Paying A Price To Serve GOD - Jeremiah 26:1-16 - February 12, 2006
Sunday School Lesson – Paying a Price to Serve GOD
February 12, 2006
This is lesson two (2) in our series “Serving on Purpose.”
When GOD calls there is a price to pay:
We have to make a decision whether or not to accept.
We have to get beyond our ability and embrace HIS ability.
When we accept, we may have to be trained for the call.
We may have to relocate to another city, state, country, culture, etc.
We or our family may face danger or death.
We may have to live in substandard conditions or in areas with little or no health care or sanitary conditions.
And the list goes on and on.
GOD is all knowing, so why would GOD call a person to an assignment that would result in their death or the death of a family member? Or call someone to present a message that HE already knows will fall upon spiritually deaf ears?
GOD is all knowing but HIS foreknowledge does not force people to choose. If GOD acted on HIS foreknowledge and withheld HIS message, people would not be given the opportunity to choose, repent or respond.
When GOD calls people to serve HIM, HE gives them specific instructions and they are to follow exactly.
In our scripture last week GOD gave Jeremiah specifics. Let’s review some of these verses.
Jeremiah 1:7-10; 17-19:
“7 Then the Lord said to me: Do not say: I am [only]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. a youth, for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you.[3] Dt 18:18 8 Do not be afraid of anyone, for I will be with you to deliver you. [This is]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. the Lord’s declaration. 9 Then the Lord reached out His hand, touched my mouth,[4] Isa 6:7 and told me: Look, I have filled your mouth with My words.[5] Isa 51:16 10 See, today I have set you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.[6] Jr 12:14–17; 19:7; 24:6
Jr 7:17–20; 44:3–6; Dt 29:25–27 17 “Now, get ready. Stand up and tell them everything that I command you. Do not be intimidated by them or I will cause you to cower before them.[10] Jr 10:2 18 Today, I am the One who has made you a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests, and the population. 19 They will fight against you but never prevail over you, since I am with you to rescue you.” [This is]*The bracketed text has been added for clarity. the Lord’s declaration.
When GOD calls us to serve HIM we need to pay special attention to what HE tells us because as an old preacher used to say, “What we learn in the light we have to practice in the dark.” Jeremiah will face dark moments in his life. In today’s study, Jeremiah will be in a situation that could be very intimidating and frightening to anyone. During these situations we have to recall what GOD told us and rest in the security of HIS sovereignty.
Keep in mind GOD’S message to Jeremiah, “speak exactly what I tell you.” In other words, do not try to make MY message sound any other way than what I have told you. Do not water it down. Why? GOD has a plan and a purpose. HE wants us to be consistent with what we say in HIS behalf. During tense moments, when we are under pressure, we do not want to step outside GOD’S protection by being disobedient and watering down GOD’S message.
Remember Moses? GOD told Moses to speak to the rock for water to come forth but Moses struck the rock. Water came forth but not as GOD had commanded Moses to act. Result, Moses did not get to enter the Promised Land. GOD requires complete obedience to what HE tells us.
Even JESUS said, “I do nothing on MY on but only what THE FATHER shows/tells ME.”
John 5:19-20:
19 Then Jesus replied, “• I assure you: The Son is not able to do anything on His own, but only what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father[6] Lit whatever that One does, the Son also does these things in the same way. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows Him everything He is doing, and He will show Him greater works than these so that you will be amazed.
So when GOD calls you for an assignment, pay attention to what GOD tells you and confirms to you through HIS WORD.
Let’s examine the interaction of GOD and Jeremiah.
Let’s read Jeremiah 26:1-7: Jeremiah’s Speech at the Temple
1 At the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim[1] 2 Kg 23:34—24:6; 2 Ch 36:4–8 son of Josiah, king of Judah, this word came from the Lord: 2 “This is what the Lord says: Stand in the courtyard of the Lord’s temple and speak all the words I have commanded you to speak to all Judah’s cities that are coming to worship there. Do not hold back a word.[2] Dt 4:2; Ec 3:14 3 Perhaps they will listen and return—each from his evil way of life—so that I might relent[3] Ex 32:12,14; Am 7:3,6; Jnh 3:9–10 concerning the disaster that I plan to do to them because of the evil of their deeds. 4 You are to say to them: This is what the Lord says: If you do not listen to Me by living according to My law that I set before you 5 and by listening to the words of My servants the prophets I have been sending you time and time again,[4] Lit you, rising early and sending though you did not listen, 6 I will make this temple like Shiloh.[5] Jos 18:1,8–10; 21:2; 1 Sm 1:3 I will make this city an object of cursing for all the nations of the earth.”
Jeremiah Seized
7 The priests, the prophets, and all the people heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the temple of the Lord.
Verse 1 sets the time period of this event.
GODLY leadership of a country is critical for GOD’S care of a country. In the case of Judah the king, priests, prophets (except Jeremiah) and even the people are not serving GOD as GOD had instructed them through HIS prophets and laws.
Josiah was the king of Judah when Jeremiah was called by GOD to become a prophet. Josiah feared (revered) GOD but was killed in 609 B.C. during a battle. The Israelites made Josiah’s son Jehoahaz the king of Judah. Jehoahaz did not fear GOD, as his father but his reign only lasted three (3) months for he was deposed by Pharaoh Neco of Egypt who made Jehoahaz’s brother Jehoiakim king of Judiah in 609/608 B.C. Neither does Jehoiakim fear GOD, as his father. Jehoiakim did evil in GOD’S sight.
Nebuchadnezzar defeated Egypt at the battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C., and then marched through Judah and Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar made Jehoiakim his vassal for three (3) years.
At the beginning of the reign of king Jehoiakim “the word came from THE LORD” to Jeremiah. GOD tells Jeremiah exactly where to go to deliver HIS message, the courtyard of the temple. This is the outer court of the temple where worshipers gather to worship.
The people are coming to the temple so why is GOD not pleased with that? GOD told Jeremiah to go to the very place where if anyone would ever be inclined to hear and respond to HIS message, it would be the one’s going to the temple to worship.
Does this ring a bell for us today? Do we go to church simply to go through the motion of worship? Or do we go to church to have an encounter with the living dynamic loving creator of the universe, GOD through HIS ONLY SON JESUS?
GOD gives HIS message to Jeremiah. Jeremiah is to speak just exactly what GOD tells him at the spot GOD tells him. Worshipers from every city of Judah will be coming there to worship.
GOD’S hope is that the people or priests or prophets will respond to the message by repenting and GOD will not have to bring disaster upon them.
Preachers today have to deliver GOD’S message just as GOD wants it delivered but it is up to the people to respond to the message. GOD always leaves the choice to us as individuals and GOD speaks to us through THE HOLY SPIRIT and we likewise have a choice to respond.
Jeremiah delivers the exact message as GOD had instructed. Unless the people repent and obey the law GOD had given them through the prophets, GOD would destroy the temple and the Jerusalem. GOD told Jeremiah to compare the destruction to that of Shiloh.
Shiloh was a town in the territory of Ephraim about 30 miles north of Jerusalem. It was the location of the first tabernacle and the place where the prophet Samuel grew up. It was the central place of worship and where the “ark of the covenant” was kept until the Israelites sinned. GOD allowed the city to be destroyed and the ark taken, most likely by the Philistines about 1053 B.C., according to archaeological discoveries. Shiloh was a grim reminder of the consequences of sin.
This comparison infuriated the prophets, priests and the people who were listening to Jeremiah. How dare Jeremiah say such blasphemous words at the temple.
The people respond but not as GOD had hoped.
We are told the priests, prophets and people heard his message. It is good they heard the message, now they all have a decision to make. So how do they respond?
Let’s read Jeremiah 26:8-14
8 He finished the address the Lord had commanded him to deliver to all the people. Then the priests, the prophets, and all the people took hold of him, yelling, “You must surely die! 9 How dare you prophesy in the name of the Lord, ‘This temple will become like Shiloh and this city will become an uninhabited ruin’!” Then all the people assembled against Jeremiah at the Lord’s temple. 10 When the officials of Judah heard these things, they went up from the king’s palace to the Lord’s temple and sat at the entrance of the New Gate.[6] Some Hb mss, Syr, Tg, Vg add of the house [7] Jr 36:10; Ezk 46:1,3 11 Then the priests and prophets said to the officials and all the people, “This man deserves the death sentence because he has prophesied against this city, as you have heard with your own ears.”
Jeremiah’s Defense
12 Then Jeremiah said to all the officials and the people, “The Lord sent me to prophesy all the words that you have heard against this temple and city. 13 So now, correct your ways and deeds[8] Jr 7:3–5; 18:11; 26:13 and obey the voice of the Lord your God so that He might relent concerning the disaster that He warned about. 14 As for me, here I am in your hands; do to me what you think is good and right.
The priests, prophets and people react as a mob. They shout at Jeremiah and tell him he must die for making such horrible statements. They know better, GOD would never destroy HIS temple or HIS city.
Still today, we place our security in artifacts and shrines rather than placing our faith in the living GOD WHO indwells all who have CHRIST in them because of rebirth. The priests, prophets and people all thought because they had made and looked upon the temple and the city as holy, GOD would never destroy it. They failed to see that obeying GOD is what pleases GOD. It is not how holy we think something is that pleases GOD. Sometimes we use the cross or the church as good luck charms thinking GOD will protect us if we wear a cross or run to the church in danger.
It is interesting that the government officials were not at the temple to hear Jeremiah’s first message. But they heard what was going on at the temple and came to the temple. Guess what? They needed to hear GOD’S message as well. The outburst of the priests, prophets and people was a way to get the government officials to the temple to hear the message.
So Jeremiah repeats the message of THE LORD. Now through these circumstances GOD has arranged the spiritual leaders, government leaders and the people representing the area surrounding Jerusalem all to hear GOD’S message.
Notice how GOD works. HE gets the decision makers together to give them an opportunity to make the right decision to repent. They all listen, some for the second time.
What do you think is going through Jeremiah’s mind? If it were me I would be concerned. It is a potentially dark time for Jeremiah because the people have shouted, “You must die!” This is when Jeremiah and any of us would have to remember what GOD had told us about what HE would do for us during such times. Jeremiah had to remember in the dark what he had learned in he light.
I would roll over in my mind, “Did I give the message just like GOD told me? I am sure I did. I did not leave out a single word HE told me to say. Okay. I can rest in THE LORD because HE told me HE would deliver me.”
So the prophet Jeremiah says to them, I have spoken as GOD has instructed me, now do with me what ever is right. WOW! What confidence in GOD. He said it with calm assurance that GOD was in control not the mob or the government officials. He remembered he was not to be intimidated by powerful people or anyone.
Let’s read Jeremiah 26:15-16:
15 But know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood[9] Jr 22:17; Dt 19:10; 2 Kg 24:4 on yourselves, on this city, and on its residents, for it is certain the Lord has sent me to speak all these things directly to you.”
Jeremiah Released
16 Then the officials and all the people told the priests and prophets, “This man doesn’t deserve the death sentence, for he has spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God!”
Jeremiah speaks with confidence because he knows he has spoken exactly what THE LORD has asked him to speak. He reminds them that if they kill him they will be shedding innocent blood. The Jews did not want to shed innocent blood because they believe shedding innocent blood would bring the punishment of GOD upon them and their city. Those with authority to make the decision of life or death for Jeremiah decided that Jeremiah had spoken the truth.
Did they finally understand what GOD was trying to tell them? Or was this a ploy on their part to spare Jeremiah’s life in hopes that GOD would not carry out HIS plan to reduce the temple and the city to rubble, like Shiloh? We know the rest of the story, they did not obey GOD and GOD did what HE said HE would do unless they repented.
GOD places HIS people in key positions to obey HIM and to speak when prompted. We must make sure nothing, such as sin or indifference (which is sin) blocks us from hearing HIS voice and responding as HE prompts us.
The religious leaders of Jeremiah’s day could not see or hear the message of GOD because they had fallen away from GOD.
This is only one of many lives that could be used to illustrate the price GOD’S servants have to pay when serving HIM. The movie that has just been released, “The Point of the Spear” is another example of the price paid for serving CHRIST.
The key is, GOD is in control and is sovereign. We must trust HIM with the outcome of a call HE gives to us. I am convinced that those who have given their lives either in death or to serve CHRIST, reap a reward in heaven that our minds cannot even begin to comprehend.
This world is not our home; we are but weary travelers passing through.
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