripture is Nehemiah 1:3-10.

Move forward by retreating into prayer.

Since the book of Nehemiah was written in the first person, Bible scholars have concluded that Nehemiah was the author. It was written about 445-432 B.C.

Jerusalem was destroyed and exiles were taken to Babylon in 586 B.C. When the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 B.C., the Jews intermarried and lost their national identity. When the Jews from Judah were exiled to Babylon in 586 B.C., they did not intermarry thus maintaining their identity as Jews.

Zerubbabel led the first return to Jerusalem in 538 B.C. to rebuild the temple. The temple was completed in 516 B.C. In 486 B.C. Xerxes becomes the king of Persia. In 465 B.C. Artaxerxes becomes the king of Persia. In 458 B.C. Ezra led the second group to Jerusalem. It is during the reign of Artaxerxes that Nehemiah received the call from GOD to rebuild the walls surrounding Jerusalem. In 444 B.C. Nehemiah led a group to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, which were completed in 445 B.C.

Nehemiah was GOD’S man at the right place at the right time. His name means “the Lord Comforts.” He was the cupbearer for the king. GOD called Nehemiah and Nehemiah responded. He had the respect of the king and he had faith that GOD would be his strength to help him accomplish what GOD had called him to do. GOD called him to rebuild the walls surrounding Jerusalem and its gates, which was a monumental task. Nehemiah needed physical resources and GOD provided them through Nehemiah’s relationship with the king. Nehemiah was a good organizer, encourager, supervisor, leader and a 
man of action.   

Let’s read Nehemiah 1:1-2: (Background)

1 The words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah (HAK uh LIGH uh): News from Jerusalem During the month of Chislev (KISS lehv) in the twentieth year, when I was in the fortress city of Susa, 2 Hanani (huh NAY nigh), one of my brothers, arrived with men from Judah, and I questioned them about Jerusalem and the Jewish remnant that had survived the exile.

The month of Chislev or Kislev is the November-December time period. 

Nehemiah questioned Hanani and others who had come from Judah regarding the state of affairs in Jerusalem and the Jewish remnant in Jerusalem. Bible scholars seem to lean toward Hanani being a sibling relative of Hanani.
The distance between Susa and Jerusalem was about 1,100 miles, which required weeks of travel.

Our next scripture reveals what the delegation told him about the conditions in Jerusalem.

Let’s read Nehemiah 1:3-4:

3 They said to me, “The remnant in the province, who survived the exile, are in great trouble and disgrace. Jerusalem’s wall has been broken down, and its gates have been burned down.”

“The remnant” refers to the Jews who were permitted to return to Judah after Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians. This was the first phase in 538 B.C.

The walls had been broken down and the gates had been burned. The city was open to being ravaged and its purpose, as a safe place to worship, had been compromised. Something had to be done. How does a person of GOD identify where to begin? Let’s read on.

Nehemiah’s Prayer

4 When I heard these words, I sat down and wept. I mourned for a number of days, fasting and praying before the God of heaven.

When have the hearts of Christians been broken because of the state of affairs in the churches over the world and in particular in America? Movements are rampant for Christians and the Christian churches to be politically correct more so than being Spiritually sound according to the GOD’S Word, the Bible. 

The Christian community must call sin, sin but never lose sight of loving the 
sinner while hating the sin.

Guess who is leading this effort? It is the angel of light, Satan and many in the Christian community are being blinded. May the veil be lifted from the eyes of Christians and Christian leaders to see, teach, preach and live truth!

Nehemiah’s heart was broken and he wept over the conditions in Jerusalem. But he not only wept but he put feet to his prayers.

Christians see what is happening but are we taking a stand? It is time for those who call themselves Christians to pray and seek GOD’S guidance and help to rebuild the walls which have been broken down. Not to keep those who seek salvation out but to prevent the enemy from preventing those who seek salvation from the truth according to GOD’S Word.

Let’s read Nehemiah 1:5-7:

5 I said, • Yahweh , the God of heaven, the great and awe-inspiring God who keeps His gracious covenant with those who love Him and keep His commands, 6 let Your eyes be open and Your ears be attentive to hear Your servant’s prayer that I now pray to You day and night for Your servants, the Israelites. I confess the sins we have committed against You. Both I and my father’s house have sinned. 7 We have acted corruptly toward You and have not kept the commands, statutes, and ordinances You gave Your servant Moses.

Nehemiah referred to GOD by HIS covenant name “Yahweh.” Even though the Israelites were in exile, Nehemiah had faith in GOD that HE had not abandoned them and still honored HIS covenant with the Israelites. HE asked GOD to pay attention to what he was about to say to HIM.

Nehemiah acknowledged that GOD was awe-inspiring, which refers to the awesomeness of GOD when taken as a whole. Nehemiah was going to confess to GOD. Although he was not a part of those who brought destruction to Jerusalem, he indentified with Israel and he would confess, repent and seek GOD’S presence in his life.

Nehemiah knew that the rebuilding of the walls and the gates would not provide the security they needed but their true safety was in the hands of GOD and their relationship with HIM. That is true today. It is all about our relationship to GOD through our relationship with CHRIST.  

Any revival must begin with each Christian. When we recognize and acknowledge that GOD is GOD and the awe inspiring relationship we, as Christians, have in HIM through our faith in CHRIST, HE becomes our source and resource. When things that are bigger than us, we must look to GOD Who will bring them into perspective and doable. We still have to put in sweat equity but as GOD lead’s us by the empowering Holy Spirit.

Notice that Nehemiah acknowledged his relationship with GOD and then he confessed his sins. Not only did he confess his sins but the sins of his heritage. He placed the tentacles of tradition on the sacrificial altar.

Tradition is one of the main stumbling blocks of the Christian church.

Remember our last week’s lesson? The members in the church in Ephesus were going through the motions of religious activity but they had neglected their first love, CHRIST.

Has church leadership become so focused upon appealing to the masses that they have neglected basic Biblical principles? It is not about numbers, it is about being obedient to GOD’S leadership through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. It is not about the church with the largest members or largest physical facilities but it is about the church doing the will of GOD. It is about teaching, equipping, ministering and taking action as led by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Throughout the Bible, GOD accomplishes HIS will and purpose through a small number of faithful, obedient followers. It all begins with each of us as Christians.

Let’s read Nehemiah 1:8-10:

8 Please remember what You commanded Your servant Moses: “If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples. 9 But if you return to Me and carefully observe My commands, even though your exiles were banished to the ends of the earth, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place where I chose to have My name dwell.” 10 They are Your servants and Your people. You redeemed them by Your great power and strong hand.

The Bible is just as relevant today as the day it was written. Our unfaithfulness breaks our fellowship and unity with GOD. When we become disconnected for the true vine, JESUS, we wither. But the Good News is that when we confess our sins and repent, GOD forgives and restores. When our relationship with GOD is restored, unity is restored.

Unity with GOD through CHRIST equals power. It does not mean that we will not grow tired or weary but we will be empowered to live faithfully in obedience to HIS guidance.

Let’s read Nehemiah 1:11:

11 Please, Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and to that of Your servants who delight to revere Your name. Give Your servant success today, and have compassion on him in the presence of this man. At the time, I was the king’s cupbearer.

A cupbearer was an important and trusted position. It was a position of power. It is amazing that Nehemiah being a foreigner was placed in such an important position. But we know GOD orchestrated it. When many of us look back over our lives, we can see where the hand of GOD has been much involved in the direction of our lives.

Nehemiah reminded us that he was the king’s cupbearer. But he was more than a cupbearer; he was the right man at the right time and place with a willing heart to put feet to his prayers. He first restored his relationship with GOD and fasted. He fasted because he was focused upon GOD. Fasting is not a ploy to manipulate GOD but we are so focused upon GOD that food is not as important as the issue or issues with which we are dealing. Fasting recognizes and acknowledges that GOD is our source and resource in the time of need.

Nehemiah prayed for success. He wanted others to see the hand of GOD working in behalf of the Israelites, as well as the king. The Israelites needed encouragement in a time of great despair. Restoration takes a commitment to GOD. We must keep our eyes fixed upon HIM as we move according to HIS leadership. Restoration is not easy but when accomplished, GOD is glorified and we are drawn closer to GOD.

Has the temple and the walls of our city been destroyed and have we, as Christians, been led captive into the exile of political correctness? It is time for those who are called by HIS name to humble themselves and get on their knees and pray. It is time for Christians to repent and be restored to walk in step with HIM to obediently accomplish HIS will and purpose. Blessings!!!


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