Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, January 17, 2025

Bible Study – Heart of Worship (2) – Treasuring Who GOD Treasurers – Exodus 1:16-17, 22-2;10 January 19, 2025


Bible Study – Heart of Worship (2) – Treasuring Who GOD Treasurers – January 19, 2025

Our focus scripture is Exodus 1:16-17, 22-2:10.

Life is a gift from GOD we are to protect and preserve.

A few weeks ago, we studied Joseph and his brothers in Egypt. GOD was with Joseph and Pharoah elevated Joseph to rule over Egypt. GOD had a plan.

The following information is from the Book of Jasher: Joseph was 56 when his father Jacob and his wicked uncle Esau died at 147. The Pharaoh that raised Joseph up, above everyone in his land, loved him so much that he gave him charge over his son Magron after his death and asked Joseph (71) to be a father to him and to guide him. So, Joseph ruled Egypt for an additional 39 years. (Source is from the Book of Jasher, which is referenced in Joshua 10:13:

And the sun stood still
and the moon stopped
until the nation took vengeance on its enemies.

Isn’t this written in the Book of Jashar?[a]

So, the sun stopped
in the middle of the sky
and delayed its setting
almost a full day.

2 Samuel 1:18:

18 and he ordered that the Judahites be taught The Song of the Bow. It is written in the Book of Jashar:[a]2 and 2 Timothy 3:8 (I could not find a tie to Jasher in this Timothy reference.)

ttps:// I have not concluded the value of these Biblical references to Jasher other than information. I found the reference to Jasher interesting, and it did add some history. I suggest you pray about it and then you decide.

Now, we transition to the Biblical version of events. Things change.

Let’s read Exodus 1:6-22:

Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation eventually died. But the Israelites were fruitful, increased rapidly, multiplied, and became extremely numerous so that the land was filled with them.

GOD had a plan to preserve and protect HIS chosen people. Yes, they ended up slaves, but they were also protected and multiplied into a large number of Israelites. Generally, about a million or so people.

This is a message to us today that adjusting to change can lead to being enslaved. Consider our Presidential election and consider leadership in various states. We must pray and seek the wisdom of GOD, as revealed by JESUS as our world gets closer to the second coming of JESUS.

Well-orchestrated deception is evident in our world, and it takes over little by little. Only true believers will recognize it because it will be revealed by and through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

There was a leadership change in Egypt.

A new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt. He said to his people, “Look, the Israelite people are more numerous and powerful than we are. 10 Come, let’s deal shrewdly with them; otherwise, they will multiply further, and when war breaks out, they will join our enemies, fight against us, and leave the country.” 11 So the Egyptians assigned taskmasters over the Israelites to oppress them with forced labor. They built Pithom and Rameses as supply cities for Pharaoh. 12 But the more they oppressed them, the more they multiplied and spread so that the Egyptians came to dread[c] the Israelites. 13 They worked the Israelites ruthlessly 14 and made their lives bitter with difficult labor in brick and mortar and in all kinds of fieldwork. They ruthlessly imposed all this work on them.

Translate to today – taxes get more and more and higher and higher.

Think about it, pray about it, stay informed and focused. Satan is an expert in hiding in the dark, but GOD is light and exposes what is in the dark or shadows.

15 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives—the first, whose name was Shiphrah, and the second, whose name was Puah— 16 “When you help the Hebrew women give birth, observe them as they deliver. If the child is a son, kill him, but if it’s a daughter, she may live.” 17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live. 18 So the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this and let the boys live?”

Does this remind you of a national abortion policy?

What were GOD’S plans and what were Satan’s plans?

GOD was going to build a nation, and Satan was going to do all he could to prevent it. The battle rages today. We get to witness the hand of GOD at work as we read on -----

19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, “The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them.”

20 So God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied and became very numerous. 21 Since the midwives feared God, he gave them families. 22 Pharaoh then commanded all his people, “You must throw every son born to the Hebrews into the Nile but let every daughter live.”

WOW! Now that is very interesting. What did Pharaoh command?

This gives us a glimpse of the hand of GOD working to keep HIS chosen people and HIS chosen leader, Moses, alive to carry out HIS redemptive plan.

Abortion is a major issue we face today in America. Satan seeks to destroy but GOD seeks to preserve as we will see through the life of Moses.

Little did the Israelites know the plans that GOD had for Moses in delivering them from slavery and leading them to be the bedrock of salvation by observing the Law and making sacrifices to pay for their sins, until the perfect acceptable sacrifice paid for all sin, in full, through  faith in JESUS. GOD’S ways and thoughts are far above our human thoughts and reasoning. True then and true today.

GOD preserved HIS chosen in Egypt until the time was right for the Israelites to leave Egypt and travel to the promised land to become a nation and fulfill GOD’S plans for HIS chosen people.

Did you know that you are GOD’S chosen? Do you accept or reject HIS invitation?

As we go through life, things may seem cloudy and when they do, ask GOD to reveal truth and understanding to you.

GOD has a plan for each of us and GOD prepares the way for HIS plan(s) to be implemented. Satan tries to disrupt GOD’S plans. Victory is clear in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of JESUS.

GOD called Moses to ministry and introduced Himself to Moses through a burning bush and various signs that could only come from GOD. Moses was not perfect and neither are we. That is why all humans need a Savior WHO paid for all of our sins, in full, by being sinless and shedding HIS blood to conquer the sin in the lives of all who place their faith in JESUS and HIS passion. The key is the resurrection of JESUS which proves that HE conquered death.

No human can live a perfect life and that is why all humans need a Savior and HIS name Is JESUS. All humans are sinners and need salvation. Moses was no exception, yet GOD chose him, and GOD still chooses today, often the most unlikely, from our prospective.

Remember what Pharoah told his people. Throw the Hebrew boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 2:1-10:

Moses’s Birth and Adoption

Now a man from the family of Levi married a Levite womanThe woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son; when she saw that he was beautiful,[a] she hid him for three months. But when she could no longer hide him, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with asphalt and pitch. She placed the child in it and set it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile. Then his sister stood at a distance in order to see what would happen to him.

Pharaoh’s daughter went down to bathe at the Nile while her servant girls walked along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds, sent her slave girl, took it, opened it, and saw him, the child—and there he was, a little boy, crying. She felt sorry for him and said, “This is one of the Hebrew boys.”

GOD’S hand was at work through Pharaoh’s daughter. It was love at first sight. She identified Moses as a “Hebrew boy.”

Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, “Should I go and call a Hebrew woman who is nursing to nurse the boy for you?”

“Go,” Pharaoh’s daughter told her. So, the girl went and called the boy’s mother. Then Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child and nurse him for me, and I will pay your wages.” So, the woman took the boy and nursed him. 10 When the child grew older, she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. She named him Moses,[b] “Because,” she said, “I drew him out of the water.”

GOD had a plan, and HE laid its foundation through the life and leadership of Moses. Moses was not perfect and as such GOD had to deal with him. When we are part of GOD’S plan, HIS plan will be accomplished. The key is for those called by GOD not to give up but to press forward to victory.

We know that Moses did not follow GOD’S plans exactly and as a result he had to pay the consequence of his disobedience.

The same is true today. There are times when we need to meet with GOD and ask HIM to review the direction we are headed and are we on the path that HE desires for us? Ask for GOD to lead and guide you as you journey through life. GOD has a plan for your life!

When we studied the life of Joseph, we saw the plan that GOD had for Joseph and for the Nation of Israel through whom JESUS would come and fulfill GOD’S redemptive plan for all who place their faith in JESUS.

Have you asked JESUS to come into your heart and redeem you from the consequence of sin, which is eternal death? If not, do so now.

Dear JESUS, I am a sinner and stand in need of YOUR salvation. I believe YOU gave your sinless life for me by the shedding of YOUR blood to pay in full for my sins. I ask YOU to come into my heart now and save me from Hell and to give me the strength to live for YOU as YOU guide my life through the indwelling Hol Spirit. Amen and thank YOU for YOUR salvation. If you prayed this prayer or something similar, then welcome into the eternal family of GOD. You have been born-again in your spirit, and you are an eternal Son or Daughter of GOD.

As a newborn you need nourishment that only comes from GOD, your eternal FATHER. Talk to HIM, which is prayer and study about HIM by reading and studying GOD’S Word, The Bible. You are on an awesome journey. Ask GOD to lead you to a Bible believing church or fellowship where you can grow Spiritually.








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