Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bible Study - Traveled - A Lifestyle of Sacrifice - Luke 9 and Romans 12 - January 23, 2011

Bible Study – Travel – A Lifestyle of Sacrifice – January 23, 2011

This lesson four (4) in our series entitled “The Roads Less Traveled.”
Our scripture is Luke 9:23-24, 57-62; 21:1-4; Romans 12:1-2.

So far, we have considered unity, humility, service and today we consider sacrifice. What do we mean by sacrifice? Sacrifice in the Old Testament was the outward expression of the inward conviction, devotion or worship of GOD. Sacrifice as worship was the people giving back to GOD what HE had previously given to them. This was an acknowledgement of GOD’S grace toward them that HE had blessed them or forgiven them for their sins.

Various sacrifices depicted certain internal concerns of the person for whom the sacrifice was being offered – Guilt – Forgiveness – Thanksgiving – Appreciation. The Jewish sacrificial system ceased in 70 A. D. when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jewish sacrificial system was no longer needed because GOD’S ONLY SON, JESUS, was the perfect sacrifice for all sin.

Second Corinthians 5:21 - 21 He (GOD) made the One (JESUS) who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we (Christians) might become the righteousness of God in Him.

In the leaders guide “Life Ventures Leaders Guide” published by LifeWay Christian Resources Of the Southern Baptist Convention, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234 is a section entitled “Digging Deeper.” Quoted below is a portion of what they have to say about “The Old Testament Concept of Sacrifice.”

“In Leviticus 1-7, God instituted the Israelites’ sacrificial system. He prescribed five types of sacrifices:

(1) Burnt offering (made daily to make people right with God.)

(2) Grain offering (expressed thanks to God for the land’s produce.)

(3) Peace or fellowship offering (provided meat for a communal meal.)

(4) Sin offering (to gain forgiveness for unintentional sins.) and

(5) Guilt or restitution offering (restoring any loss a person’s sin had caused another – recompense plus a ram.) These sacrifices could be made individually or corporately. When a man brought an animal to be sacrificed, he put his hands on its head to symbolize his oneness with it. When it was killed, the man symbolically was giving his life to God as an act of worship.”

In the festival of the Day of Atonement, two (2) goats depicted this redemptive act. One goat was sacrificed. Its’ death symbolized the penalty for sin; the shedding of blood. Its’ blood was applied to the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies which symbolized the great sacrifice required to cover the sins of the people before they could come into GOD’S presence and ask for forgiveness for their sins. The priest symbolically placed his hands on the second goat to indicate that the sins of the people had been transferred to that goat. Then this goat, known as the scapegoat was released and sent into the wilderness to symbolize the removal of their sins.

Just think, CHRIST gave HIS life for all who accept HIM as their SAVIOR. HE paid the penalty for all of our sin so that all Christians have direct access to GOD 24/7.

So why are we considering sacrifice today? We must be clear, this is not sacrifice to gain salvation. It is sacrifice resulting from the realization of what GOD has done for us that we could not do for ourselves. It is a natural expression of the knowledge of how blessed we are and that GOD supplies all our needs. Our minds have been renewed and we are confident in our relationship with GOD through CHRIST.

Sacrifice can mean giving up something we truly want or to give up one thing in order to gain another. The key is that we are led by the HOLY SPIRIT to sacrifice. It is not us deciding what we will sacrifice in order to bribe GOD into doing what we want HIM to do for us. What we give up, as led by the HOLY SPIRIT, may be the very thing that prevents us from having the right relationship with CHRIST or obediently serving CHRIST.

Why would GOD want HIS children to sacrifice? It could be that HIS children are hanging onto something which they cherish more than HIM or that keeps them from growing and maturing Spiritually. Do you cherish something more than knowing HIM and building an intimate, loving relationship with HIM?

This lesson is not about sacrificial giving, it is about sacrificial living.

Let’s explore!!!

Let’s read Luke 9:23-24, 57-62:

23 Then He said to [them]* all, “If anyone wants to come with[8]Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily,[9]and follow Me. 24 For whoever wants to save his • life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will save it.

JESUS was teaching a large group along with HIS disciples, thus the use of the “them all” in verse 23. HE was preparing them, especially HIS disciples, for HIS death, resurrection, ascension and second coming. HE did not sugar coat what committing their lives to HIM, following HIM meant and what was expected of them. HE was going to sacrifice HIS life to pay the penalty for sin and HE expected those who follow HIM to do the same even unto death. When condemned persons took up their crosses, it meant that they were headed for death. The condemned had to carry their own crosses upon which they were crucified. JESUS’ statement was that all who would follow HIM must take up their crosses daily. This seems harsh. HE gave HIS life upon the cross to pay the price for sin. HIS death conquered sin and death so that all who believe in HIM would have life more abundantly. GOD raising HIM from the dead is proof that HE conquered sin and death so all who would believe in HIM would have eternal life.

HE knew where HE was going and HE knew what awaits all who accept HIM as their SAVIOR and make HIM the LORD of their lives. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard and neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that GOD has prepared for them that love HIM. We have not seen it, heard it or even imagined what GOD has prepared for HIS children – here upon earth as obedient followers or in heaven after our work upon earth has been completed.

So how do we know that this is true and not just some fantasy? Yes, JESUS died and was buried but the proof is HIS resurrection. We serve a living SAVIOR. Because HE lives, so will all who believe in HIM and accept HIM as their SAVIOR live eternally.

Do you want the fullness of CHRIST in your life? Then CHRIST Himself tells us what we need to do – Deny – Take up HIS cross daily – Follow HIM. Self has to die so that CHRIST can live through us to minister and serve others as HE directs through the HOLY SPIRIT.

This is impossible for Christians to do in their own strength. This is why CHRIST tells Christians to seek first the Kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness. Matthew 6:33-34:

33 But seek first the kingdom of God[17]and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. 34 Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

The words “daily” and “follow” carry the idea of consistency. Once Christians commit their lives to HIM, they are to continue that commitment regardless of how rough the road gets. When the road gets rough, HE provides the strength to carry-on.

Verses 57-62:

Following Jesus

57 As they were traveling on the road someone said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You go!” 58 Jesus told him, “Foxes have dens, and birds of the sky[25]have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.” 59 Then He said to another, “Follow Me.” “Lord,” he said, “first let me go bury my father.”[26]60 But He told him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.” 61 Another also said, “I will follow You, Lord, but first let me go and say good-bye to those at my house.” 62 But Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

JESUS was traveling to Jerusalem with HIS disciples. Apparently as they walked along the road others joined them. Luke recorded some of the conversations these folks had with JESUS.

Most of us are drawn to a popular person or cause. People were attracted to JESUS. They wanted to become a part of HIS group. JESUS wanted them and believers today to know that there is a cost to follow HIM.

The first encounter JESUS had with a person following along with HIS disciples was a person who said he would follow CHRIST wherever HE went. This is a noble and bold statement. Often, well meaning Christians have made that same commitment in their hearts, out loud or by stating this to their pastor. At that moment their commitment was sincere but after a time it fades for a variety of reasons – Being caught up in the emotion of the moment – health – bad choices – realizing the LORD did not call him/her – sin and the list goes on. It has happened to many of us. Does that mean that CHRIST disowns us because we made a commitment and then we changed our minds? NO!!! CHRIST knows our hearts. HE knows what needs to be done in our hearts to create the right relationship between us and HIM in order for us to accomplish what HE knows we are capable of doing to obediently serve HIM. Many Christians bite off more than their Spiritual growth and maturity can handle at that moment. But our FATHER knows that and will help them to grow and mature to the point they are capable of obediently serving HIM. It may take a while, so if that has happened to you, confess it and do not give up on what GOD can still do, when your life is committed to HIM.

Keep in mind that each human was not made for time but was made for eternity. We may not commit our lives to CHRIST until later in our lives. Committing our lives is a personal decision which requires us to yield our will and control of our lives to HIM. This is hard to do and often we yield only to take it back. But yielding and taking it back reveals the attitude of our hearts. We want to but there are things that need to be brought under HIS authority in our lives. This is the purpose and process of sanctification.

CHRIST told this person that he needed to count the cost before actually following HIM physically. HE did not have a place to call home. HE was an itinerant person. We do not know whether or not he decided to follow JESUS.

Then CHRIST called another person to follow HIM. This person was willing but first he needed to go bury his father. In the Jewish household the sons were responsible for burying their father. This sounds reasonable except many believe that his father was not dead. He wanted to wait until his father died. Why? Could it be that he wanted to get his inheritance and then he was willing to follow CHRIST? His response revealed his heart.

CHRIST made the statement, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.” Some Bible scholars believe CHRIST was saying, “Let the Spiritually dead, bury the Spiritually dead.” Notice the sense of urgency that CHRIST has, “You go and spread the news of the kingdom of GOD” which, in my opinion, if there were those Spiritually dead in this person’s home and he knew the truth, would CHRIST tell the person not to go home to witness about CHRIST? Something to ponder.

CHRIST knew HE was on HIS way to give HIS life for the sin of mankind. HE knew that this person needed to experience the events that were about to take place in order for him to obediently serve HIM. Waiting was not an option.

Has CHRIST called you and you wanted to wait until certain things were in place before you were willing to respond? When CHRIST calls, HE wants Christians to respond.

Another person said that he would follow HIM but he had to first go and tell everyone good bye. Again CHRIST puts HIS call into perspective. Once you have made a decision, act upon it.

How often, when we are asked to do something, we say that sounds good but we need to think about it, knowing all along that we are not going to do it? We just want to get away. JESUS made it clear that once we have made the decision to follow HIM, we must not look back. This is why we must be in right relationship with HIM in order to make the right decisions such that when we do, we do not look back.

JESUS, in essence, was saying if you have doubts or any hesitation then examine your heart and your motives. Prayer and confirmation is vital when seeking to obediently serve the LORD.

Let’s read Luke 21:1-4:
The Widow’s Gift
1 He looked up and saw the rich dropping their offerings into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow dropping in two tiny coins.[1] 3 “I tell you the truth,” He said. “This poor widow has put in more than all of them. 4 For all these people have put in gifts out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.”

JESUS was still teaching HIS disciples. In the court of women there were 13 trumpet shaped receptacles. JESUS observed various people placing their offerings in these receptacles. As they placed their offering into the trumpet it likely made a certain sound as it slid down the trumpet to a larger receptacle. HE saw a poor widow dropping two (2) tiny copper coins into the trumpet. The Greek word for “poor” in verse 2 carried the idea that she was living from “hand to mouth.” However, in verse 3 the word used for “poor” carried the idea of destitution or having nothing. When the two (2) tiny coins were placed in the trumpet, they likely made a certain sound indicating that she had placed a tiny offering into the trumpet. When she gave these tiny coins they were all that she had and she was totally dependent upon GOD for her needs. CHRIST told HIS disciples that she had given more than ALL the other people had placed in the temple treasury. Her heart was in right relationship with GOD because she trusted HIM for her needs.

GOD is not about quantity of material possessions we share with HIM but the quality of our heart and our relationship with HIM which drives our giving. How can our hearts be brought into right relationship with GOD? Paul tells us in our next scripture.

Let’s read Romans 12:1-2:
A Living Sacrifice
1 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.[1] 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Paul used the word “therefore” to tie the theology of salvation in the first eleven (11) chapters to putting it into practice in the following chapters. Salvation carries responsibilities. CHRIST stated that Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Christians must share the truth they have in CHRIST. In order to do that, they must die to their own selfish interests. Some may say, “If I go around witnessing for CHRIST my friends may think I am some religious nut.” That is why we must die to self. It is no longer about us, it is about CHRIST.

Animals that were to be sacrificed were set apart. Sanctification is being set apart for the specific use by GOD. That is why Christians are sanctified and journey down the road of sanctification. It is the process of renewing our minds to obediently follow CHRIST regardless of where it leads.

Christians must die to self by presenting their physical bodies as living sacrifices to GOD. This is figurative. This is very difficult to do because our flesh wants to rule. When animals were placed on the altar to be sacrificed, they had to be tied to the horns of the altar or otherwise they would squirm off. The same is true for us. We may figuratively place our bodies on the altar with good intentions of dying to self, only to squirm off. Our relationship with CHRIST will help keep us on the altar.

Folks, this is not easy and is impossible, in my opinion, without the right relationship with CHRIST. We squirm off the altar. But rejoice because HE knows our hearts and when we squirm off HE is willing to help us get back on to the altar, if we choose.

In verse 2, Paul used the word “conformed.” Conforming carries the idea of conforming to the physical world. This is what we as humans do. We conform to the world around us. Then Paul continues with a statement, “but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” Transformation can only occur from the inside. This happens in the “eyes of our heart.” GOD made all of us with the freedom to choose. We decide whether or not we will accept CHRIST as our SAVIOR. That is step one. Then Christians decide whether or not they will allow GOD to lead and direct their lives by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. When Christians give their minds to GOD, that is when the Spiritual work begins with the renewing of the mind to obediently serve HIM. Christians no longer desire to do their will but the will of the FATHER.

Then Paul says in verse 2, “So that you may “discern.” The Greek word for “discern” was a word used for testing coins to determine whether or not they were genuine. The renewing of your mind by allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to lead, guide, teach and enlighten you to truth dispels the false notions we often embrace. It is relationship with Truth!

When GOD leads and directs our lives, we are not robots but we are HIS children obediently following HIM. HE presents the opportunities and we obey. It is a partnership through relationship which grows sweeter with each passing day.


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