Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Bible Study - GOD'S Own Heart (2) - Honor GOD - September 13, 2020


Bible Study – GOD’S Own Heart (2) – Honor GOD – September 13, 2020

This is lesson two (2) in our series entitled, “After GOD’S Own Heart: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments.”

Our focus scripture is Exodus 20:7-11; Psalm 145:1-7.

Our relationship with GOD is seen in how we honor HIM.

Relationship depends upon knowing about the person who we desire to build a lifetime relationship. How do we get to know a person? We spend time with that person to get to know him or her. We are honest with each other and share our strengths, weakness, our likes and dislikes, etc. We converse with each other; we share the good times and the not so good times. We consider each other.

GOD desires to have a loving, intimate, personal, dynamic relationship with each of us through faith in JESUS as HIS Spirit-born Son or Daughter. Being Spirit-born allows us to go in and out of GOD’S very presence 24/7. Let’s explore!

Let’s read Exodus 20:7-11:

Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God, because the Lord will not leave anyone unpunished who misuses his name.

This is a command with a promise of punishment for those who misuses GOD’S Name.

In today’s world, we hear GOD’S name frequently. Most often GOD’S name is used in as a profanity. Some may say their reference to god is with a little “g.”

Let’s consider the name of GOD as used by GOD on Mount Sinai. In last week’s study we talked about GOD’S name “I AM.” In this study, let’s consider how Bible translators help us to know how the name of GOD was written in the original language.

“GOD referred to Himself as “the LORD” in verse 7 in our focus scripture and in Exodus 20:2. In the Hebrew written language “LORD” was translated into English as “YHWH” and pronounce “Yahweh” or “YAH weh.” This name is designated the “Tetragammaton” which comes from a Greek word meaning “four letters.” In ancient times the written Hebrew language did not include vowels. Readers supplied the vowels as they read just as readers in Israel do today when they read Hebrew newspapers. Over the course of centuries, the actual pronunciation of the divine name was lost for at least two reasons. Out of reverence for the LORD, GOD’S people declined to pronounce HIS name lest they in some way violate the third commandment. Eventually the name became recognized as too holy to pronounce at all. Thus, GOD’S people substituted Adonai, another word meaning “LORD,” instead of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton as Yahweh. In most modern translations of the Bible the translation of Yahweh is differentiated from that of Adonai by placing the former in all capital letters LORD and writing the later as Lord. (Advanced Bible Study, Fall 2020, page 22. Written by Dr. Janice Meier, a gifted Hebrew scholar who served at LifeWay. Dr. Meier wrote the commentary for “After God’s Own Heart.”)

The Hebrews were serious about keeping GOD’S name holy and showing respect to GOD. Do we revere the name of GOD? In our flesh, often we are nonchalant when it comes to GOD and HIS name. Why? Because we are not in right relationship with HIM through faith in JESUS. The only path to GOD is through faith in JESUS, GOD’S Only SON, Who gave HIS sinless life to atone for the sins of all who place their faith in HIM. When we see GOD’S redemptive plan for us then we begin to see what GOD did for us. It was and is something we could never do for ourselves. (John 3:16-18.) I used to argue with GOD. Why couldn’t I give my own life for my sins? HIS reply, it is because I demand a sinless sacrifice and you do not qualify. That is why MY ONLY SON JESUS HAD TO GIVE HIS SINLESS LIFE TO PAY IN FULL FOR THE SIN/SINS OF THOSE WHO WILL PLACE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS. Have you asked JESUS to forgive you for your sins and asked JESUS to come into your heart? If not, why not?

When we place our faith in JESUS, we become eternally bonded with GOD, The FATHER, GOD, The SON and GOD, The HOLY SPIRIT. We are in unity with the Trinity. In our Spirit-born earth suit, we are the temple of GOD because GOD dwells in HIS temple. GOD is HOLY and HIS desire is for HIS Children to set aside time to come to HIM in worship and adoration. GOD set the example for HIS Children to follow the Sabbath or seventh day. My friends who are Seventh Day Adventist worship on Saturday. The key is to set aside a day to worship. Sunday is a good day because Christian society has set Sunday aside for corporate worship, because that is the day JESUS was raised from the physically dead. It is good to come together to worship, study GOD’S Word and put what we learn into action. GOD set the example as we read on-------

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: You are to labor six days and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. You must not do any work—you, your son or daughter, your male or female servant, your livestock, or the resident alien who is within your city gates. 11 For the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days; then he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it holy.

This has been from GOD’S perspective. Why? We must keep in mind that GOD made the human body and HE knows there is a need within every person to reach beyond his or her self to seek completion. We have a missing ingredient and that is our relationship with GOD through Spiritual rebirth which can only take place through faith in JESUS.

Let’s consider those who desired an intimate relationship with GOD before JESUS gave HIS sinless life to pay in full the penalty for original sin.  We will consider David and his relationship with GOD as we study Psalm 145 ……….                                                                                                          

Let’s read Psalm 145:1-3:

I[a] exalt you, my God the King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
I will bless you every day;
I will praise your name forever and ever.

David was a man after GOD’S own heart. Why? What do we read in this Psalm? David exalted GOD, why? David had experienced GOD in real ways as he journeyed through life. GOD was real to him. GOD was “my, personal GOD” “GOD the King.” GOD was the King in his life thus GOD ruled his life. David would “bless YOU every day.” The word “bless” carries the meaning “to kneel.” How was that possible? It was by faith. GOD honors faith. GOD honored Abram’s faith as recorded in Genesis 15:6:

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

The Lord is great and is highly praised;
his greatness is unsearchable.


David had a deep relationship with GOD and he trusted GOD. Because of his relationship with GOD, he could praise HIM under any circumstance. David had learned that he could only go so far in experiencing and exploring the depths of GOD because GOD is unsearchable. Is it that because GOD is unsearchable or is it that we have to experience GOD through our life experiences as we journey through life?


David had learned that those who are in right relationship with GOD must pass it along to future generations as we read on ------


As Christians, the light we receive through our relationship with GOD as Christians is to be shared with others as led by the Holy Spirit. This is one reason the body of believers comes together, which we call church.


Consider the hymns we sing in church. Fellow Christians shared their inspiration from GOD through music and words and they still bless Christians today.


Let’s read Psalm 145:4-7:

One generation will declare your works to the next
and will proclaim your mighty acts.
I[b] will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty
and[c] your wondrous works.
They will proclaim the power of your awe-inspiring acts,
and I will declare your greatness.[d]
They will give a testimony of your great goodness
and will joyfully sing of your righteousness.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate,


David saw the value of passing on what he had discovered in his walk with GOD to others and to himself. David recalled what GOD had done in his life and in the lives of the Israelites over many years as HE/GOD freed them from slavery. GOD still frees us from the slavery of sin and the things that enslave us. This is one reason we go to church or Bible study groups to study and learn of the mighty works of GOD and JESUS. Those who know truth are to share the truth they have unearthed.

Why unearthed? Building the right relationship with GOD is much like mining for precious gems. You have to dig and search through the soil/material to search for that which has value. The soil in our lives are the misconceptions, false notions, assumptions and false teaching we have allowed into our lives. We must seek truth. Truth never changes but some times we must experience the false to discover the real, genuine, never failing truth. It takes work and relationship with GOD.


David spoke of what he would do and those who hear what he has learned will also experience the presence of GOD and rejoice in HIM.


Every Christian has a personnel testimony of how they came to know JESUS as his or her Savior. Some may think “gee, I don’t have a dynamic testimony like some I have heard.”


What do I have to say about that? Non-sense! That is Satan placing a barrier to keep you quiet. A fellow Christian, who was a frequently called upon speaker in Christian Business Men’s had a very simple testimony. As I recall he accepted JESUS as his Savior about 9 years old and grew as a Christian. When he spoke, many came to give their hearts to JESUS. He presented truth. It is the Holy Spirit that searches every heart and calls all sinners to come home by placing their faith in JESUS. Tell your story of coming to JESUS and tell others how they can give their lives to JESUS.


I[b] will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty
and[c] your wondrous works.
They will proclaim the power of your awe-inspiring acts,
and I will declare your greatness.[d]

When we proclaim (pass on or tell) how GOD has worked in our lives, it inspires others to think and examine their lives and discover the magnificence of GOD’S work in their lives. Pray and ask GOD to reveal to you HIS handiwork in your life.  








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