Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bible Study - Questions People Ask - Is Every Life Sacred? - Psalm 139 - January 19, 2014

Bible Study – Questions People Ask – Is Every Life Sacred? – January 19, 2014

This is lesson one (1) in our new series entitled “Real Questions People Ask.”

Our scripture is Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18.

We begin a new series of study focused on “Real Questions people Ask.” The questions in our series of study for the next 6 weeks are:

1 - Is Life Sacred? Psalm 139

2 - How Can I Be Sure GOD Exists? Psalm 191

3 - What About People who’ve Never Heard about JESUS? Romans 1:16-25

4 - Why Should I Trust the Bible? Psalm 119

5 - How Did We Get Here … and Why? Genesis 1

6 -If GOD Is Good, Why Is There Suffering? Job 30 and 42

Questions, questions most people have so many questions regarding GOD and JESUS. I have asked GOD questions for many years. Questions are good when a person seeks an answer. That is how you learn and build a personal relationship with GOD through CHRIST.

We question where did we come from? Well that answer may seem simple, but is it? We came from our mothers. Who, in turn came from their mothers until we keep tracing mothers back to an origin of life. Can we believe the Bible? Does GOD exist? Does Satan exist? If GOD is love, why does HE allow evil and bad things to happen to good people, babies and children? Or, is HE working in their behalf?

The scientific community, the great thinkers, skeptics and the religious community attempt to provide the answers to many questions people raise. But keep in mind that Spiritual matters are Spiritually discerned and answers to some questions have to wait until we grow and mature Spiritually or until we meet JESUS face to face.

We need to keep in mind that the Bible provides answers to many questions. We may ask, “How can a book written thousands of years ago be relevant today? The Bible, although written by many, has One author: GOD. HE revealed truth and prophesy through HIS chosen, inspired and obedient servants who wrote certain portions under HIS direction through the Holy Spirit. The assembly of the Bible into one book began in the early 200’s and continued over several 100 years. The Catholic Bible has several additional sections called the Apocrypha.

How can things revealed thousands of years ago be relevant today? The Bible is the living Bible because GOD is eternal and so is HIS Word. The indwelling Holy Spirit reveals truth through the Bible and gives the relevance of what has been read and its application and understanding to situations and issues today.  

GOD is still in control and orchestrating history according to HIS plan and purpose. GOD is for all time because HE is eternal.

I have found that some answers to questions have to wait because the person seeking the answer(s) needs to grow and mature Spiritually before he or she can understand and comprehend the answer. Another thing to consider is when we ask a question, do we look for the answer? IF so, where do we look for the answer? In my personal life there have been a number of questions answered later and in very ordinary circumstances. Some answers we may not like but they are truth. So as we study this series, ask GOD to reveal truth to you.

Our first lesson in this series deals with human life “Is Every Life Sacred?

What makes every life sacred? The very presence and involvement of GOD!

This study is more than a focus upon abortion but on the gift of life as a human. To me the human body is awesome and how wonderfully it has been made. Its functionality, resilience, self-containment, senses, repair mechanisms, alert functions, eat food, which converts into energy without thought and the list goes on. It does wear out because we live in an imperfect world because of the sin of our original parents, Adam and Eve. But GOD has a plan for all to choose to be restored to the original intent for HIS creation. Let’s explore!

In Ephesians 1:4 the Apostle Paul wrote:

4 For He (GOD) chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love

Every person ever conceived or that will ever be conceived has been chosen by GOD to be HIS until he or she rejects HIM. GOD has a plan and a purpose for every person. Human life is GOD’S gift to mankind. We are all born into a sinful world ruled by Satan because Adam and Eve sinned. Sin placed a barrier between mankind and GOD. As a result, the once personal, intimate, loving relationship GOD intended for HIM and mankind was broken. The dynamics of the intended relationship was changed because of sin. Is this myth or truth? It is truth as confirmed by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

As a result of sin, humans live in an imperfect world where there is death, disease, sorrow, decay, tragedy and the list goes on. When bad things happen to good people, we usually blame GOD but the true blame must be placed on the god of this world, Satan. If GOD is all powerful, why didn’t HE prevent this from happening? We must keep in mind that humans were not made for time but for eternity. Humans were made with the freedom to choose. Eve made a bad choice and Adam joined her. As GOD had told them, the day you eat of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you will die. They did and the results were death or eternal separation from GOD. Mankind has to decide between Good and Evil. Mankind has to make a decision and how mankind chooses determines their eternal destiny – rebirth through faith in CHRIST and all the benefits of being GOD’S Child, which includes eternal life or reject GOD’S provision for redemption and receive eternal death.

When Christians make poor to bad choices GOD is still involved in their lives bringing about the best from bad situations. The Apostle Paul reveals GOD’S involvement in our lives in Romans 8:26:

28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.

Things are not the drivers in a solution but it is GOD being active in all things to bring about the best from a bad situation. That does not mean Christians will not suffer the consequence(s) of bad choices. Christians will suffer the consequences for their actions. GOD provides the strength and attempts to guide but Christians have the freedom to choose and wrong choices often lead to consequences. Let’s consider a lady getting pregnant at the wrong time in her life.

Because a young couple chooses to have sex before marriage, the female can end up pregnant. Often, either they or one of them blames GOD. Sorry, GOD had nothing to do with it. HE likely placed barriers in his or her way in an effort to guide them into making the correct choice, waiting until marriage. Gravity is gravity and it works because of the law of gravity. When a sperm contacts an egg, it produces a child. It is the law of nature. But GOD can work to have the best come from a difficult situation. GOD intended for man and woman to procreate. But when a lady has an unwanted pregnancy, that baby is a person and it becomes decision time: keep the baby, abort the baby or give the baby up for adoption.

I have great respect and applaud those mothers who choose life for their child. They had hard choices to make. Abortion was an option. A decision to birth their child is brave and takes courage. They have to decide whether or not to keep their child and raise the child or offer their child up for adoption. Both decisions are very difficult to make and they need help and support with either decision. I rejoice that the Christian community has come around to supporting those who choose life for their children.

We will consider human life in our study and not just abortion. This lesson is about every individual pondering his or her life and recognizing GOD’S involvement in their life.

First of all, you are a miracle. You have won the lottery. A million sperm were racing for one egg and you won. That to me is mind boggling. Life is intended to be lived to the utmost. Most people consider doing the things the world has to offer as living life to the utmost. But JESUS said it best in John 10:10:

10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Life is a gift from GOD and HE values life and so should we.

Our focus scripture was written by David. It is a beautiful expression of GOD knowing all about every human ever conceived. HE knew when we would be conceived. HE knew all of the circumstances surrounding our conception – our parents, when and where we would be born. HE knew the condition of our mental and physical health. Why would GOD allow an unhealthy baby or a baby to be born into a bad situation? Keep in mind that GOD has chosen not to change the circumstances of life due to the consequence of sin. HE does offer a plan of redemption and salvation from sin and eternal death through HIS Only SON JESUS.

GOD knows when we will be born, when we will die and everything in between. HIS foreknowledge of our lives does not take away our freedom to choose. GOD just knows how we will choose before we make choices. HIS part is to reveal Himself to all and their part is to either accept or reject HIM as revealed in JESUS. Let’s explore GOD’S involvement in our lives through the Spiritual eyes of David!

First of all, what David wrote was based upon his experience with GOD over time. He had placed his faith and trust in GOD. He was not writing based upon head knowledge or what others had told him about GOD but he wrote based upon heart knowledge as revealed by the Holy Spirit and his experience with GOD.

It is clear that David had an intimate, personal, loving relationship with GOD. David reached out to GOD and GOD responded. Psalm 139 reveals the heart of David toward GOD and GOD toward David. What we need to focus upon is the relationship of David and GOD. Having a genuine, intimate relationship with GOD is available to all Christians through the indwelling Holy Spirit regardless of their life before salvation.

We need to keep in mind that David was a warrior, adulterer and murderer, yet a man after GOD’S heart. When we ask GOD to forgive us from a truly repentant heart: HE does. HE not only forgives but forgets.

Christians can have this same intimate experiential relationship with GOD by walking with GOD. But we need to keep in mind that David’s life was not easy and neither did he always make the right decisions. King Saul was jealous of him and sought to kill him. It was though his relationship with GOD that he wrote these words. When David looked back and realized how intimate GOD had been with him during his life he was overwhelmed. He expressed himself as prompted by the Holy Spirit.

What words would you write regarding your relationship with GOD and HIS relationship with you when you look back?

 Let’s read Psalm 139:1-6:

The All-Knowing, Ever-Present God For the choir director. A Davidic psalm. (Title)

1 Lord, You have searched me and known me. 2 You know when I sit down and when I stand up; You understand my thoughts from far away. 3 You observe my travels and my rest; You are aware of all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue, You know all about it, Lord. 5 You have encircled me; You have placed Your hand on me. 6 This extraordinary knowledge is beyond me. It is lofty; I am unable to reach it.

We were no accident. GOD has waited for our time to live upon earth. HE knows all about us. The word “know” is the word which means to know based upon personal, intimate and experiential knowledge. It includes knowing the intent of our hearts. HE knows what we are and what we are capable of becoming. Because HE knows us intimately does not mean that HE preprogrammed our lives. HIS foreknowledge does not force us into a certain lifestyle or habits. GOD made us with the freedom to choose. HE knows us because HE has searched us and tested us.

HE takes certain privileges to guide our lives in a certain direction according to HIS plan and purpose for us. Again, we are the decision makers. In verse 5, David used the word “encircled.” The word carries the idea of us being surrounded by GOD. HE is guiding our lives such that HE goes before us and is also behind us working for our benefit. We can get outside this circle of protection because we have the freedom to choose. Satan lures us away from GOD’S care and influence. We think we live in a purely physical world but we live in a world where that is a fight between Good and Evil and each human is the prize to be captured.  

Keep in mind that GOD’S desire is for every human to accept CHRIST as his or her Savior and to be born into HIS family. HE has certain liberties without violating a person’s right to choose.  Let’s read in Hebrews 1:14:

13 Now to which of the angels has He ever said: Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies Your footstool? 14 Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits sent out (by GOD) to serve those who are going to inherit salvation?

GOD sends HIS angels to watch over those who are to receive salvation. Satan would love nothing better than to annihilate every person who will receive salvation and become a Christian.

David recognized and acknowledged that GOD intervenes at times and that GOD is everywhere. We try to escape HIS presence but we cannot as we read in our next scripture. GOD knows HE is the best choice.

Let’s read Psalm 139:7-12:

7 Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? 8 If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in • Sheol (place of the dead), You are there. 9 If I live at the eastern horizon or settle at the western limits, 10 even there Your hand will lead me; Your right hand will hold on to me. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night”— 12 even the darkness is not dark to You. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You.

We cannot hide or escape from GOD. We as humans try to do our sinful deeds under the cover of darkness or try to hide from HIM but GOD sees everything because HE is light and light exposes what is hidden in the dark. Plus, GOD loves us and desires the best for us. David came to the full knowledge that GOD’S hand was at work in his life even before he was conceived as we read the next scripture.

Let’s read Psalm 139:13-16:

13 For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well. 15 My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.

David rejoiced in the fact that GOD created him and gave him life. David, as we all were, was created out-of-sight of human eyes in the secret place of the womb or at least until the sonogram came into being. His reference to “in the depths of the earth” is a repeat of his creation being done is a place that was out-of-sight of human eyes but not out-of-sight of GOD. GOD planned him long before he was conceived and HE watched over him as he was being formed in the womb.

Just think of your ancestral lineage and the many opportunities for an ancestor being terminated such that you would not have existed.

Let’s read Psalm 139:17-18:

17 God, how difficult Your thoughts are for me to comprehend; how vast their sum is! 18 If I counted them, they would outnumber the grains of sand; when I wake up, I am still with You.

When David considered all the detail that GOD considered about him and his life, it overwhelmed him. GOD did not just create him in wonderful detail just to create him and then leave him but to nurture and care for him day after day. GOD’S goal is for all humans to be restored to their original relationship HE intended for them before sin separated them.

David saw GOD not only as his creator but HIS involvement in every aspect of his life from conception to death. David did not look at GOD’S involvement in his life as an intrusion but with a sense of awe, thanksgiving and praise because of HIS love for David.

Since the passion of JESUS and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Christians are indwelled by the Holy Spirit and have the fullness of GOD in their lives at the instant of salvation. It is through the process of sanctification by yielding our wills to HIM and allowing HIM to lead and direct our lives that bring GOD’S presence and involvement in our lives to the forefront of our minds for pondering and acknowledgement. David was expressing his heart toward GOD. Every Christian has that same opportunity as he or she builds an intimate relationship with HIM through CHRIST.

Human life is precious and is intended to be lived to its fullest. Murder, reckless living, bad choices, abusing the body terminates life before its time. But we must keep in mind that we live in a sinful world. GOD could have left us alone to live and die but John 3:16-18 captures GOD’S heart toward mankind as spoken by JESUS:

16 “For God loved the world •in this way: He gave His •One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.

GOD loves you and has a plan for your life. It is your choice to either accept or reject CHRIST. Ponder these things because you are precious to HIM and HE loved you before the foundation of the world. Blessings!!!




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