Bible Study

This is a copy of the Sunday School Lessons presented to an adult class each Sunday.

Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Retired, Lobbyist in Washington,DC - Management - BS Chemistry and various continuing education courses

Monday, October 31, 2005

Live in GOD'S Peace

Sunday School Lesson – Live in GOD’S Peace – October 16, 2005

This is our third lesson in our series “Being Holy in an Unholy World”.

Our scripture is taken from Ephesians 2: 11-22

Paul is reminding the Christians in the area of Ephesus, as well as us today, to remember our past. He is not saying to remember the sinful things but to remember that we were once separated from GOD, because of our sin.

All of us were once sinners and don’t forget it. We were once unholy in a Holy world. When we contrast our fallen or unholy state to our born-again or Holy state it helps us to understand GOD’S peace in our life, HIS great gift to us and to know we are part of the living body, the true church, which is being built by GOD.

Our world has seen and continues to see much prejudice. Prejudice between the Jews and Gentiles was rampant when Paul wrote Ephesians. The Jews considered all people who were not Jews to be Gentiles.

The Jewish race knew they were the chosen by GOD. They were chosen by their birthright. Those born a Jew considered those not born a Jew to be second class when it came to the things of GOD. A Gentile could come to the temple but there was a wall that separated the Jews from the Gentiles. Paul was almost killed because the Jews thought Paul had brought a Gentile into the Jewish area of the temple.

Sometimes we, who know CHRIST, can be spiritually arrogant; especially if GOD has manifested HIMSELF through us by one or more of the Gifts of THE SPIRIT. Some Christians think all Christians must at least have the gift of speaking in tongues.

GOD revealed years ago there is the gift of tongues but also that HE speaks in many different ways and not to forget that English is a tongue. It is unknown to some. It just happens to be known to us who speak English.

GOD gives each of us gifts of THE SPIRIT but the most important desire of our heart needs to be for us to seek? You got it, a loving intimate relationship with HIM.

Then as HE sees fit, HE will manifest HIMSELF through our lives with HIS power or special spiritual gifts to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. All the gifts of THE SPIRIT are available to us but HE chooses what we receive and when we receive them.

When we have the right relationship with GOD and HE manifest’s HIMSELF in our lives through miracles, wonders or gifts, we know it is GOD, because all power is in HIS hands. It keeps us from getting the big-head, conceited or spiritually arrogant. It is GOD working through us to accomplish HIS work.

So Paul tells us all to remember where we came from as expressed in the following scripture.

Let’s Read Ephesians 2: 11-13
Unity in Christ
11 So then, remember that at one time you were Gentiles in the flesh—called “the uncircumcised” by those called “the circumcised,” done by hand in the flesh. 12 At that time you were without the Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Israel, and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, with no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah.

Paul uses the words “so then” or “in conclusion” which is based upon last week’s scripture. As you recall in last week’s lesson, we studied that salvation is the result of GOD’S grace.
We died when CHRIST died, we were buried with CHRIST, we were resurrected with CHRIST, we were made alive with CHRIST, we ascended with CHRIST into heaven and our citizenship is now in heaven. We have a new eternal existence through the miracle of rebirth. There is a continuum of our born-again life with GOD that was not possible with our natural life. But we had to be born into our natural life to be eligible to receive eternal life from GOD through CHRIST.

There is nothing man-kind or any human can do to earn their acceptance by GOD. However, CHRIST is freely available to everyone who will accept HIM. HE is THE WAY to GOD; the only way.

(If some of you have a problem with CHRIST being the only way, let’s discuss.)

So Paul is saying “so then” or “in conclusion”, you have a lot to get excited about being a Christian but do not let it go to your head. Remember where you came from. You were in a fallen state, separated from GOD by your sins, in a situation from which you could not escape, you were helpless but you have been born into GOD’S family and given a Holy status through CHRIST in GOD’S Kingdom.

The Jews had their ceremonies, laws, rituals and prided themselves in having access to GOD and the Gentiles were considered out-casts by the Jews. The Jews prided themselves in the fact they were circumcised and they referred to the Gentiles as “uncircumcised”. Paul is telling the Gentiles not to let circumcision become a stumbling block to them because circumcision is simply a ritual performed by the hands of man. It had meaning but that meaning has been fulfilled through the obedience of CHRIST. CHRIST fulfilled the law when HE gave HIMSELF as THE SINLESS LAMB and died upon THE CROSS.

CHRIST’S obedience fulfilled the law, which nullified all the rituals and ceremonies that went along with being under the law. The Jews tried to obey the law and all the rituals that were required. They had to go through an earthly Priest, who would offer sacrifices to GOD, first on their own behalf, as a sinner and then on behalf of the people. Now because of CHRIST whether a person is a Jew, Gentile, male, female, rich, poor, slave, free or any number of characteristics we as humans use to label other humans, we all have access to GOD. We approach GOD directly.

Paul tells them, that through CHRIST, THE MESSIAH you Gentiles and Jews are bonded together. You have a common bond and neither can claim spiritual pride based upon your birth as a Jew or Gentile. CHRIST settled it all at THE CROSS.

This is true for us today. We as Christian’s have a common bond with all Christians regardless of race, social status, color, language, economics, etc. As those who know THE TRUTH, we cannot let prejudice prevent us from sharing the good news of CHRIST to all.

As Christians we all share in the promises GOD made with Abraham and the patriarchs throughout history. We have been born into HIS family and all the rights and privileges are imputed to us.

Let’ Read Ephesians 2:14-18

14 For He is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility. In His flesh, 15 He did away with the law of the commandments in regulations, so that He might create in Himself one new man from the two, resulting in peace. 16 [He did this so]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. that He might reconcile both to God in one body through the cross and put the hostility to death by it.[7] Or death in Himself 17 When [Christ]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. came, He proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.

Verse 14 – CHRIST makes peace in our hearts and with each other, as Christians. Because HE broke the invisible wall that divides us as humans and we all come to HIM the same way. Our common bond is CHRIST and we are brothers and sisters in CHRIST because we all have the same spiritual FATHER, GOD.

As mentioned earlier, when Paul wrote Ephesians the Jewish temple still had the dividing wall which separated the Jews from the Gentiles. Since, that wall still existed in Judaism; Paul used the wall as a metaphor to illustrate the oneness that Christians have in CHRIST. CHRIST broke the invisible wall of prejudice which can separate humans.

We all come to CHRIST the same way. No one can claim spiritual pride or arrogance.

GOD’S plan through CHRIST is to have a unified body to serve HIM. This body is living and although it is made up of many parts it functions as one body with CHRIST as the head. Christians are the arms, legs, ears, eyes, mouth, etc. Paul uses the human body to explain this in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 copied below.
Unity Yet Diversity in the Body
12 For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body—so also is Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. 14 So the body is not one part but many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I’m not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,” in spite of this it still belongs to the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I’m not an eye, I don’t belong to the body,” in spite of this it still belongs to the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But now God has placed the parts, each one of them, in the body just as He wanted. 19 And if they were all the same part, where would the body be? 20 Now there are many parts, yet one body. 21 So the eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” nor again the head to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, all the more, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 And those parts of the body that we think to be less honorable, we clothe these with greater honor, and our unpresentable parts have a better presentation. 24 But our presentable parts have no need [of clothing]* The bracketed text has been added for clarity. . Instead, God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the less honorable, 25 so that there would be no division in the body, but that the members would have the same concern for each other. 26 So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it. 28 And God has placed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, next, miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, managing, various kinds of languages. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all do miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in languages? Do all interpret? 31 But desire the greater gifts. And I will show you an even better way.

To me this scripture illustrates what Paul is trying to tell us. As Christians, GOD has a special place for each of us to serve HIM.

GOD fits us into the exact place HE wants us to serve HIM within the body of CHRIST.

Paul develops this point more in the next scripture.

Let’s Read Ephesians 2:19-22

19So then you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. 21 The whole building is being fitted together in Him and is growing into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit.

The chief designer and architect of this building is GOD.

It is a unique building which is not a fixed, stationary building but a living building that moves and functions as our human body. It is fashioned with living stones and CHRIST is the cornerstone.

The cornerstone is the part of the building that is structurally critical and determines the position of the rest of the building. It is foundational.

It is fitting that Paul refers to CHRIST as the cornerstone. GOD is building a living building. The moment CHRIST gave HIS life for the sins of man-kind; the veil of the temple that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple was torn from top to bottom. Why from the top to bottom? Because GOD tore it and HE wanted all to know that HE tore it. CHRIST’S death permit’s all who accept CHRIST as SAVIOR to approach GOD directly and no longer go through an earthly Priest. What a blessing and gift of grace.

Since CHIRST’S death, resurrection and ascension GOD has not dwelt in a physical building or temple made from human hands but indwells each Christian, whose body is the temple of THE HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore GOD dwells in a spiritual temple, not made by hands, that covers the earth.

Just think we, as Christians, have GOD in us. Every place we set our feet is Holy Ground because CHRIST is in us. We are a vital part of the living building that GOD is fashioning.

It is a living building that is still growing each moment a fellow Christian is born into GOD’S Kingdom and becomes a part of this living dynamic building.

GOD is the potter, we are the clay. GOD is making us and molding us into just the right Christian designed to serve HIM within this body or spiritual building according to HIS plan.

Our part is to be willing for GOD to make out of our life just what HE wants.

You guessed it again. It is all about relationship.


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