Bible Study - Dark Side (3) - The Paranormal - Deuteronomy 18:9-18 - September 17, 2017
Bible Study
– Dark Side (3) – The Paranormal – September 17, 2017
This is
lesson three (3) in our series entitled “The Dark Side.”
Our focus
scripture is Deuteronomy 18:9-18.
with evil is destructive; seeking direction from GOD brings life.
[Additional thoughts: In 1 John 4:1-3 we read how spirits can be tested:
[Additional thoughts: In 1 John 4:1-3 we read how spirits can be tested:
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.
The evil spirit world acknowledges JESUS but as a prophet, a good person and NOT as the Son of GOD Who came to earth in the flesh and gave HIS life by the shedding of HIS blood to redeem all who place their faith in JESUS. This is the scripture the young man used to carefully phrase his question to the spirit.
If you encounter a situation where you think you have encountered an evil spirit, as a Christian, OUT LOUD CLAIM THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND REBUKE THE SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF JESUS.] .
We began our
series of study considering Satan. Our last week’s study focused on demons.
This week we consider the paranormal which is under the control of the
Devil/Satan and the evil spirit world.
The definition
of paranormal is “events beyond scientific understanding.” GOD understands what
such events are meant to do. They provide the opportunity for the evil spirit
world to take root. GOD tells us not to dabble in such because they are
destructive and will alienate a person from GOD.
Again, I
pray for all who will read/study this lesson for our protection and any
negative influence or enticing that the Devil/Satan or the evil spirit world
may try to use to ensnare us.
The spirit
world is real and all of us need to stay away from the things it offers.
Christians, we are not to fear this evil world but to know about it and stay
away from it unless called by GOD to stand against it.
The evil
spirit world is full of things that entice humans and especially Christians
e.g. astrology, horoscopes, séances, familiar spirits, fortune tellers, Devil
or Satan worship, occult, extrasensory perception, witchcraft, sorcery, tarot
card, Ouija boards and the list goes on.
People are
curious and are inclined to explore the unknown. I know because I was curious
and know that such innocent exploring is very dangerous and can be enslaving.
Christians read their horoscope every day. As Christians, GOD directs our
future when our desire is to obediently serve HIM. Reading your horoscope or
dabbling in practices GOD forbids opens a person up to evil moving into his or
her life. DO NOT DO IT.
GOD and
JESUS determine the future of the world. History is not by happenstance but by
design. GOD allows or prevents.
GOD and
JESUS guide every Christian by the indwelling Holy Spirit to the degree
Christians allow. GOD is jealous and HE does not share. GOD does not guide
through the Devil, Satan, mysticism, occult or anything from the evil spirit world
that surrounds all of us.
must keep in mind that “Greater is HE that is in us than he (the Devil/Satan) who
is in the world.” JESUS has already won the victory and all who place their
faith in JESUS are secure in HIM.
must keep in mind that they can come from under HIS protective banner
when they dabble in the things GOD has told us to stay away from. But there is
a way back, if we stray. Christians are to confess, repent and ask GOD to forgive
them. HE forgives, cleanses and restores.
The Devil
and all under his control desire to entice Christians and non-Christians to enslave
them and to destroy them.
The Apostle
Paul knew the spirit world as recorded in Ephesians 6:12-13:
12 For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but
against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this
darkness, against the spiritual
forces of evil in the heavens.
spiritual forces are fallen angels led by the Devil/Satan. GOD made the angels
with the freedom of choice just as GOD made all humans with the freedom of
choice. Christians, choose wisely what you dabble in because Satan is like a
hungry lion seeking who he can devour. DO NOT BE A VICTIM! BUT BE AN OVER COMER
13 This is why you must take up the
full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and
having prepared everything, to take your stand.
Moses wrote
the first five books of the Bible which are referred to as the Pentateuch. He
wrote Deuteronomy prior to the Israelites entering the Promised Land and much
of it before his death. It is believed that the final summary written in
Deuteronomy was written by Joshua the new leader of the Israelites. The old
generation had died off with the exception of Caleb and Joshua.
Moses knew
that GOD was not going to permit him to enter the Promised Land because of his
disobedience in the wilderness. Moses knew he would die soon and he needed to prepare
this new generation of Israelites for what they would likely experience in the
Promised Land. They needed to remember the experience their forefathers had
with GOD when HE delivered them from Egypt, their journey to Mount Sinai, GOD
choosing them as HIS people, their agreement that they would be HIS chosen and do
what GOD required of them as HIS chosen.
GOD knew
that HE would be with them as they entered the Promised Land but they needed to
keep their focus upon HIM because there would be things that would entice them and
could become a barrier to them having an intimate, loving relationship.
This is true
for GOD’S children today. The Devil/Satan and his followers are relentless in
trying to entice all people to put their faith in something other than JESUS.
The Devil/Satan will fight extremely hard to prevent anyone from coming to salvation
through faith in JESUS.
Once a
person receives salvation, the Devil/Satan will do all to discourage/prevent
him or her from obediently serving GOD/JESUS. What better way than get them
involved with the things that the evil spirit world controls.
Folks, we
all live in a spiritual battleground. The prize is the souls of mankind. JESUS
has won the victory for each person to freely accept JESUS as his or her
Savior. The decision is yours to make either to accept JESUS as your Savior or
to reject HIM.
means “second law.” It is not a second law but it is an overview of the law GOD
had given to Moses soon after the Israelites were delivered from Egypt and led to
Mount Sinai, as recorded in Exodus.
When the
Israelites arrived to Mount Sinai as GOD promised Moses, GOD told Moses that HE
had chosen the Israelites to be HIS people, if they accepted. The question was,
“Did they choose HIM to be their GOD?” Moses asked the Israelites.
Israelites agreed to be HIS chosen people. GOD gave them the criteria for
living as HIS chosen people and having the right relationship with HIM.
was written to remind this new generation of Israelites what their forefathers
had experienced personally and collectively as GOD revealed Himself to them
along their journey. And why they had not entered the land GOD had promised
them some 40 years earlier.
Moses had sent
12 spies into the Promised Land to scout the land. Twelve (12) spies came back
with a report that indeed it was a land flowing with milk and honey but there
were giants in that land with well fortified, walled cities. Caleb and Joshua
were the only 2 spies out of the 12 that trusted GOD to give them success and
voted for them to enter the Promised Land.
Israelites believed the 10 spies and they chose not to enter the land
GOD had promised them. GOD punished them for their disobedience and lack of
faith and trust in HIM. This did not please GOD and HE punished their
disobedience by sentencing the Israelites 20 years and older to wander in the
wilderness for 40 years. All men 20 years old and older would not enter the
Promised Land, with the exception of Caleb and Joshua. During those 40 years,
GOD took care of the needs of HIS people, now the 40 years had passed and it
was time for them to enter the Promised Land.
Moses was
preparing this new generation, led by Joshua and Caleb, to enter the Promised
Land, thus Deuteronomy was written.
GOD knew
what HIS chosen people would encounter when they entered the land of promise. The
inhabitants of the Promised Land served other gods and observed practices that
were abhorrent to GOD. GOD wanted HIS chosen to be aware of the things that could
compromise their relationship with HIM if they embraced them. This is still
true today.
Most of us
have the desire to experience entering and living in the Promised Land upon
earth. But there is nothing more important than building and maintaining our
relationship with HIM through our faith in JESUS.
Let’s read Deuteronomy 18:9-11:
Practices versus Prophetic Revelation
9 "When you enter the land the
Lord your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable customs of
those nations.
GOD blesses
HIS children with many good things but Christians must be careful that HIS
blessings do not open areas that we must not enter.
10 No one among you is to make his son
or daughter pass through the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes,
interpret omens, and practice sorcery,
11 cast spells, consult a medium or a
familiar spirit, or inquire of the dead.
GOD was
warning HIS people NOT to embrace the evil, pagan practices of the people
living in the lands they would occupy. Here, we see the list of evil practices
that some of the people living in the land of promise practiced. GOD was very
GOD was
telling them to keep in mind that they were HIS representatives to those who do
not know HIM. JESUS tells Christians that they are the light of the world, the
salt of the earth and Ambassadors.
destroys but GOD offers hope, eternal life, forgiveness, salvation and
restoration through faith in HIS only Son, JESUS.
It is
amazing the number of people living in our area today who embrace witchcraft,
sorcery, casting spells, the occult and the list goes on.
Notice the
reference to familiar spirits. I read a book written by a pastor whose family
got involved in contacting the dead when he was a young boy. He wrote about “familiar
spirits.” He wrote that it was the spirit a medium contacted. His understanding
of a “familiar spirit” was, at birth; Satan assigns a “familiar spirit” to
every person. That “familiar spirit” shadows that person for their entire life.
Doing so allows the “familiar spirit” to know intimate secrets about that
person, thus when contacted, it would reveal intimate information that may have
only been known by that person and another person. This is an effort to
legitimize that the spirit of the deceased person has been contacted, which is
false and is of the Devil/Satan. Satan is a deceiver and always will be. Do not
be duped.
This young
man tested the spirits according to GOD’S word and he saw immediately and without
a doubt that the spirit they had contacted was an evil spirit. The young man
ran home and asked JESUS to forgive him and for JESUS to come into his heart.
Years later, this young man was called into ministry. As I recall, he became a
Presbyterian minister. I loaned my book to someone and it was not returned. It
is no longer in print. If anyone knows where I can obtain a copy please let me
What does
GOD think about such practices? Let’s read on ---
Let’s read Deuteronomy 18:12-14:
12 Everyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and
the Lord your God is driving out the
nations before you because of these detestable things.
drives such evil out but we can bring them back. Dabbling in these areas is detestable to GOD. Do you want
to be detestable to GOD? Then dabble in the things GOD forbids.
What does GOD desire for us? Let’s
read on ----
13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God.
communicated that HIS expectation for HIS chosen was for them to be blameless
before HIM. They were to set the example and not to conform to the practices of
the people where they were moving into. Striving to be blameless keeps our eyes
and minds focused upon GOD. Is the community in which we live different because
we live there or do we blend in?
14 Though these nations you are about
to drive out listen to fortune-tellers and diviners, the Lord your God has not
permitted you to do this.
Often, we
look at those who live wicked lives. They seem to prosper materially and socially.
It could lead us to think that they must be doing something that GOD favors. DO
NOT be fooled. Consider what we just read “Though these nations you are about to drive out are
living in the land of promise,” they are about to be evicted. GOD’S people will
prevail over those who practice evil. GOD gives victory to those who obediently
follow HIM. GOD is in charge.
Just because
those who do not follow GOD seem to prosper, don’t be duped into following
their ways. There will be payday some day.
Let’s read Deuteronomy 18:15-18:
15 "The Lord your God will raise
up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to
Moses made
it clear that GOD would raise up other prophets to whom HE will speak to
directly. Such language does point to JESUS Who is GOD in human form. Up until
the coming of JESUS, GOD will reveal information, through HIS prophets, that
will reveal how the Messiah can be identified when HE comes upon earth.
Moses was
the intermediary between GOD and the Israelites. GOD promised there would
always be an intermediary between GOD and HIS chosen. GOD would speak to HIS
prophets and they would, in turn, speak to the people. This prevailed until
JESUS completed HIS work upon earth. After the passion of JESUS, HE became the
High Priest through Whom all people would go.
Today, GOD
speaks through our pastors, teachers and HIS children that HE gifts.
16 This is what you requested from the
Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, 'Let us not
continue to hear the voice of the Lord our God or see this great fire any
longer, so that we will not die!'
reminded them that their forefathers did not want to hear GOD speak to them but
they wanted GOD to speak to Moses and Moses to, in turn, speak to them.
Let’s read
this account as recorded in Exodus 19:5-9: (This refers to the older generation
of Israelites.)
Israel at Mount
5 Now therefore, if you will indeed
obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is
6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of
priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people
of Israel."
7 So Moses came and called the elders
of the people and set before them all these words that the LORD had commanded
8 All the people answered together and
said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do." And Moses
reported the words of the people to the LORD.
9 And the LORD said to Moses,
"Behold, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you
forever."When Moses told the words of the people to the LORD,
GOD wanted
the Israelites to hear HIM when HE spoke to Moses. GOD desired to be intimate
and personal with HIS chosen people.
Let’s read
Exodus 20:18-21:
18 Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of
lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people
were afraid and trembled, and they
stood far off
19 and said to Moses, "You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not
let God speak to us, lest we die."
20 Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for God has come to test
you, that the fear of him may be before you, that you may not sin."
21 The people stood far off, while
Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.
GOD’S desire
was for HIS chosen then and for us today to have a personal relationship with HIM.
The Israelites were afraid to come into the presence of GOD because of the
possibility that they were unclean and they could die.
GOD’S desire was for HIS
chosen to stay ready to come into HIS presence because doing so would keep them
from sinning. But they opted for a mediator, thus a priest. The priest was the
mediator between GOD and mankind until the passion of JESUS as recorded in Romans
8:15 and Hebrews 14:6:
15 For you did not receive a spirit of
slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption, by
whom we cry out, "Abba, Father!"
Those who have received JESUS as their Savior and born
into the family of GOD can call HIM “Daddy.” As HIS children we can come into
HIS presence as we read on ---
16 Therefore let us approach the throne of
grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at
the proper time.
GOD does not
want HIS children to fear HIM but to respect HIM, honor and love HIM with their
obedience and trust.
Back to our
focus scripture - Deuteronomy 18:17-18:
17 Then the Lord said to me, 'They have
spoken well.
18 I will raise up for them a prophet
like you from among their brothers. I will put My words in his mouth, and he
will tell them everything I command him.
GOD was
referring to the function of HIS prophets until JESUS was born and fulfilled
HIS passion.
As you
recall, Elijah, who represented the prophets, was on the mount of
transfiguration with JESUS to verify that all prophesy had been fulfilled by
JESUS because HIS passion was fast approaching.
All people, especially Christians,
are to stay away from the paranormal.
Dabbling in such will enslave and lead a
person to destruction. Plus it is something GOD detests. As for me, I do not
want to do something that GOD detests. My desire is to build an intimate,
loving, personal relationship with HIM. What is your desire?
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