Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, July 15, 2022

Bible Study - Never Alone (6) - United Through the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12:4-14 - July 17, 2022


Bible Study – Never Alone (6) – United Through the Spirit – July 17, 2022

This is lesson six (6) and our final lesson in our series entitled, “Never Alone: The Holy Spirit in our Lives.”

Our focus scripture is 1 Corinthians 12:4-14.

The Holy Spirit brings us together as one church.

In Romans 8:16, we read:

16 The Spirit himself testifies together with our spirit that we are God’s children, 

The church in Corinth may have been Paul’s most troubled church. Paul focused upon immorality, false teachings, jealousy, etc. We think this was bad, or was it? Often, as Christians, our LORD JESUS allows us to experience the negative to highlight the positive. Paul was with the Christians in Corinth for one and one-half years. It is wonderful that the Christians in Corinth wrote a letter to Paul highlighting issues that they were dealing with as a church body. Paul was in Ephesus when he responded to the letter from the church in Corinth. Paul’s response to their issues, we read today as First Corinthians.

The oral report was that the church in Corinth was divided. A divided church cannot function in unity with GOD and HIS plans for that body of believers. However, GOD uses diversity within the body of believers to make that body strong.

Paul used the human body to illustrate this point. The body has many parts but they function in unity, as one, to maintain the function of the body and keep it healthy.

Dr. Henry Blackaby, in “Experiencing GOD,” has an illustration of a person walking along a railroad track. As far as the person could see miles ahead there were a few clouds in the sky and landscape ahead. The feet of the person walking reported to the head that they felt a vibration and thought a train was coming. But the eyes were looking forward and as far as the eyes could see there was no train in sight. Then the person’s ears picked up the sound of a train coming and reported it. But the eyes said, as far as they could see, there was no train. However, the train was coming from behind the person. Diversity with unity is the strength in a church but is the church leadership listening to what they are being told by The FATHER, SON and Holy Spirit or those gifted by the Spirit? If church leadership ignores what the Holy Spirit is revealing to them, then disaster will soon follow.

GOD equips the body of believers with gifts for the true body to function in unity as GOD desires.

As a church, are we embracing and using the Spiritual Gifts with which GOD has equipped us? If not, why not? Let’s explore!

Are Spiritual Gifts only for the Pentecostals? NO! They are for all Spirit-born people.  

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 12:1-3: (Introduction)

Diversity of Spiritual Gifts

12 Now concerning spiritual gifts:[a] brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be unaware. You know that when you were pagans, you used to be enticed and led astray by mute idols. Therefore I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

Ground zero for a Spirit-born body of believers is for that body to function using the Spiritual Gifts GOD has sent to that body of believers/church. Over the years, as I recall, there are 29 Spiritual gifts identified in GOD’S Word but GOD’S quiver is full of many gifts and HE equips HIS Children with as many as needed. So, never limit what GOD can do through you as a Spirit-born person. The question is, do you believe this? JESUS said all a believer in HIM needs is faith the size of a mustard seed.

I have found that GOD can give a Spirit-born person a Spiritual gift as needed for the moment or for moments as led by HIM.

So, how does a person receive the Holy Spirit? What did JESUS tell Nicodemus in John 3:5-8:

Jesus answered, “Truly I tell you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again. The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

A person receives the Holy Spirit the instant that person receives JESUS as his or her Savior. Once the human sperm unites with the human egg, there is conception. The same is true when the Holy Spirit unites with the human spirit, there is Spiritual conception.

Human conception results in family traits that develop over time. Spiritual conception also results in family traits as a Spirit-born person develops as grafted into the true vine, JESUS and works in GOD’S vineyard.

So, how does GOD equip the Spirit-born person to function within the body of believers?

Unity Yet Diversity in the Body

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 12:4-7:

Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God works all of them in each personA manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good: 

The key is, within the true body of believers there is diversity but unity. GOD gives/distributes Spiritual Gifts for the common good of the body. Those in the body use their Spiritual Gift(s) as led by GOD/JESUS/The HOLY SPIRIT.

The Apostle Paul makes it clear the diversity of functions vary but the distribution of these functions come from the unified source of GOD/JESUS/Holy Spirit:

-         Different Gifts

-         Different ministries

-         Different activities

This diversity of functions and distribution come from one source – the same Holy Spirit and the same LORD. Why?

The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is for the common good of the body. The Holy Spirit is the unifier and communicator within the body of believers. Therefore, do not squelch the working of the Holy Spirit within the body. Manifestation means an outward demonstration of that which is hidden. All have the opportunity to witness the manifestation and, as such, build up and strengthen the true body of believers.

What are some of the gifts the Holy Spirit manifests within the body of believers? Let’s read on -----

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 12:8-11:

to one is given a message of wisdom through the Spirit, to another, a message of knowledge by the same Spirit, to another, faith by the same Spirit, to another, gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another, the performing of miracles, to another, prophecy, to another, distinguishing between spirits, to another, different kinds of tongues,[b] to another, interpretation of tongues11 One and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as he (the Holy Spirit) wills.

Just as exercise is vital for the human body, so are the use of Spiritual Gifts vital to maintain the Spiritual health of the true body of believers. I will briefly review some of these gifts that maintain the health of the Spirit-born person and the Spiritual body.

We read Paul’s list of some of the Spiritual gifts:

-         Wisdom and Knowledge seem to go together. Wisdom comes from GOD, who is the source of all wisdom and knowledge is the application of GOD’S wisdom to GOD’S plan(s).

-         Faith – This is more than a person’s saving faith in JESUS but a Spirit-born person having the faith the size of a mustard seed and trusting as he or she steps when there are no visible steps. This is a calling and when called, the Spirit-born person responds and GOD provides. 

-         Healing – Healing takes in many forms. There is physical healing, Spiritual healing, mental healing and healing that relates back to faith. Our human desire is for all to be healed of various issues. GOD may have to heal our unbelief or the person’s unbelief. Discussed further in “Performing Miracles.”

-         Performing Miracles – Healing and miracles are closely related. Here we have to be careful. Our human nature desires for all to be healed of various issues. We may pray and a person is healed. That does not mean the next time we encounter a situation that healing is automatic. Ms. Bertha Smith told me and my wife that her sister had the gift of healing and people would come to her and ask her to pray for their healing. She would tell them to wait. She had to go check. She went into another room and prayed and asked The LORD how she needed to pray for that person. She would come back to that person with an answer. Yes, GOD has given me permission to pray for your healing. She would and that person would be healed. Or, no GOD did not give me permission to pray for your healing. This is something you will have to go through but HE did give me permission for me to pray for you as you go through this.

-         Prophecy – there has been much discussion over prophecy. Spirit-inspired messages, either spontaneous or given to the church body are for its edification. Spirit-inspired preaching or teaching, spontaneous revelations from the Holy Spirit, Spirit-inspired revelations within the body which address or speak to individuals, groups, or situations within the entire body. (Would we dare reveal such? If not, why not? Most of us do not want to be in or labeled as some holy rolly in a church body.)

-         Distinguishing between spirits – Spirit-given ability to recognize and know whether or not something is from the Holy Spirit or the unholy spirit. Very important gift within a person or body of believers. Truth is truth and Satan loves to distort the truth. The spirit-world is real and Spirit-born people must be careful when dealing with the spirit-world. Always have a group praying along with you as you encounter those who may be oppressed or certainly possessed by evil. We may see more of this in America as people arrive to America from various cultures around the world.

-         Different tongues and Interpretation of tongues – go together. This has likely been one of the most divisive issues. Those who have it and those who don’t. I went through this many years ago. But let me quickly add. There are those who have the gift of known languages. I admire those who can speak other known languages. But there are special languages, heavenly languages GOD gives to those who need them. Generally, these are uttered in private. Ms. Corrie ten Boon had the gift of speaking in tongues. She saw it as her personal prayer language that minister to her because of the trauma she and her sister were subjected to while in the Nazi labor camp. Her thoughts were that GOD gave her this special prayer language and to others who had experienced trauma in their lives. This helped them to heal. I wanted to speak in tongues and tried but it did not happen. The LORD told me, “If you ever need it, I will give it to you but for now English is a perfectly good language.” Then, HE went on to say, “I speak through art, poetry, the beauty of earth and in so many ways.” WOW!!! And HE does and it is magnificent as HE is!

Now, for the most important part of this partial list of gifts, to me, is:

One and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as HE (the Holy Spirit) wills.

We as Spirit-born people can desire certain gifts but GOD distributes Spiritual Gifts as HE wills.

Receiving a Spiritual Gift or Spiritual Gifts carry responsibility. GOD does not give us a gift for the gift to remain idle but to be used as HE directs.

A Spiritual Gift or Gifts are to be used for the greater good of the body.

When we use the gift or gifts GOD has given to us, we must be careful that we do not get caught up in the gift and fail to focus upon the Giver of the Gift or Gifts. Without the Holy Spirit and our union with GOD, through faith in JESUS, Spiritual Gifts are not possible.

Some people have been so intent upon receiving a certain gift or gifts, Satan has given them a false gift that enslaves them and they become defeated. I know some will say, oh no, that cannot happen. Satan is a deceiver and he comes into lives when we desire certain opportunities or positions and we override GOD.

GOD gives to whom HE chooses and when HE chooses. HE is the only source a Spirit-born person receives Spiritual gifts. GOD will not give you something to harm you or others.

Many years ago, I asked the LORD to take my life and make out of it what HE desired. Well, I thought Heaven would open and GOD would say, “Tony, I have been waiting a long time for you to ask ME to do that.” Well, GOD responded to my request by taking HIS hand and sweeping across the Spiritual table of my life and clearing it of all my false trinkets I had used to build upon the alter of faith in JESUS.

I asked the LORD, “Why did HE do that?” HE said I had built upon a foundation of false notions and I needed to build upon the solid foundation of JESUS. Folks, that was over 40 plus years ago and HE is still working on me and I praise HIM for it.

At that time, I asked the LORD to help me understand this. HE said, “You have two sons and you have a shotgun, would you give your shotgun to the oldest son, and I said yes. Would you give your shot gun to your youngest? I said no. The still small voice of GOD said, “Oh, you love your oldest son more than you love your youngest son?” No. Then why would you give your shotgun to your oldest and not to your youngest? Is there a time that you would give your shotgun to youngest son? Yes. When I have taught him gun safety and know that he will use the shotgun in a safe manner as to not harm himself or someone else. What do you think GOD’S reply was? HE said, precisely. When you are mature enough, I will give you --- I said, LORD make me mature. WOW!!! Be careful what you ask for. As I stated earlier, GOD cleared my foundation in JESUS of false notions and we have been rebuilding upon the solid foundation of JESUS for many years. HE is not through with me yet and I am 84 and I desire nothing from the LORD until HE knows I am ready to receive it. FATHER knows best.

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 12:12-14:

12 For just as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body—so also is Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all given one Spirit to drink. 14 Indeed, the body is not one part but many. 

Unity is vital to the physical body and unity is vital to those who are Spirit-born and to the body of CHRIST, the church. The right kind of unity in a Spirit-born person or the church comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can have all the different parts working in unity and harmony with each other according to GOD’S plan and purpose.

The Apostle Paul used the phrase, “all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all given one Spirit to drink.” The Holy Spirit is the connecter between the physical and the Spiritual. The Holy Spirit imparts the cleansing of the human body to house the Holy Spirit at the instant of salvation. The shed blood of JESUS cleanses the temple/human body, the instant of salvation or the instant a person is “born-again.” All who are “born-again” are also sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day they will be fully redeemed from the shackles of the human body to be set free and to live eternally with GOD.

“For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all given one Spirit to drink. 14 Indeed, the body is not one part but many.”

Baptism is symbolic of a Spirit-born person dying to self and being raised to walk/live as led by the Holy Spirit. All who are “born-again,” have the same FATHER and the same Holy Spirit. We are given the same Holy Spirit to drink. Why, drink? Water is vital to the human body as the Holy Spirit is vital to the Spiritual body. Water flows to every part of the human body and is vital. So, is the Holy Spirit. All Spirit-born people drink from the same source. GOD does not discriminate.

If you think GOD has forsaken you, then think again. Ask HIM to reveal to you what you need to do or confess to restore your relationship with HIM.

Yet, in many of today’s churches, what are we seeing?

There has never been such a greater time than now for the Spiritual body to function in unity and led by the Holy Spirit as the time in which we are living. There are thousands of people moving into our area every day and all either need a personal relationship with JESUS, a church home or both where they can grow Spiritually and serve.

GOD equips by distributing: Gifts:

-         Wisdom – comes from GOD

-         Knowledge – Is wisdom applied according to GOD’S plan.

-         Faith – Wonderworking faith – taking a step when there is no visible step. This is more than salvation. It is a calling.

-         Healing – Spiritual, physical, mental, doubts

-         Performing Miracles – faith the size of a mustard seed

-         Prophecy – preaching, teaching, exhorting

-         Distinguishing between spirits - discernment

-         Different tongues – reaching out to others

-         Interpretation of tongues – giving understanding

These gifts are distributed through:

-         Ministries

-         Activities

All are guided and led by GOD, JESUS and the Holy Spirit.

It is time for all Spirit-born people to step up and get serious about doing the will of GOD. HE is sending those who need either a place to serve and grow or salvation to us in America. What will we do?

First, we must get our house in order.







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