Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Philip: Faith Leads to Witnessing - Acts 8:4-8, 26-40 - June 18, 2006

Sunday School Lesson – Philip: Faith Leads to Witnessing – June 18, 2006

This is lesson three (3) in our series “Godly Men of Faith.”

Our Scripture is Acts 8:4-8 and Acts 8:26-40.

First of all I learned something. I thought Philip the Apostle was also the Philip in our lesson but he is not. Bible scholars think Philip was converted to Christianity during the out pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT at Pentecost in Jerusalem. In the following scripture we learn about the character of Philip in verse 3.

Acts 6:1-6:
Seven Chosen to Serve – Somewhat a Benevolence Committee.
1 In those days, as the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint by the Hellenistic Jews[1] Jews of Gk language and culture against the Hebraic Jews[2] Jews of Aram or Hb language and culture that their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution. 2 Then the Twelve summoned the whole company of the disciples and said, “It would not be right for us to give up preaching about God to wait on tables. 3 Therefore, brothers, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we can appoint to this duty. 4 But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the preaching ministry.” 5 The proposal pleased the whole company. So they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a • proselyte from Antioch. 6 They had them stand before the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.[3] The laying on of hands signified the prayer of blessing for the beginning of a new ministry.

Since Pentecost many people had been converted to faith in CHRIST in Jerusalem and the surrounding area. Philip is listed in the second place, following Stephen, in the list of seven (7) men. These men were selected to end a dissension between the Greek-speaking widows who complained they were not being treated as well as the Aramaic-speaking widows. The group of seven (7) are to focus on the benevolent part of the Christian ministry and allow the Apostles to focus on prayer and preaching. Philip was a man of good character and is gifted and instrumental in building good relations between people of different backgrounds.

Philip demonstrates through his love, care and service of all people that GOD is no respecter of persons. All people are invited to come to the foot of the cross to accept JESUS as SAVIOR and LORD of their life. This is different from the traditional Jewish religion of that day, because not all people could have the full rights and privileges of worshiping GOD in the temple.

Stephen was also one of the seven (7) selected to serve like Philip. Stephen is mentioned first in the list of seven (7) possibly indicating that he stood out most in having the respect of the people and being a person exemplifying the qualifications needed to be chosen for this service. Stephen not only served but he was also a strong preacher. He preached CHRSIT to the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem which provoked them to kill him by stoning. Stephen is the first Christian martyr.

Saul, who we know later to be Paul, before his conversion to CHRIST, was a soldier guarding the garments of the people who were stoning Stephen. Saul is a Pharisee and was out to crush this new movement against the Jewish religion called “the Way” later to be called “Christianity”.

This is the beginning of Christians being persecuted. The killing of Stephen resulted in the Christians being scattered to other areas of the region. Philip escaped to Samaria. As you may recall the Jews despised the Samaritans. We know the character of Philip and guess where he goes to preach the gospel? Remember Philip is not prejudiced. Our next scripture will tell us.

Let’s read Acts 8:1-8:
Saul the Persecutor
1 Saul agreed with putting him (Stephen) to death. On that day a severe persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout the land of Judea and Samaria. 2 But devout men buried Stephen and mourned deeply over him. 3 Saul, however, was ravaging the church, and he would enter house after house, drag off men and women, and put them in prison.
Philip in Samaria
4 So those who were scattered went on their way proclaiming the message of good news. 5 Philip went down to a[1] Other mss read the city in Samaria and preached the • Messiah to them. 6 The crowds paid attention with one mind to what Philip said, as they heard and saw the signs he was performing. 7 For unclean spirits, crying out with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed, and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city.

Philip goes to Samaria and preaches the gospel of CHRIST. The HOLY SPIRIT manifests the power of CHRIST through many signs and wonders. There is great joy in the city. There is no greater joy than to see our LORD at work in our lives and the lives of people.

The LORD is using Philip in a mighty way in Samaria. Philip is very busy and seeing the HOLY SPIRIT at work in the lives of the people. People are being saved, healed, freed of evil spirits and demons. Philip could see the fruit of his labor in the LORD.

Our next scripture reveals more about the character of Philip. Often when things are going great, we tend to become set-in-our-way. Philip’s ministry is going great when all of a sudden, GOD calls Philip to leave and go to the desert. Philip has to make a decision. The decision Philip makes reveals the relationship Philip has with GOD through CHRIST.

Let’s read Acts 8:26-29:
The Conversion of the Ethiopian Official
26 An angel of the Lord spoke to Philip: “Get up and go south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to desert Gaza.”[8] Perhaps old Gaza or the road near the desert 27 So he got up and went. There was an Ethiopian man, a eunuch and high official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of her entire treasury. He had come to worship in Jerusalem 28 and was sitting in his chariot on his way home, reading the prophet Isaiah aloud. 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go and join that chariot.”

An Angel of the LORD speaks to Philip and tells him to go to the desert. We see that Philip does not question the request but is obedient and goes. This is the type of relationship GOD wants each of us to have with HIM that when HE speaks we act.

Timing is often very critical in matters of the SPIRIT. GOD knows the hearts of those HE is calling to salvation and he knows who is equipped with the character and ability to deliver the message to them.

When GOD calls, know that HE already knows you are equipped to handle the task. Obedience is the key to accomplish GOD’S will and purpose.

Philip could have said “Things are going great here, why would GOD call me to go to the desert? It must not be GOD.” No! Philip is obedient and leaves immediately. There is no hesitation. GOD knows our hearts and HE knows our character.

GOD has a mission for Philip. Philip is obedient and GOD reveals:
v An Ethiopian man – (Ethiopia is the Greek word for burnt face.) This is a black man from an area known for being inhabited with black people or with burnt skin. This area is not to be confused with modern Ethiopia which is much further south. This area was known as the land Of Cush and is located about where the city of Aswan, Egypt is located today. The area is located about two-hundred (200) miles from Jerusalem.
v This man is a Gentile, which would restrict him from fully worshiping GOD in the temple.
v The man is a eunuch – most likely one who had been castrated but eunuch can mean “official”. If the man is a eunuch as a result of castration then his practice of Judaism would have been limited. So he had two (2) things that would limit him in his worship of GOD from a Jewish view-point – Being a Gentile and a eunuch.
v The man served Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. Scholars tell us that Candace was not one (1) queen but referred to any number of queens who ruled the area. They were called “queen mothers”.
v This man happens to be the treasurer, and was in charge of the entire treasury.
v He was riding in a chariot and reading, out loud, Old Testament scripture from the book of Isaiah.
v GOD tells Philip to join that chariot.

It is great when GOD has prepared the opportunity for us to witness to someone. Remember it is GOD WHO calls every person to salvation. GOD knows each person’s heart and when the moment is correct for that person to receive salvation.

We need to keep that in mind when GOD calls us to witness to someone, we may plant a seed, do a little watering, digging around or the moment may be right to reap the harvest of salvation. So do not get discouraged if the person to whom you present the word from the LORD does not pray at that moment to receive CHRIST. Just know that GOD has used you according to HIS plan and purpose. The results are always in GOD’S hands. Our part is to be obedient.

Let’s read Acts 8:30-35:

30 When Philip ran up to it, he heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” 31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone guides me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 32 Now the Scripture passage he was reading was this: He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb is silent before its shearer, so He does not open His mouth. 33 In His humiliation justice was denied Him. Who will describe His generation? For His life is taken from the earth.[9] Isaiah 53:7–8 34 The eunuch replied to Philip, “I ask you, who is the prophet saying this about—himself or another person?” 35 So Philip proceeded[10] Lit Philip opened his mouth to tell him the good news about Jesus, beginning from that Scripture. 36 As they were traveling down the road, they came to some water. The eunuch said, “Look, there’s water! What would keep me from being baptized?”

When GOD presents us with opportunity, HE also gives us the entry point. The Ethiopian had likely purchased a copy of the Septuagint or copied some of the scripture during his visit to Jerusalem. This shows he is very interested in knowing the scripture and knowing GOD.

v The Ethiopian is reading the scripture out loud. There is speculation that the manner in which scripture was written that it was hard to follow, so he was reading it out loud to maintain his train of thought. The key is the man was reading out loud so Philip had an entry point to witness to him. (Based upon what is recorded, it is believed he is reading from the Greek version of the Old Testament called the Septuagint.)
v Philip asks the leading question, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
v The Ethiopian gives Philip the opportunity to talk with him about spiritual things by asking him to help him to understand what he was reading.
v The Ethiopian was reading Isaiah 53:7-8. Philip knows the scripture and just a few pages over in Isaiah 56:3-5 it is likely Philip spoke some very comforting words to the Ethiopian eunuch -
3 No foreigner who has converted to the Lord should say, “The Lord will exclude me from His people”; and the eunuch should not say, “Look, I am a dried–up tree.” 4 For the Lord says this: “For the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold firmly to My covenant, 5 I will give them, in My house and within My walls, a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters. I will give each [of them]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. an everlasting name that will never be cut off.
v It is likely the Ethiopian eunuch being a Gentile and a eunuch was limited in his worship of GOD in the temple in Jerusalem. Philip has the opportunity to not only tell him of CHRIST but that all people are included to receive CHRIST. No restrictions. WOW! Isn’t GOD great! He had the Ethiopian in the exact place in the scripture that he needed to be to receive salvation and to know he had all the rights and privileges of being born into GOD’S family.
v Philip presents the gospel of CHRIST to the man and he accepts CHRIST because when he sees water he wants to know if he can be baptized.
v The way the man asks the question about baptism implies that he had witnessed some restrictions in his worship in Jerusalem. This is a probing question to determine if being a follower of CHRIST also has prejudicial restrictions.

Let’s see how Philip responded to the question as we read Acts 8:36-40:

37 And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart you may.” And he replied, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”][11] Other mss omit bracketed text 38 Then he ordered the chariot to stop, and both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him any longer. But he went on his way rejoicing. 40 Philip appeared in[12] Or Philip was found at, or Philip found himself in Azotus,[13] Or Ashdod and passing through, he was evangelizing all the towns until he came to Caesarea.

The Ethiopian responds with a resounding statement of faith in CHRIST and Philip proceeds with the baptism.

Some scholars believe that Philip’s statement was a typical statement to be made before each new believer was baptized.

The chariot is ordered to be stopped and they got out of the chariot, both enter the water and the Ethiopian eunuch is immersed completely under water. The Greek word used for baptism means to be fully immersed under water.

Baptism without faith in CHRIST is meaningless. Baptism has no saving power. It is faith in CHRIST that qualifies a person to receive believer’s baptism.

When they come up out of the water, the words used indicate that Philip was spirited away. Philip vanished and the Ethiopian eunuch did not see him again. That must have been an exciting journey for Philip.

The Ethiopian continues on his journey rejoicing because of his new relationship with CHRIST.
Philip is sent to another city, Azotus (uh-ZOH-tuhs), where he preaches. He preaches in towns in the surrounding area until he comes to Caesarea (sess uh REE uh).

Some twenty (20) years later, we learn from the next scripture that Philip settled in Caesarea where he married and they have four (4) daughters. The daughters are also called by GOD to prophesy.

Let’s read Acts 21:7-9:

7 When we completed our voyage from Tyre, we reached Ptolemais, where we greeted the brothers and stayed with them one day. 8 The next day we left and came to Caesarea, where we entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the Seven,[1] Ac 6:1–7 and stayed with him. 9 This man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.

Paul visits Philip in Caesarea about twenty (20) years later. Philip is going strong, preaching the gospel of CHRIST.

When GOD calls us to witness for HIM, HE has prepared the way. We have been chosen and GOD knows we are the ones to bear witness and that we are equipped for the assignment.

GOD works within each person and prepares them to receive salvation. GOD most often chooses Christians to bear witness to that person. Some people are led to salvation by reading the scripture. Our personal testimony is one of the most powerful and effective tools we can us when we witness to others. Our testimony will vary with each person. Some may think I do not have a dynamic testimony like some other people I have heard. I tell you an acquaintance of mine accepted CHRIST when he was about nine (9) years old and grew with the LORD. When he gave his testimony people always responded. GOD’S word is the power; GOD’S word is the seed that will produce salvation. Our part is to be obedient to the message GOD wants us to deliver.

When GOD chooses us, HE already knows that what we have to say is exactly what that person needs to hear. Our role may be to plant a seed or answer some question(s) or be a friend to nurture or reap the harvest of salvation. We must trust our LORD with the results.

The key is to respond when our LORD prompts us to act. If you are willing HE will give you opportunities which will build your confidence and trust in HIM. The gospel of CHRIST is for ALL.

I know the first time I witnessed to a person I was scared. He was a big burley man. I gave him my testimony. When I finished, he turned and looked at me and said, “I have been thinking about things like this lately.” He did not pray to receive CHRIST. Our paths have never crossed again but I trust that our encounter was exactly what the LORD wanted for this man to one day receive CHRIST as his SAVIOR and LORD.


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