Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bible Study - Productive (3) - What We Work For - 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 - March 16, 2014

Bible Study - Productive (3) – What We Work For – March 16, 2014

This is lesson three (3) in our series entitled “Productive: Finding Joy in What We Do.”

Our focus scripture is 2 Corinthians 8:1-9.

Let’s begin by considering 1 Corinthians 7:23:

23 You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.  

Work is a gift, we work for CHRIST and we work not only to sustain ourselves and those for whom we are responsible but to share with others in need.

The foundation for giving, as Christians, is the realization that CHRIST did for us what no other person could do. HE died in place of all who will place their faith in HIM. HE gave up HIS home in heaven and left HIS Glory in heaven to be born into a body of flesh. CHRIST was GOD, yet HE chose to limit Himself to human experiences. HE could have not completed HIS mission but if HE had opted out, we would still be under the law. HE was tempted in all ways as humans are tempted, yet without sin. We have a Savior who knows what it is like to live as a human. HE understands.

HE came to earth to live and give HIS life to pay the debt for sin, thus those who place their faith in CHRIST have been bought with a price. It cost JESUS HIS life. CHRIST was the perfect sacrificial Lamb “the only Son of GOD” Who willingly gave HIS life by shedding HIS blood to pay the debt for sin. When HE gave HIS life to pay the price for sin, in full, it meant that all who place their faith in HIM receive forgiveness for their sins and are given eternal life through the miracle of rebirth into GOD’S family and the Kingdom of GOD.

How do we know that HE really paid the price for sin in full? It is because GOD resurrected HIM from the dead and because HE lives, so do all who place their faith in HIM live eternally. When a Christian leaves this earth he or she is immediately in the presence of JESUS, GOD and fellow Christians.

CHRIST giving HIS all for each of us is the foundation for being and living as a Christian. CHRIST loved us so much that HE died in our behalf. The Christians in Macedonia understood this great heritage and assurance they had in CHRIST. They were dirt poor, struggling physically but excelling Spiritually. GOD knew their hearts, which were filled to the top and overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving for what CHRIST had done for them.     

When the Christians in Macedonia heard that the Christians in Jerusalem were starving because of a severe famine, they were eager to help. The Apostle Paul and Titus had made the needs of the Christians in Jerusalem known to the Christians in Corinth a year earlier.

The Christians in Corinth had agreed for a year that they would help the Christians in Jerusalem but they had not gotten around to it, as recorded in 2 Corinthians 9:2. This scripture will be considered in our next lesson.

The Christians in Corinth had problems. Yes, they were Christians but they had allowed certain things to take place that compromised their ministry. Paul addressed some of these issues in his first letter to them:

They were divided – 1 Corinthians 1:12b-13:

Each of you says, “I’m with Paul,” or “I’m with Apollos,” or “I’m with • Cephas,” or “I’m with Christ.” 13 Is Christ divided? Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name?

They did not have unity as the Spiritual body of CHRIST.

They tolerated immorality, took fellow Christians to court, allowed disorderly conduct when the LORD’S Supper was observed, used their Spiritual gifts to taunt their spirituality and the list goes on.

Paul had decided to leave them alone regarding their commitment to give to meet the needs of the Christians in Jerusalem until they resolved some of these issues.

Titus went missing and Paul went to find him. He found him in Macedonia and learned that the Christians in Corinth had repented. This was good news to Paul and he wrote a letter to the Christians in Corinth.

It is easy for Christians to get caught up in their own spiritual self-esteem and miss the reason GOD has given them certain Spiritual gifts to use for HIS Glory, to minister to others and draw others into a personal relationship with CHRIST.

Christians can get Spiritual egos.

GOD allows Christians to equate HIS power as theirs for a season but at a point GOD brings Spiritual reality to them. During the Spiritual growth and maturity process of Christians, their journey often takes many turns. The goal of GOD is for HIS children to be made into the image of CHRIST. The process is called sanctification.

Paul used the sacrificial giving of the Macedonian Christians to encourage the Christians in Corinth to take a step back and re-evaluate their relationship with CHRIST. They were busy in the name of CHRIST but because they were not in right relationship with CHRIST, the unity of the Spiritual body of believers was suffering along with the spread of the Gospel of CHRIST.

I know in the early years of journeying with CHRIST, my life took off like a bullet. But like any bullet, it will eventually fall to the ground or hit something and stop. GOD allows us to go like a bullet because HE knows we will come to rest at some point in our journey with HIM. When that happens, HE can get us to focus upon what HE desires for us to do. When Christians yield their wills to CHRIST it is the beginning of building an intimate relationship with CHRIST. I know I used to think that GOD was dragging HIS feet and needed to catch up with me. HE got my attention that HE is boss.

It is easy for Christians to be about doing but we need to be about doing according to the will and purpose of GOD as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Let’s explore!

The rich relationship the Christians in Macedonia had in CHRIST gave them an eager desire to help others.

Sometimes GOD allows us to get poor before we can become rich in our relationship with HIM. We work to have and accumulate. When we exit this life upon earth, we leave it all behind. What we do, as led by CHRIST, is stored in the heavenly treasury.

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 8:1-2:

1 We want you to know, • brothers, about the grace of God granted to the churches of Macedonia: 2 During a severe testing by affliction, their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed into the wealth of their generosity.

Paul wanted the Corinthian Christians “brothers” to know about “the grace of GOD.” The Christians in Macedonia were physically poor. They were in “deep poverty,” which means the “deepest form of destitution”, yet they gave. They gave from sincere hearts that reflected that they knew and understood that CHRIST had given HIS all for their salvation. They gave not expecting anything in return because CHRIST had already paid the price for their salvation. HE had made the ultimate sacrifice for each one of them. GOD extended HIS grace to them because they gave from hearts that reflected the same love that CHRIST had for them when HE gave HIS life for them on the cross. CHRIST did for them what they could not do for themselves. They discovered the joy of giving, which was not based upon the numerical value of what they gave. They gave from their physical poverty because of being Spiritually wealthy. GOD saw their hearts and gave them the joy and experience of HIS grace. The Macedonian Christians were blessed, the Christians in Jerusalem were helped and encouraged; the Corinthian Christians were challenged.

Here, Christians must be careful. When we give expecting something in return, we are giving for the wrong reasons. It is a joy to give.

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 8:3-7:

3 I testify that, on their own, according to their ability and beyond their ability, 4 they begged us insistently for the privilege of sharing in the ministry to the • saints , 5 and not just as we had hoped. Instead, they gave themselves especially to the Lord, then to us by God’s will. 6 So we urged Titus that just as he had begun, so he should also complete this grace to you. 7 Now as you excel in everything —faith, speech, knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love for us —excel also in this grace.

Paul knew that the Macedonian Christians were in dire physical needs themselves but they begged him to let them help the Christians in Jerusalem. It seems that Paul was surprised how GOD used their eagerness to help build an intimate, loving, trusting relationship with HIM through CHRIST.

They first gave themselves to the LORD and then they willingly responded to the need that Paul had presented to them regarding the needs of Christians in Jerusalem. Paul was pleasantly surprised at the size of their gift.

Christians around the world have many needs today. We cannot give to all needs. That is why we must be led to give as GOD reveals the need. When HE reveals the need and we join HIM to meet that need, we are working in harmony with HIM. But first, we must have the right relationship with HIM through CHRIST and when we do HE guides us to the opportunity. Then HE provides through those HE calls.

Ephesians 5:15-18:

15 Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk —not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit:

Paul’s desire was for the Corinthian Christians to experience “the grace of GOD” as the Christians in Macedonia had experienced. The Christians in Corinth were active but they needed to build the right relationship with CHRIST. When Christians are in right relationship with CHRIST, it fosters the right relationship with fellow Christians and strengthens the ministry GOD has called them too. They knew the truth but there was a problem, they needed to excel in giving.

Paul pointed out in verse 7 that they - “excelled in —faith, speech, knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love for us —excel also in this grace.” They had knowledge and were willing but they needed to yield their wills to CHRIST and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them to experience GOD’S grace through giving. In the 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Paul listed the Spiritual gifts they knew about and were using but to reach out effectively, they needed to have unity among the Christian community. Often, when Spiritual gifts are manifested, some Christians get jealous and want these gifts manifested through them. They often forget that Spiritual gifts are from GOD and HE distributes them as HE wills. Spiritual gifts are GOD’S power being manifested through the Christian as directed by the Holy Spirit.

The Corinthian Christians got caught up in the mystical because many had come out of pagan worship. Paul had addressed Spiritual gifts in his first letter to the Christians in Corinth as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11:

1 Now concerning what comes from the Spirit: • brothers, I do not want you to be unaware. 2 You know that when you were pagans, you used to be led off to the idols that could not speak. 3 Therefore I am informing you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. 4 Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person. 7 A demonstration of the Spirit is given to each person to produce what is beneficial: 8 to one is given a message of wisdom (speaking) through the Spirit, to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit, 9 to another, faith by the same Spirit, to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of • languages, to another, interpretation of languages. 11 But one and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as He wills.

These gifts are given by GOD “to whom HE chooses.” These gifts are to minister to the needs of people as directed by the Holy Spirit. Unity among those who have these gifts is important to minister according to GOD’S plan and purpose. Christians can have these gifts but they also need to reflect CHRIST in their lives by having the right relationship with HIM. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13 that love was the greatest gift of all. The love of CHRIST for us and our love for HIM ranks first among the gifts. Giving from a sincere heart reflects love. Giving is not always monetary.

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 8:8-9:

8 I am not saying this as a command. Rather, by means of the diligence of others, I am testing the genuineness of your love. 9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ: Though He was rich, for your sake He became poor, so that by His poverty you might become rich.

Paul was telling the Christians in Corinth that he was not commanding them to do what the Macedonian Christians had done just to experience the same outcome. He was telling them to see how they would respond to needs.

When Christians have the right relationship with GOD through CHRIST their hearts are changed and they obediently serve HIM. There are many needs in the world. These needs are all around us. GOD provides the opportunity for Christians to respond to those needs and HE equips us to respond to those needs. It is not the amount that Christians provide or give. The key is to respond as led by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Blessings!!!


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