Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Bible Study - Temptation (4) - The Temptation to Place Something Else Before GOD - Deut. 6/Matt. 4 - May 7, 2023


Bible Study – Temptation (4) – The Temptation to Place Something Else Before GOD – Deut. 6:10-15, Matthew 4:6-11 – May 7, 2023

This is lesson four (4) in our series entitled, “Dealing with Temptation.”

Our focus scripture is Deuteronomy 6:10-15 and Matthew 4:8-11.

The greatest joy comes from exalting GOD.

Satan’s desire is to offer short cuts to humans and if they fall for Satan’s schemes, they will fall short of experiencing the victory of GOD in their lives.

Who is GOD? There is only One True GOD! There are many false gods competing for your attention. The one true GOD of the Israelites defines Himself to Moses in Genesis 3: 14 God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.[e] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” 15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the Israelites: The Lord, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever; this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.

This was long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died physically yet GOD spoke in the present tense: “The LORD GOD of your ancestors, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob.”

I AM is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I AM is the FATHER of JESUS and is the FATHER of all who place their faith in JESUS, believing that JESUS willingly shed HIS sinless blood to pay for all sin upon the cross. The proof that JESUS conquered physical death is that GOD resurrected JESUS from the physically dead to live eternally. JESUS sits at the right hand of GOD and intercedes for all who receive salvation.

Let’s read Matthew 4:8-11:

The first Temptation appealed to the physical needs of JESUS.

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit (Holy Spirit) into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter (Satan) came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

When we are close to GOD and physically weakened, we are vulnerable and Satan uses that moment to get us to compromise. So, when you are challenged physically, watch out because you are vulnerable to Satan’s attack.

Our human nature leads us to act. “Don’t just sit there but do something.” How did JESUS deal with Satan?

But He answered and said, It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’

JESUS responded to Satan using Scripture. That is why, when we are facing the issues of life, as Spirit-born people we use scripture to fight the issue(s) that we face in our walk. (Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11)

Notice, Satan does not give up. Neither does he give up on tempting us.

Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’


‘In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ”


Satan tries to use scripture to trip you up. So, know the scripture. Note, that JESUS comes back to Satan with scripture as we read on ---

Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not [a]tempt the Lord your God.’ 

Don’t test GOD. There are no short cuts to salvation.

Our focus scripture:

Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

Satan offers JESUS a short cut to victory but the fact is, Satan is a liar and what he offered to JESUS was not his to offer in the first place. The kingdoms of the world belong to GOD and if JESUS had taken the short cut all people would be without full redemption from the consequence of original sin, eternal death!

JESUS had enough and rebuked Satan.

10 Then Jesus said to him, [b]Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ 

JESUS quoted scripture and Satan left HIM.

11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

JESUS is the authority over Satan/devil. When JESUS willingly gave HIS sinless life upon the cross, HE was the perfect acceptable sacrifice for all sin. We read in Hebrews 9:22: 22 According to the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. JESUS paid the price that GOD required to pay the sin debt in full. THERE ARE NO SHORT CUTS TO SALVATION!

What is the destination of all who place their faith in JESUS? It is the Promised Land or Heaven. Let’s consider Old Testament scripture ----

Let’s read Deuteronomy 6:10-12:

Remembering God through Obedience

10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would give you—a land with large and beautiful cities that you did not build, 11 houses full of every good thing that you did not fill them with, cisterns that you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant—and when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful not to forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the place of slavery. 

GOD was leading the Israelites into the Promised Land. Notice that the land would be equipped with all they needed as GOD’S people to setup households and focus upon serving GOD. The Promised Land is GOD’S gift to HIS Chosen people and a foreshadow of the eternal promised land GOD has for all who place their faith in HIM.

We read in 1 Corinthians 2:9:

But as it is written,

What no eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no human heart has conceived—
God has prepared these things for those who love him.[a]

GOD loves to surprise HIS Children. This is a foreshadow of what is already in place for all who place their faith in JESUS. Heaven is the eternal Promised Land for all Sprit-born people.

When a person places his/her faith in JESUS, the Holy Spirit unites with the human spirit and that person instantly becomes GOD’S Son or Daughter through the miracle of Spiritual birth. Please accept what JESUS did for you over 2,000 years ago. Salvation is available to all people but everyone must accept it by accepting JESUS as their Savior.

Enjoy living under GOD’S Grace and not under the law.

Let’s read Deuteronomy 6:13-15:                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

13 Fear the Lord your God, worship him, and take your oaths in his name. 14 Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you, 15 for the Lord your God, who is among you, is a jealous God. Otherwise, the Lord your God will become angry with you and obliterate you from the face of the earth. 

In America, we are seeing an influx of people from other lands and likely other religious followings or none at all or who serve others gods. Will we be compromised by those who bring in different religions and ways of life or will we remain true to what we know to be truth. CHRIST in you the hope of glory! There is a dire warning in verses 13-15. Take another look at them.

Some may say this is the Old Testament but we, who know the truth of GOD’S love, must remember who we are and where we come from, lest we compromise our witness. Such an influx of various people and religious followings spell opportunity and not compromise.

There is one message as we read in Colossians 1:27 - 27 God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Those who know the truth of salvation through faith in JESUS are to share that truth as GOD, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, gives us opportunity.

The Temptation to place something else before GOD is a nature that people in general have to face and deal with. GOD calls HIS Children to serve HIM in many situations. Some are appealing and some seem ordinary such as a cup of cold water, an encouraging word, a hand up, a warm bed to sleep in and the list goes on.

Keep in mind – when we are tempted quote scripture and change where you are to a safe place.

1 Corinthians 10:13:

13 No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it.

As GOD’S Children, listen to the Holy Spirit and share the good news of salvation on our way to the Promised Land. FATHER open our eyes to the opportunities that we encounter each day to serve YOU and give us the courage to get involved according to YOUR will and purpose. When we see GOD at work that is our opportunity to join HIM in that work.

One of Satan’s tools is wait, you can do that later. Today is the day of salvation!

Exodus 20:3: Do not have other gods besides me.

There are no substitutes! Accept JESUS as your Savior now!





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