Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, June 05, 2009

Purposefully Connected - 1 John 1:1-2:2 - June 7, 2009

Sunday School Lesson – Purposefully Connected – June 7, 2009

This begins a new series of study entitled “Beyond Doubt.”

For the month of June our study will be in 1 John. The Apostle John wrote First John, as well as, the Books of John, Second John, Third John, and Revelation.

June 7 – 1 John 1:1-2:2 - Who JESUS is and why HE came.
June 14 – 1 John 2:3-11, 15-17 - The assurance of salvation.
June 21 – 1 John 2:18-27; 4:1-6 - Criteria for discerning truth.
June 28 – 1 John 5:12-21 - Living with confidence.

The early Christians had to deal with cults, just as Christians do today. Satan wants to pervert the truth. The Apostle John wrote the book of First John to deal with two (2) matters: (1) to explain the essential truths of salvation and (2) to alert believers about the heresies embraced by rising Christian cults of Gnosticism. Those embracing Gnosticism claimed to be Christian but denied the duel nature of CHRIST; that HE was both 100% GOD and 100% man. For CHRIST to have paid the sin debt GOD demanded, HE had to be 100% human. For HIM to be GOD’S SON, HE had to be 100% divine. In this dual role HE had to be capable of sinning, yet HE remained sinless. HE had freedom of choice.

People have always prided themselves with their intellect. Many think, “I have the mystical all figured out but you are still struggling, therefore, I am smarter than you.” We need to keep in mind that Satan can appear as an angel of light. He appeals to the flesh to lead all humans astray and to enslave them, Christian or non-Christian alike.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15:

13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself is disguised as an angel of light. 15 So it is no great thing if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their destiny[4] Lit end will be according to their works.

Gnosticism was a rising concern which perverted the truth of Christianity. The word “Gnosticism” comes from a Greek word “gnosis” which means “knowledge.” There is “Docetic Gnosticism.”The word “Docetic” comes from the Greek word “dokeo” which means “to seem.” Therefore, Docetic Gnosticism is a variation of Gnosticism which claims that JESUS was not a real human but HE only “seemed” real.

Then there is “Cerinthan Gnosticism” which gets its name from its founder, Cerinthus. Cerinthan Gnosticism denied the deity of CHRIST. Cerinthus claimed that CHRIST was a powerful being like an angel but not divine.

The Apostle John wanted believers to know the truth about JESUS. He could speak and write with authority because he had walked with JESUS, witnessed the signs, wonders, miracles, death, resurrection and ascension of JESUS. He knew JESUS intimately. He had a relationship with JESUS. Because of this relationship, he knew the truth. That is why our personal relationship with CHRIST is so vital. Christians cannot function off of someone else’s knowledge of CHRIST, they need to experience CHRIST in their lives and learn of HIM as they walk with HIM each day. Believers need to be purposely connected to truth. Notice how the Apostle John began his message.

Let’s read 1 John 1:1-4:

1 What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have observed,[1] Jn 1:14 and have touched with our hands, concerning the Word of life— 2 that life was revealed, and we have seen it and we testify and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us— 3 what we have seen and heard we also declare to you, so that you may have fellowship along with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 We are writing these things[2] Other mss add to you so that our[3] Other mss read your joy may be complete.

As mentioned earlier, Gnosticism was on the rise which adulterated the truth of CHRIST, which was that CHRIST was neither 100% human nor 100% divine. Some taught that the human body, in fact all matter, was evil, therefore, CHRIST could not have come in the flesh. GOD would never contaminate Himself by becoming human.

Those that taught that the human body was evil went to two (2) extremes: (1) a person must discipline themselves to resist any desire of the flesh or (2) since the body is evil, it has desires, therefore, indulge in whatever the body desires.

The Apostle John likely wrote First John to several churches who were either dealing with the same issues or would likely encounter them. He was up in age, likely close to 100 years old and living in Ephesus. This was before he had been exiled to the Isle of Patmos where he wrote Revelation.

He opened the Book of John with, “In the beginning” which referred to CHRIST before GOD created the world. In the Book of John, John referred to CHRIST as the Word. John began, First John with, “In the beginning” which referred to the incarnation of CHRIST as a human because the Gnostics denied that CHRIST was born as a human.

Here are my thoughts on these opening verses. They do not come from a battery of theological discussion, so keep that in mind. I am coming from the point that the life the Apostle John had lived, his teaching, his personal experiences with JESUS and his association with his fellow apostles spoke volumes without him having to spell out all the details. He says words but these words represent more than what we read in his letter.

In my opinion, The Apostle John was writing to Christians, Gnostics and those seeking truth. He is writing from a knowledge base that he knew what these groups were either encountering or would encounter because of the rise in Gnosticism. He was writing to groups of people who were intelligent and pondered such matters, much like most of us did when growing up – If a tree falls in the forest with no one around did it make a noise? Or how do you really know if the moon really exists or is it a figment of your imagination? Or “I really think I was adopted” and we search for the papers to prove it. Imagination can result in people thinking all sorts of things, some true and some false.

In essence, the Apostle John was saying, I know what you folks are encountering or will be encountering. I know it can be confusing because some of those you respect and you know them to be intelligent, knowledgeable, deep thinking people who call themselves Christians are embracing some of these new notions. But I want you to think along with me. I know for a fact that JESUS was born as a human in the flesh. I know for a fact that HE was not only 100% human but also 100% divine. I walked with HIM, I heard HIM teach and preach about HIS FATHER, I embraced HIM, I touched HIM, I saw HIM hungry, I saw HIM tired, I saw HIM thirsty, I saw HIM weep and I ate with HIM. I saw all the signs, wonders and miracles that GOD performed through HIM, I saw HIM accused of insurrection, arrested, condemned to die on the cross and I watched as they nailed HIM to the cross. I knew HE had never committed a single sin and I never heard HIM rail out at those who were crucifying HIM. I heard HIM ask GOD, HIS FATHER to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing. I heard HIM cry out to HIS FATHER in the final moments as HE gave up HIS SPIRIT into HIS FATHER’S hands. I thought that was all until on the third day the most wonderful thing happened. GOD raised HIM from the dead. I touched HIM, I ate with HIM, I heard HIM speak, I saw HIM walk through a door without opening it and HE taught us.

I watched as HE ascended into heaven and the FATHER asked HIM to be seated at HIS right-hand. HE told us to wait in Jerusalem for the arrival of the HOLY SPIRIT. I did and it was an awesome experience. When we received the HOLY SPIRIT it was an overwhelming experience. I finally understood it all. I saw the power of GOD working in the lives of everyone who believed in JESUS.

I am an old man now but HIS presence in my life is just as fresh and real as it was when we fellowshipped together. Not only did I experience HIM but so did my fellow apostles.

HIS resurrection confirmed that GOD raised HIM from the dead. I know that HE is eternally alive in heaven. This confirmed what HE told us - because HE lives eternally, so will all who believe in HIM will also live eternally. Salvation and eternal life are free gifts from JESUS to all who believe in HIM, because HE did come as a human yet divine. HE was the perfect acceptable sacrifice GOD required to pay the debt for sin and to conquer death. Therefore, what I am about to reveal to you in this letter, pay special attention.

John was speaking from personal experience. All believers have had a personal experience with CHRIST. Your testimony is powerful. When GOD urges you to give your testimony, do so and leave the results to GOD. When we speak, we send non-verbal messages because of who we are and how we live. This is a scary thought, because we are all sinners saved by grace.

In essence John was saying, “Folks, JESUS is real and not a figment of your imagination. HE did not appear as a spirit but HE was GOD incarnate in human flesh. He was saying, we have heard HIM, seen HIM with our eyes, looked at HIM and our hands have touched HIM. HE is the Word of Life. We know this because HE died, was buried and GOD raised HIM from the dead. JESUS is eternal life and HE gives it freely to all who believe in HIM.

In verse 2, John was referring to CHRIST as “Eternal Life.”

In verse 3, John was saying our witness of these events are true and those who believe in JESUS through the miracle of rebirth will become GOD’S children and not only have fellowship with HIM but with fellow believers as well.

In verse 4, John was saying believe in JESUS because there is no greater joy than knowing you have been cleansed of all sin, past, present and future and will spend eternity with GOD and CHRIST in heaven.

Let’s read 1 John 1:5-7:

5 Now this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him. 6 If we say, “We have fellowship with Him,” and • walk in darkness,[4] Jn 8:12; 12:35b we are lying and are not practicing[5] Or not living according to the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

The word “is” in verse 5 means “exists.” Thus this verse translates, “There exists this message.” Neither John nor the other disciples created the message. The message already existed from the beginning and reported in the Old Testament. They also heard the message from JESUS Himself, “GOD is light.” GOD is light means HE is the source and not a reflection, not a light among other lights. Light dispels darkness and exposes that which is hidden. JESUS said in John 8:12 - 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.”

John said that JESUS told them about HIS FATHER, GOD. GOD is light and there is absolutely no darkness in HIM. True believers walk in the light and not darkness. You can know whether or not you belong to JESUS. Ask yourself, are you walking in the light with the assurance you are GOD’S child by the witness of the HOLY SPIRIT in your hearts? Do you have fellowship with other believers? These help you to know whether or not you are walking in the light or darkness?

When believers know that they are walking in the light, they also know that CHRIST shed blood cleanses them from all past, present and future sins. Without that assurance people are walking in the dark and are not saved.

Let’s read 1 John 1:8-2:2:

8 If we say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say, “We have not sinned,” we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

1 John 2:1-2:
1 My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an • advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ the righteous One. 2 He Himself is the propitiation[1] The word propitiation has to do with the removal of divine wrath. Jesus’ death is the means that turns God’s wrath from the sinner; see 2 Co 5:21. for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.

We have to look at verse 8 in light of verse 7. GOD considers sin serious, serious enough to send HIS SON to die to pay the sin debt. John was telling all, since GOD considers that all people have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD, do not deceive yourselves into thinking that you do not sin. Some Gnostics taught that sin did not exist because nothing in the material world really mattered, therefore, neither did sin exist nor guilt as a result of sin.

The Gnostic idea was that a person did not have to consider the way he/she lived to have a relationship with GOD. Hence from the Christian perspective they were living in the dark because they were still in sin.

John addressed this false Gnostic teaching directly. Those who say they have no sin are deceiving themselves. They do not know the truth because they sin. All people sin including believers. GOD wants believers to confess their sin. Confession is agreeing with GOD. Sin is missing the mark of GOD’S perfection. As believers our part is to confess our sin and GOD’S part is to forgive, cleanse and restore.

Does this mean if a believer commits a sin and dies before he/she confesses that sin, they would not go to heaven? NO!!! The blood of JESUS washes away all our sin forever and the grace of GOD is perpetual for true believers. So why do believers have to confess their sin? So they do not deceive themselves in thinking they are self-righteous and think of themselves more highly than they ought. GOD knows human nature. When believers are not accountable to GOD for their actions, they tend to become self sufficient, puffed up with pride and look down on fellow Christians who struggle with certain overt sins. We all sin. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. GOD wants believers to focus on their relationship with HIM.

GOD does not want HIS children going through life weighted down by the guilt of un-confessed sin. Satan can use un-confessed sin to defeat believers. GOD tells believers to confess their sin and look to HIM for forgiveness and strength to overcome sin in their lives.

Those who “say” they do not have sin are calling GOD a liar and the truth is not in them. This was John’s way of telling those reading his letter and to believers today, when you hear such verbiage, it is a clear sign that those uttering such do not know the truth.

This is one reason all believers must read and study the scripture. Believers must always evaluate a spiritual message they hear or read by comparing it to the scripture. If a person says something that does not agree with the scripture, it should immediately put all believers on alert that something is wrong. Believers can go to that person and explore what they think they heard. If they know what they heard was wrong, they are forewarned and must not continue to sit under his/her teaching.
John called those to whom he was writing, “Little children.” This revealed a close relationship he had with the people he was writing to and he likely thought of himself as their mentor. John did not want anyone to be misled by these rising false doctrines of Gnosticism.

It is thought that John used the word “propitiation” intentionally. The word “propitiation” was derived from a Greek word “hilasmos.” Hilasmos described special sacrifices needed to appease false, fickle and capricious gods. The people who worshipped these false gods were afraid that they would become angry and take out their wrath upon them unless they made these special sacrifices. Plus they had to be acceptable sacrifices to appease them.

John used “propitiation” to show that the blood sacrifice of GOD’S only, sinless, SON, JESUS, WHO came to the world in the flesh for that purpose, willingly gave HIS life to satisfy GOD’S wrath against sin. CHRIST endured GOD’S wrath against sin when HE was crucified. 2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us - 21 He (GOD) made the One (JESUS) who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. CHRIST took the wrath of GOD upon Himself in behalf of all believers. As a result of HIS passion, JESUS is fully qualified to be the advocate for all people – for believers when they sin and for non-believers who seek salvation.

Satan is always accusing believers of every sin they commit. Satan uses guilt to destroy believers and non-believers. He blinds non-believers from seeing the truth of salvation. However, no matter what a person has done, the blood of JESUS washes away all of his/her sin. Do not let Satan deceive you into thinking that GOD will not receive you into HIS family because of past or present sin. GOD’S love is unconditional and HE is always ready to accept those who confess their sins and ask for forgiveness.

JESUS is the advocate for believers who are being accused by Satan. In essence, when Satan accuses a believer of sinning before GOD, JESUS says “Yes, you are correct this person did sin but he/she is covered by MY blood which I shed for him/her.”
The title of our study is “Purposefully Connected.” GOD has a plan for all believers. You are not a mistake. GOD has allowed you to be born and to live to serve HIM. Are you living for HIM? It begins by surrendering your life to HIM.


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