Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Live in Relationship, Not Rebellion - Isaiah 1 - November 5, 2006

Sunday school Lesson – Live in Relationship, Not Rebellion – November 5, 2006

This Sunday begins a new series of study on selected scripture from the Book of Isaiah. The series is entitled, “Invitation to Maximum Living: Isaiah Speaks Today.”

November 5 – Exploring what it means to live in right relationship to GOD; discovering barriers to having a right relationship with GOD. Isaiah 1:1-30.

November 12 – Our struggle against dark spiritual forces and JESUS WHO is the Light of the world. Isaiah 7 – 9:7.

November 19 – Idolatry and its consequences in building our relationship with GOD. Isaiah 40:1 – 46:13.

November 26 – Barriers to experiencing life to the max through an intimate loving relationship with GOD. Isaiah 52:13-55:13.

Our background scripture is Isaiah 1:1-31.

Our focus scripture is Isaiah 1:2-4, 10-20.

Every Christian wants to live life to the max. I know when I first committed my life to CHRIST, I wanted to experience HIM to the max. I thought having the power as manifested through the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT was the answer. I soon discovered that I was seeking the gifts more than I was the giver. Experiencing GOD is yielding our will to HIM. This has been the number one hardest thing for me to do. Why? Because, I want to be in control of my life. I have had to confess trust and confidence issues to the LORD, which we are working on.

When I was preparing to teach “Experiencing God” over a year and one half ago, GOD revealed to me a number of barriers I had that prevented me from experiencing HIM. My prayer is that through this series of study GOD will reveal Himself to each of you. And HE will reveal Himself in such a way that everyone will see, through the eyes of their heart, the joy of living life to the max through a loving and intimate relationship with HIM.

It is all about choices. Whom shall we serve, self or GOD?

In recent studies of the Old Testament, GOD revealed how the journey of the Israelites reflects our journey as a Christian. We journey from the bondage of sin and death to the miracle of the rebirth through CHRIST. Then we journey toward the Promised Land either serving our LORD and entering the Promised Land or serving self and wandering in the wilderness.

In the Book of Isaiah, GOD is revealing through Isaiah prophesy concerning the Israelites. The Israelites know GOD but they refuse to repent. Their worship is empty. GOD will bring judgment upon them unless they repent. They will be captured and taken away. But a remnant will be salvaged and made into a righteous people. Isaiah is replete with prophesy regarding the coming of the Messiah. CHRIST “in us” the hope of glory. Let’s begin our journey. GOD’S nature is to seek and save the lost. We see HIS nature reflected in HIS pursuit of Israel. HE pursues the lost today. Just as Isaiah was GOD’S representative to the people of Israel, we as Christians are HIS representatives to the lost and wayward people today.

But we have to be prepared to be spiritually available for GOD to speak through us.

Let’s review some of the history. Most Bible scholars believe that the Prophet Isaiah’s ministry was likely between 740 and 690 BC.

Israel was united under the leadership of King David and his son King Solomon but in 930 BC Israel was divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

GOD’S focus, in the opening verses of Isaiah, are primarily on the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Judah was ruled by a succession of kings, some Godly and others wicked. Isaiah predicted a time when the Babylonians (Baghdad/Iraq) would destroy Judah and capture the Israelites. This happened in 586 BC. GOD revealed through Isaiah the prophesies that after a time of exile, Cyrus the King of Persia would permit the Israelites to return to Canaan and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and the wall. The prophecies in Isaiah covered the fall of both the Southern and the Northern Kingdoms and the rebuilding of Jerusalem.

GOD had warned the Israelites to stop worshiping idols and to find hope in the true, living GOD. When I think of Israel during these times, I think of a wheel. They would rebel against GOD, GOD would punish them, the Israelites would repent and return to the true worship GOD. Then the cycle would be repeated.

Does this remind us of America? What happened after 911? America returned to the LORD and returned to the church for a brief period. Now we have slipped away, again.

Our scripture begins with the Prophet Isaiah whose remarks are being directed to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. These prophecies were given about 700 BC.

Let’s read Isaiah 1:2-4:

2 Listen, heavens, and pay attention, earth, for the Lord has spoken: “I have raised children[3] Or sons and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. 3 The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master’s feeding–trough, [but]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. Israel does not know; My people do not understand.” 4 Oh—sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity, brood of evildoers, depraved children![4] Or sons They have abandoned the Lord; they have despised the Holy One of Israel; they have turned their backs [on Him]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. .

The opening remarks are like the opening for a court of law. The heavens and the earth have been summoned as witnesses. Do you recall in our pervious lessons in the Old Testament scripture the stones of remembrance? GOD is calling the heavens and earth as witnesses for HIS accusations against the Israelites.
The opening is the judge’s opening statement reviewing GOD’S gracious acts toward HIS people and the specific charge.

Verse 2 – GOD called the heavens and earth to listen and pay attention. GOD puts into perspective the relationship between HIM and the Israelites. It is a relationship where GOD views Himself as the FATHER and Israel as the child. It is a loving intimate personal relationship but Israel has rebelled against this relationship.

It reminds me of the teenage years, most of us or our children go through.

Verse 3 – GOD uses an example that even dumb animals like the ox and donkey know who takes care of them. But Israel you do not even acknowledge the ONE WHO has cared for you and performed mighty acts to deliver you. Intelligent people like you should know WHO takes care of you.

This is GOD’S attempt to wake the people up and get them to see the error of their way and repent.

Verse 4 – The sin of the people is a national sin. All of the people are caught up in sin and they are teaching their children to sin as well. The nation has deteriorated into a brood of evildoers.

They have abandoned the LORD, despised the Holy ONE of Israel and turned their backs on HIM.

The people are determined not to worship the covenant GOD of Israel.

Let’s read Isaiah 1:10-15:

10 Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom! Listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah! 11 “What are all your sacrifices to Me?” asks the Lord. “I have had enough of • burnt offerings and rams and the fat of well–fed cattle; I have no desire for the blood of bulls, lambs, or male goats. 12 When you come to appear before Me, who requires this from you— [this]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. trampling of My courts? 13 Stop bringing useless offerings. I despise [your]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. incense. New Moons and Sabbaths, and the calling of solemn assemblies— I cannot stand iniquity with a festival. 14 I hate your New Moons and prescribed festivals. They have become a burden to Me; I am tired of putting up with [them]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. . 15 When you lift up your hands [in prayer]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. , I will refuse to look at you; even if you offer countless prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.

WOW!!! GOD is really angry with the people of Israel. HE compares them to Sodom and Gomorrah. The Israelites knew what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. GOD was making a desperate effort to get their attention.

Don’t we, as loving and caring parents, make the same plea when we see our children going astray? We know the consequences of their actions. We try to prevent them from having to be hurt because we love them. But what happens? Often they must experience the pain of their actions, before they will repent and decide to turn their life around.

This takes a decision. GOD never overrides our right to choose.

Let’s see what disgusts GOD and makes HIM sick.

The Israelites were going through their worship activities. They were offering burnt offerings, they were observing all the rituals of worship yet GOD was not pleased. Why?

They were going through the motions of worship and their hearts were not in worshiping GOD.

WOW!!! Is this relevant today? You bet it is.

This opened my eyes to worshiping GOD with the wrong attitude and heart. How often do we go to church and sing hymns, give our money, take the LORD’S supper, pray, even lift up our hands to the LORD but our hearts are cold. We are going through the motions. It is the expected thing to do. We are putting on a show for our friends and GOD is getting sick.

This lesson is so vital to us today. If we harbor any ill will toward GOD that prevents us from worshiping HIM in spirit and truth, we need to confess it right now. If we harbor ill will toward a brother or sister, we need to confess it now. If we have unconfessed sin in our lives, we need to confess it now. Do not let a moment go by without laying all of our cares, concerns, questions and problems before the LORD. HE wants us to come to HIM with a pure heart. When we have a broken heart, HE wants to be the ONE to help us repair it.

When we worship our LORD this Sunday, let’s come to HIM with nothing hidden from HIM. HE will restore our joy of fellowship and worship of HIM.

Let’s read Isaiah 1: 16-20:

16 “Wash yourselves. Cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil. 17 Learn to do what is good. Seek justice. Correct the oppressor.[6] Or Aid the oppressed Defend the rights of the fatherless. Plead the widow’s cause. 18 “Come, let us discuss this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. 20 But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

GOD is telling the Israelites that nothing is impossible with HIM. Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow.

I did not realize until preparing for this lesson that the term “scarlet” means double dyed. Being an old textile man who worked in the dye house at one time, I know about dying cloth and fibers. When they double dyed cloth in bible times it meant the dye would penetrate to the core of the fiber. This meant the dye or the color would remain until the cloth wore out. In order to remove the color, you would destroy the fabric. However, GOD is saying HE is the only ONE WHO can take a double dyed fabric and bleach it white with out destroying the fabric. HE is the only ONE WHO can restore a life that has been changed by the things of the world to its original state.

GOD is telling the people of Israel to make a choice; repent of their evil doing and embrace HIM. As evidence of a change in their hearts put into action the things that please HIM. However, if you refuse, the consequence will be punishment.

So what is the message to us today?

Don’t sing songs, praise HIS name or lift your hands to HIM unless you mean it. Empty worship makes HIM sick.

Revelation 3:15-16:

15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot.
16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit[14] Or spit you out of My mouth.

If your worship is empty, then stop, confess it to GOD, repent and decide to let GOD control your life.

Verse 18 is a precious verse. It is a key verse, if you want to have an intimate loving relationship with GOD, through CHRIST. GOD is saying “Come let us discuss.” This is step one in building any relationship. Let’s sit together and discuss our relationship. Is there anything that we need to resolve or get into the open to remove any barriers, before we begin or continue building our relationship? We cannot harbor ill feelings and have a healthy relationship.

Who do we need to go to first? GOD! Do not hold back anything. Lay it all on the table. Give GOD the opportunity to help build the relationship with you.

The people of the Old Testament had GOD “with them” but we have GOD “in us”, through the saving grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The people of the Old Testament were looking forward to the coming of CHRIST. Christians are enjoying the fact that JESUS has come and sent the HOLY SPIRIT to indwell each Christian. We have the joy of living in the light of this knowledge. We are anticipating and are looking forward to HIS return. But until HIS return, we are to be about HIS business.

GOD has equipped us with the HOLY SPIRIT to be HIS people and to obediently serve HIM. Christians are equipped; better than any people ever before, to serve HIM. Christians have no excuse not to serve HIM. Let’s be about HIS business!

GOD spoke through the Prophet Isaiah in the Old Testament. Through whom does GOD speak today?

GOD reveals HIS message through the pastors, evangelists, teachers and each Christian today. Since all Christians have the HOLY SPIRIT, what is GOD revealing through the living body of CHRIST the true church? This is why we must have a loving intimate relationship with GOD. GOD is speaking through HIS children all over the world today. What is HIS message through each Christian? When we listen to our brothers and sisters in CHRIST, what do we hear them say about what the LORD is revealing to them or teaching them or the work HE is leading them to join HIM in?

Do you want to live life to the max? Then begin by asking GOD to search your heart and reveal anything that is a barrier to worshiping HIM in spirit and truth and serving HIM.


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