Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Friday, March 12, 2010

Church - When Immorality Comes to Church - 1 Corinthians 5 and 6 - March 14, 2010

Bible Study – Church - When Immorality Comes to Church – March 14, 2010

Bible study two (2) in our series entitled “Church Gone Wrong.”

Our scripture is 1 Corinthians 5:1-2, 9-13; 6:15-20.

Paul was writing to the Christians in Corinth. Corinth was a seaport city and was synonymous with prostitution and all sorts of loose moral practices. A temple of the goddess Aphrodite, the sex goddess, was in Corinth. It has been estimated by one historian that Corinth had about 1,000 prostitutes. Prostitutes were the way to worship the goddess Aphrodite, therefore, sex and worship became ingrained in some of those living in that area. Immoral sexual relations and worship of a deity were tied together. This practice gave Paul a sense of urgency to deal with a problem among a Christian church member.

Christians in Corinth were exposed to many different sinful practices, which could have made them more tolerant of sinful practices. Nothing shocked them anymore. Does this remind you of our world today? Are we, as Christians, becoming more complacent with the declining morals in America? We are not longer shocked by what goes on.

Paul was informed of an immoral sexual situation in the church that the Church members should have already addressed but they had not. They had a male church member who was having sex with his step mother. This was considered incest by GOD and should have been condemned as blatant sin and dealt with. Yet the Christians turned a blind eye to what was going on, although such sexual activity was condemned by both the pagan and Roman societies. This incestuous relationship was a widely known activity and the Christian church should have been outraged, yet, the members were allowing it. It is believed that the woman was not a Christian and not involved with the Christian church but the male was a member of the church. In fact, the church members prided themselves for being tolerant of what was going on between these two people. Why? Were they trying to blend in with other pagan religious practices? What does this reveal about their heart toward CHRIST? Were they ashamed? They had a distorted opinion of Christianity. They needed to grow Spiritually.

But they are not unique to many in Christian society today. Often we straddle the fence, particularly, when we associate with powerful, influential people who do not hold the same Christian values as Christians should.

The church is a blend of non-Christians and Christians in various stages of Spirituality ranging from babies in CHRIST to mature Christians. Is the church a showcase for the Spiritual or a hospital for the needy or both? All Christians are sinners saved by grace and live each day under grace. However, grace is not a license to willingly commit sin. Grace is a tolerance GOD gives Christians as they grow from the flesh mind-set to the Spiritual mind-set.

Christians sin and must confess their sins and repent daily. GOD forgives them, cleanses and restores them. The problem comes when Christian church members refuse to confess and repent of their sins. The church has a responsibility to take action on a church member involved in open sin less the church give the impression that it approves of Christian’s immoral activity. This was Paul’s concern the Corinthian church.

Believers can slip back into their old way of life and become involved in sinful activities. When that happens, the church must take action.

Let’s begin with the last scripture in our study first because it gives us the reason why sexual immorality is such a serious sin. Paul knew the scriptures and he knew GOD had approved sexual activity between one woman and one man through marriage.

There are a number of scripture references regarding GOD’S condemnation of various sexual activities in Leviticus 18:8, 20:11; Deuteronomy 22:30, 27:20. I will only print the ones related to our study which involves a Christian church member having sex with his step mother.

Leviticus 18:6-9: (Chapter 18 is replete with various sexual sins.)

6 “You are not to come near any close relative[4] Lit any flesh of his flesh for sexual intercourse; I am the Lord. 7 You are not to shame your father[5] Ezk 22:10 by having sex with your mother. She is your mother; you must not have sexual intercourse with her. 8 You are not to have sex with your father’s wife;[6] Lv 20:11; Gn 35:22; 2 Sm 16:21–22; 1 Co 5:1 it will shame your father. 9 You are not to have sexual intercourse with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s,[7] Lv 18:11; 20:17; Dt 27:22 whether born at home or born elsewhere. You are not to have sex with her.

Deuteronomy 27:20:

30 “A man is not to marry his father’s wife; he must not violate his father’s marriage bed.[7] Dt 23:1 in Hb [8] Lit not uncover the edge of his father’s garment; Ru 3:9; Ezk 16:8 [9] Lv 18:8; 20:10–11

What happens when we have sex with another person?

Having sexual relations is not an insignificant event. There is a bonding effect between both parties because of the intimacy and exchange of body fluids. Several years ago there was a study which showed that when a person has sex with another it is like having sex with all the people either person has been with sexually for the past seven (7) years.

Paul gives us a Spiritual reason in the following scripture.

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 6:15-20: (What’s Wrong with Sexual Immorality?)

15 Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ? So should I take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Absolutely not! 16 Do you not know that anyone joined to a prostitute is one body with her? For it says, The two will become one flesh.[7] Gn 2:24 17 But anyone joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. 18 Flee from sexual immorality! “Every sin a person can commit is outside the body,”[8] See note at 1 Co 6:12 but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body. 19 Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body.[9] Other mss add and in your spirit, which belong to God.

As Christians, we are Spiritually bonded with CHRIST and indwelled by the HOLY SPIRIT. As Christians, we have been made righteous through the shed blood of CHRIST. Remember 2 Corinthians 5:21 - 21 He (GOD) made the One (CHRIST) who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we (believers) might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Christians have been made righteous by the shed blood of CHRIST. The passion of CHRIST made ready the body of a Christian to be a sanctuary, a HOLY place, for the HOLY SPIRIT. The very presence of GOD dwells in him/her. Sex is a bonding experience and when Christians have immoral sexual relations they bond that which is HOLY with that which is unholy.

Some person reading this could quickly say, “Well, I need to always have sex with a fellow believer.” No, that does not work either. GOD intends for sex to be between one man and one woman through the bond of love and marriage. True love waits. Unfortunately very few wait this day and time. So what does that mean to those who have not waited? 1 John 1:9 - 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The Bible tells us that sex bonds two (2) bodies together in a spiritual sense such that the two (2) are made one, just as Christians are made one with CHRIST when they become believers. There is unity or bonding both physically and Spiritually. We know, through science, when a person has sex with another person, they are bonded through biological chemistry. Paul tells us that there is also a spiritual bonding. Let’s consider another possible step.

I have no proof of what I am about to tell you. It is purely my thought on the subject of the bonding nature of sex. Ponder it and pray about it. The exchange of biological fluids is like having sex with each other’s sexual partners for the past seven (7) years. The Exchange of biological fluids results in a bonding of the two (2) bodies into one body. I think there is another bonding taking place in the spiritual realm and that is the evil that a person and their sexual partners have opened themselves up to can also be a part of the bonding process.

My rationale is since a Christian can bond CHRIST with a prostitute, the two (2) becoming one (1) as stated by Paul, the same is true with a person who has evil in his/her life. The evil can bond with their sex partner. Just as what is HOLY can be bonded with that which is not holy, then that which is not holy can be bonded with that which is HOLY. In other words evil can invade his/her life – lust, pornography, evil desires, bitterness, hatred, promiscuity, various compromises and the list goes on and on. Do not confuse evil with personality traits, natures and quirks. Some things come through the DNA, genes, etc. These physical traits can be a problem because once two (2) people consent to sex there is bonding and sometimes bondage. True evil comes from Satan, his demons and evil spirits. These are the ones I am referring to.

When a Christian sins he/she has broken the circle of protection, which opens him/her to the possibility for evil to oppress him/her. A Christian cannot be possessed by evil but he/she can be oppressed. When Christians are lured into sin, barriers are broken and they open themselves to the oppression of evil. When evil surrounds them it is devastating and will definitely lure them away from GOD and the person being invaded will lose the joy of their salvation and the unity he/she had with CHRIST. They do not lose their salvation but their relationship with CHRIST has been compromised. This requires confession and deliverance; Saturating yourself with GOD’S Word moment by moment. Some may have to take scripture written on cards and quote it throughout the day to keep evil at bay until CHRIST has been reestablished in their lives. Their salvation has not been lost but they have encountered evil. My prayer is that none of you will ever experience this.

When a Christian breaks a barrier and sins it makes him/her vulnerable to more of the same sin or other sins. It is like a person being on a diet and they are lured to the dessert table. They sneak a taste and bang it is all over. Christians DO NOT place yourselves in positions to be tempted. If tempted run away. It is not worth the heartache and devastation. Christians addicted to drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, food, homosexuality and the list goes on will tell you to avoid at all cost. Just stepping through a barrier opens you to all sorts of evil. GOD gives Christians barriers for their own protection. Satan will enhance the breakthrough experience so that the person will repeat it. Once enslaved, the sinful experience becomes a burden but the person is ensnared.

There is more to sex than a moment of pleasure. GOD tells us to be faithful to our mate for many good reasons, most of all because it is sin to have sex outside of marriage and has far reaching consequences – Pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, broken homes for those married and the list goes on.

Ladies and girls pay attention to this – Most of you equate love and sex as the consummation of the expression of love. Whereas, most males are in lust, not in love, which results in sex. The male will tell the female he loves them but often he is saying, “I am in lust with you.” The male wants to conquer and he often equates attraction with love. When the male is sexually satisfied then he returns to reality. Was the encounter lust or love? Ladies be careful who you have sex with. GOD does not call things sin to take the pleasure out of living. HE has very good reasons.

Some could ask, “If Christians are no longer under the law, why should sex outside of marriage matter?” We have already discussed several good reasons why true love waits. The Ten Commandments and GOD’S commandments are still relevant for Christians to keep. They keep Christians out of trouble and the consequences that result from violating them, both physical and spiritual.

So what is the situation with people who have been raped or married to or had relationships with evil people or people who have been promiscuous? The blood of CHRIST washes away all sin. Satan has to flee from the blood of JESUS. So confess it and claim the blood of CHRIST. Talk to CHRIST in prayer and ask HIM to cleanse you and set you free from anything that causes you to compromise your relationship with CHRIST as the result of sexual relationships or any other sin.

So what was the issue in the church at Corinth?

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 5:1-2: (Does Sin Still Shock Us?)
Immoral Church Members

1 It is widely reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and the kind of sexual immorality that is not even condoned[1] Other mss read named among the Gentiles—a man is living with his father’s wife. 2 And you are inflated with pride, instead of filled with grief so that he who has committed this act might be removed from among you.

First, we notice that the issue of sexual immorality was widely known both inside and outside the church. It seems the Christian members of the Corinthian church were proud of this incestuous practice and condoned it. Paul quickly put this incestuous relationship into perspective and called it sin. The Christians should have been grieved by what was going on by one of their fellow Christians but they were not. This sin was not to be condoned because it was wrong according to GOD. Besides that, the pagans and Romans also condemned such a sexual relationship.

The male involved was a Christian and a member of the church in Corinth. It is believed that the female was not a Christian or involved with the church. The male openly had sexual relations with his father’s wife, his step mother and seemed to flaunt it. His fellow Christians were proud of the fact that they were tolerant of this practice.

The scriptures are very clear, GOD condemned such sexual relations and the Corinthian Christians knew it but were proud that they were tolerant of such an open practice. Paul had written them about immoral sexual relations in a previous letter which has since been lost. Why were they proud? What does this tolerance of sin reveal about the hearts of the Christians in Corinth?

Why were they proud? We can only speculate. Were they trying to show the pagan world that Christianity was not a straight laced, intolerant religion no longer under the law? Was the male involved a person of wealthy, power and it benefitted the church for this person to be a member? As I stated earlier, we do not know.

What we do know is that the tolerance of such practice revealed lack of Spiritual growth and maturity of some of the Christians in the church. Did they consider themselves new age and beyond the dictates of GOD’S Word? Such a practice was wrong in the eyes of GOD and it was an issue that had to be dealt with. It was a teaching moment for Paul.

There is another interesting aspect to consider. The Greek word for “sexual immorality” is generally translated “prostitute.” Paul did not say they were committing adultery. This gives rise to consider that the father was either dead, had divorced the woman or abandoned her. It is possible the woman had been a temple prostitute and the son considered her fair game. Even under these circumstances the son was not free to have sex with his step mother because his father had been sexually intimate with her.

Since temple prostitutes were readily available, it was a strong reminder to Christians that open sex had major consequences. It has been reported that these temple prostitutes advertised that having sex with them bonded them to the pagan gods. Did they want to join CHRIST to a prostitute? Christians are to send a clear message to the rest of the world by avoiding promiscuous sexual activities and the appearance of condoning them.

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 5:9-13: (How Should We Respond to Immoral Church Members.)

Church Discipline

9 I wrote to you in a letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 by no means referring to this world’s immoral people, or to the greedy and swindlers, or to idolaters; otherwise you would have to leave the world. 11 But now I am writing[4] Or now I wrote you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother who is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a reviler, a drunkard or a swindler. Do not even eat with such a person. 12 For what is it to me to judge outsiders? Do you not judge those who are inside? 13 But God judges outsiders. Put away the evil person from among yourselves.[5] Dt 17:7

As mentioned earlier, Paul had already written a letter to the church in Corinth instructing them to avoid people who were sexually immoral. This letter has since been lost. However, the point is that he had already addressed the matter of sexual immorality and they apparently ignored his request.

He was not asking the Christians not to associate with immoral people but not to associate with immoral Christians. As you may recall, in our last study we discussed the disunity in the church in Corinth. Church members were saying “I am of Paul, Apollos, Cephas or CHRIST.” This revealed their Spiritual immaturity. It is believed that Christians in the group referred to as “I am of CHRIST” considered that they answered to no one. They had salvation through CHRIST; therefore, they could do whatever they pleased. This could have been a group of immoral Christians other Christians should avoid.

Paul tells them not to judge the non-believer because GOD will do that. Believers should make a judgment regarding fellow believers based on their actions and fruit – a fellow Christian who is sexually immortal or greedy, worships idols or a reviler (those who are violent or abusive either verbally or physically toward others), a drunkard or a swindler. Christians are not to associate or eat with the believers who are still involved in such immoral acts. Such immoral living reveals that their lives have not been transformed by the indwelling HOLY SPIRIT. Avoiding immoral Christians was to show disapproval of their lifestyle. It also made a statement to non-believers that the immoral lifestyle of those calling themselves Christians did not represent the lifestyle of Christians who were led and guided by the HOLY SPIRIT.
This may seem harsh. The Bible tells Christians to go to a Christian living a life of sin and attempt to restore him/her back into fellowship with CHRIST and fellow believers. As Christians, we have freedom under grace but it is not a freedom and a grace to follow the dictates of the flesh. Paul gives us insight in his letter to the Galatians.

Galatians 5:1 - 1 Christ has liberated us into freedom (freedom from sin). Therefore stand firm and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery (sin).

Galatians 6:1 - 1 Brothers, if someone is caught in any wrongdoing, you who are spiritual should restore such a person with a gentle spirit, watching out for yourselves so you won’t be tempted also.

Christians are to go to fellow believers who are in sin and try to restore them. It is imperative for those who are Spiritual and attempt to restore fellow believers caught up in sin and wild living, to keep a close eye on themselves. Even though a Christian is Spiritually mature, who is attempting to restore a fellow believer, needs to be aware that they can be lured or enticed into sin. Satan uses every opportunity to lure and trap those who are Spiritual and he does it when they are trying to aid others. Those who think they are Spiritual are the very ones who must be on their guard because they are likely vulnerable.

Christians must be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT when confronting fellow Christians battling sin. GOD’S wisdom is needed to help those involved in sin and not to drive them deeper into sin and away from GOD. A married couple may be dealing with an affair and may be trying to work through the hurt and disappointment that it brings. Our governor in South Carolina is an example. He is battling mid-life crisis. Mid-life crisis can be a problem for either a male or a female. Mid-life crisis is like adolescence and the person looses every grain of sense he/she ever had. This is not to justify it. It is real and it is devastating to any marriage. There is a strong urge for that new car, motorcycle, the urge to be free and travel the world, dump the job and sadly change his/her marriage partner. The person needs serious counseling and time for their mental chemistry to rebalance, which can take years.

So why am I saying this? The new car, motorcycle, dumping the job or traveling the world can be managed, if the family is pulling together until sanity returns to the person experiencing mid-life crisis. However, if a couple is struggling with infidelity, they need to be surrounded by fellow Christians and lots of prayer, support, encouragement and Christian counseling. The offender needs to, if possible discretely, step down from any Christian leadership, until the matter is resolved. In my opinion, the couple needs to be in church as they attempt to pull their relationship back together. Infidelity is a huge embarrassment to the innocent spouse. If the other person is also a member of the same church that compounds the problems. The key is to pray and go in Christian love to offer support for reconciliation. Sexual immorality can be devastating. CHRIST will forgive, cleanse, restore and forget when the involved Christian asks HIM. It will take agape love (love that demands nothing in exchange, the same love CHRIST has for sinners) for the person offended to forgive and restore the relationship. Forgetting is not so easy but CHRIST can heal a broken heart. The offending person must remain faithful until “death do you part.” It takes time to build trust.

We end with Paul’s statement of Christian purpose in our next scripture.

Let’s read 1 Corinthians 6:12-14:

Glorifying God in Body and Spirit

12 “Everything is permissible for me,”[3] The words in quotation marks are most likely slogans used by some Corinthian Christians. Paul evaluates and corrects these slogans. but not everything is helpful. “Everything is permissible for me,”[4] The words in quotation marks are most likely slogans used by some Corinthian Christians. Paul evaluates and corrects these slogans. but I will not be brought under the control of anything. 13 “Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods,”[5] The words in quotation marks are most likely slogans used by some Corinthian Christians. Paul evaluates and corrects these slogans. but God will do away with both of them.[6] Lit both it and them The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. 14 God raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power.

Christians have freedom but using that freedom to do whatever they want to do is contrary to GOD’S desire for them and leads to Spiritual compromise. Christians are not to allow anything to control them except the HOLY SPIRIT. This life is temporary. We were not made for time but for eternity. Just as the power of GOD raised CHRIST from the dead after HIS crucifixion, HIS power will transform us by the renewing of our minds to live for HIM, when we yield to HIM. GOD’S desire for every believer is for them to be made into the image of CHRIST. Believers have been bought with a price, which is the shed blood of the LAMB (CHRIST). Believers have been made righteous by the shed blood of CHRIST and are indwelled by the HOLY SPIRIT.

Believers have been redeemed to be HOLY and GOD has made their bodies a sanctuary where HE dwells, therefore, do not contaminate what is HOLY by sexual immorality and riotous living.

This is why true love waits. GOD’S desire is for male and female believers to be united in love and united as one after marriage, which is consummated by sexual relations. Just as the miracle of rebirth takes place in an instant, the moment a person asks CHRIST to forgive him/her for his/her sins and to come into his/her life, so does the union of two (2) human bodies the instant they have sex.

By this same power when believers confess their sin, GOD will forgive them, cleanse them and restore them. If you are a Christian and guilty of illicit sex confess it to GOD through CHRIST and repent. Repent is to agree not to do it again. 1 John 1:9 -
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

The church is a hospital for sinners seeking salvation and for Christians struggling and seeking to grow and mature Spiritually in CHRIST through relationship. Life is not easy but it is impossible without CHRIST. 1 Peter 5:6-7 - 6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time,[10] Lit in time [11] Jb 22:29; Mt 23:12; Lk 14:11; 18:14; Jms 4:10 7 casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you.[12] Ps 55:22; Mt 6:25–34


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